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Messages - TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames

Off Topic / Post a Picture of Yourself!
Jan 10, 2018, 02:29 AM
I found a unicorn. My expression clearly shows that I am about to overdose on an explosion of SNEStalgia.

Off Topic / So, What are you listening to CD?
Aug 26, 2017, 05:09 AM
Off Topic / So, What are you listening to CD?
Aug 12, 2017, 01:03 AM
I'm rediscovering how much I love Guilty Gear's music. This is what happens when a musician makes a fighting game.

Also, , you might just love FF6 as much as I do. Have you seen anything Overclocked Remix did? Jake Kaufman (of Shovel Knight fame) did his rendition of the opera scene, and... Bohemian Rhapsody. He made an FF6 Bohemian Rhapsody.

Off Topic / So, What are you listening to CD?
Jul 27, 2017, 01:06 AM
Ask the Staff Anything / Grinding so easy?
Jun 08, 2017, 08:35 PM
L30 Avatar
Maybe I was misunderstood.With my only complaint being rats in sewers giving gold after kill.
I was talking about money grinding not xp grinding so...
Forgive me guys.
Don't worry about it. :) What character(s) do you play? I can try to have my big dude run into one of your characters sometime for RP.
Off Topic / Final Fantasy XIV
Jun 03, 2017, 01:52 PM
I used to play. Actually played it religiously on launch... Made a big, bearded Dragoon. People liked me because I was a Dragoon that knew that Big Circles On The Floor = Pain. :D
I think it's on the Top 3 of best MMO's out right now, but my available free time does not match up with the monthly paid subscription. If anyone's interested, though, I recommend it. Lotta fun.
Player Announcements / Wanted to say sorry!
May 16, 2017, 11:23 PM
first of all how dare you

(Welcome back. :D)
I'm more in agreement with it being Shield AC for the reasons he listed, myself.
Just letting y'all know that this is looking like it might become A Thing! Now that my college crap is taking a break, I'd like to get this going. Anyone that is still interested should throw a reply on this thread, or send me a PM if it's all Top Secret Document stuff.
Fire Wraith Avatar
Probably worth noting that what sort of acts we're talking about matter. You can get away with an occasional act of minor malice, but an occasional genocidal obliteration of an innocent village probably isn't going to go over so well with the celestial powers. ;)

The clip is what makes this a beautiful post.

And yeah, totally agreed. Though I think the spirit of Bella's post was that minor act of malice shouldn't be weighed just as heavily as the genocidal obliteration of an innocent village. But both points are right on the money.
I mean, unless it was my village, and this village had the nerve to not pay their taxes for the third month in a row. They're practically begging for genocide at that point, let's be real.

That being said, I will take this opportunity to give another +3 to Bella's post, capping her at the 4 points any post on the internet is allowed. For posterity, FW's post will be given +2 as well to reach this cap, and I will award myself the cap of 4 internet points for inspiring this discussion in the first place.

Was I just looking for an excuse to use this image after binging clips from the show on YouTube for an hour in my pajama pants? C'mon, don't be silly.

belladonna Avatar
Mar 16, 2017 17:37:32 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
I think you have to be very careful with the idea of "anti-hero as evil" concept. Most anti-heroes are neutral with evil tendencies, based on my observations client-side. If you're primarily NOT evil, but only act evil in certain occasions (not looking after your own self interests, etc etc), then you're not really RPing evil. You're RPing neutral. Though I will note that being selfish and self-serving is in the description of CE. ;)

Evil acts don't make you evil, just as the occasional good act doesn't make you good.

Also, Amanda Waller is flat out lawful evil, not anti-hero. Just because she's doing something "for the greater good" doesn't make her an anti-hero.

But alignment RP/debates are endless.

Player Announcements / A Longer Path
Mar 15, 2017, 04:35 PM
Oh. You're leaving, huh. That's fine. No, really.

(Good luck with life! That sounds like an awful lot to deal with. You got this! See you when things cool down.)
Player Announcements / Out of Hibernation
Mar 14, 2017, 10:21 AM
Welcome back!
Just dropping in to say that this is totally gonna be a thing. Super happy at the number of responses! Once my RL schedule calms the hell down, I will start getting all of the IC stuff rollin'.