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Messages - drakaden

Vincent07 Avatar
Ability to disable traps over a certain DC is hard-coded to the rogue class.  This is an engine limitation and I've no plans to put in a work around for it.   So if you want full mastery over trap removal, you will need rogue levels.
I guess i'll have to make my peace with it then.
Fire Wraith Avatar
You're welcome to switch your class levels, but we're not planning to rethink the limitations on recovering traps anytime soon.
Yea, i understand the concerns behind it, the only alternate bypass i could possibly see, aside from what has been suggested and declined, for an assassin is to make an item in the inventory that act like the trap disabling with it's own rolls and animations, since the trap script hooks does not seems friendly to detect those things.
Vincent07 Avatar
Respawned traps are not recoverable to prevent harvesting in large numbers.  This was done in part because we had more than a few that were doing so and then placing traps in excessive quantities throughout dungeons.  There are no plans to change that at this time.
I suppose i'll temporarily change my class into rogue instead of assassin until a viable option is applied then...
belladonna Avatar
Mar 3, 2016 12:36:46 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
No, we're not interested in that option.
All of the options or just the fencer nerf one?
onivel Avatar
Value on traps vary greatly depending on the type. Some types sell for significantly more than others of the same rating ( Strong, Deadly, Epic etc.

Rogues were often the richest characters on the server due to farming of the traps and selling them. There are some traps out there that sell for more than 4-5k EACH if you know where to find them and have the skills to recover them. So yes, not all traps are going to be recoverable for that very reason. I know on some runs, my rogue has declined to take a share of the spoils because he had collected well more than what his share would have been in the traps collected.
There's ways to fix that, there's the alternative suggested above, or you can greatly nerf the fencer's buying rate.
thorien Avatar
Yes, that was my shot too, but after pillaging the whole maze of traps and selling them for around 4-5k (total, not per each)... Well. :)
They ain't worth all that much money so it's not a huge impact gold-wise thankfully, the only thing it would cause is more traps in circulation, though i can understand the harvest concept, would it be possible to auto destroy traps recovered in the inventory? As long i can remove traps i'm happy with an alternative... Maybe converting them into a small amount of gold then destroy them?
ladybug Avatar
I think it's just that it respawns that the chests are trapped...but not the trap itself. So there's only one trap to recover until the server resets, so if another rogue has already recovered that trap since the last server reset, it's not going to be recoverable again until the server resets completely. So someone else probably just got there first.
That's awfully unconvenient for my character, is there any ways to fix that?
ladybug Avatar
They are recoverable if you get there first. If another rogue grabs them first, they're gone till the server resets. I think there's a few dungeons like that.
Hm i did it today and they weren't recoverable, the icon was darkened, couldn't select it at all. Could select flag and disable but not Recover.. Unintended trap setting?
On my last releveling request i've adapted my build so it can recover traps since an assassin cannot disable them, but then today i went to the keep and seen that all of the traps aren't recoverable...

Would it be reasonnable to ask that they be made to be recoverable or should i just rage even more at nwn's misplaced mechanics? Recovering is 10 DC over disabling.
The community i hang with as Keldray already know i appreciate them a lot, but i want to make it more official on the forum, at least once, it is not purely an RP thank you, it also include DM and OOC thanks:

The admins:
Thank you   for your welcoming when i was on my first day of playing, it helped me greatly and it was a warm receiving, for that i will always appreciate you.

Thank you @belladonna   for all the great events you have hosted so far and for being patient with me at times, i know we haven't met eye to eye recently due to specific circumstance but you do your job without predjudice and i respect you for that, you always answered me on the forum and in-game with a certain "neutral judge" stance, and that somewhat help me when i am feeling distressed, thank you, i look forward to play in your future events.

Thank you   for what you do in general, you're a busy man so you are very often in the background, but you pour a lot of energy into the module and you are a patient individual, despite your own limits your efforts are positively seen among the community and it is sometimes important to note it, so thank you for what you do.

The DMs and aDMs:
There is so many DMs that i just love to interact with, both OOCly and ICly, a lot of you are really awesome, i greatly like a lot of you.

  you are easily among my favorites, such a charming personality, always very caring and attentive and always trying to do your best, you are admirable, and your events are so majestic, you were also the DM to have hosted my first event ever on the server, thank you, very much so.

  you are pretty awesome, your events are very good to attend to, as a player you are easy to hang with and your characters does not conflict with my main character, which is a huge plus, thank you for everything you do, it is reflecting as very positive to me, this short thank you does you no justice, but it comes from the deepest heartwarming intentions.

  thank you for what you did for me in the short length of time we had so far, i look forward to your events, if our time lines ever allow it.

  some of your events were very epic and great, i personally loved your events with the pirates in Immersea for the comedic aspect, and your epic event with the Maze, keep inspiring yourself to such events, it really pour a lot of essence and immersion into your work, and thank you for having stopped Arion in your maze event when things were getting out of hand, it was honestly very distressing so it was a great relief when he started getting a leash on his attitude, thank you for doing what you can to keep the community serene and positive.

  we haven't gotten to talk a lot OOCly, but every times i needed to you were always positive on your answers, and you helped me whenever i needed help, i sadly only gotten to attend to one of your event, but i loved it (Paythin the Silent clothing up ravens with shirts), thank you for being overall a great person.

  thank you for your epic lost eyes event, that was such a great event, i am actually a bit bummed that this is the only event i gotten to attend in your efforts, but it was really good!

  sorry for completely twisting Tarah's loss of innocence event into something that completely made you scrap your future event sheets *chuckles* but i loved the event, thank you for the great time!

The players:

  Paythin the holder of many titles proclaimed by Keldray who is the sister he never wanted, always fun when our characters tease each others mercilessly!

  who would've thought Trent would turn from seeing Keldray as the most undesirable person in the world to one of his most trusted friend and ally? I love playing with you, and you are a sweet person OOCly, keep being who you are, you are a dear.

@misplacedmaskarran   you been with Keldray over 3 servers in an amount of time that can be considerated as a couple years in real time now, despite the busy schedules, the oopsies at times and the drama we went through yer still around and taking some time every so often to play with my character, thank you for even considerating that, i honestly wish more time would be invested, but you have choices to make and we have to live with them, thank you for the great RP experiences whenever we can afford to have them, it is always very appreciated!

  &   &   thank you Nyacelil, Faelon and Nim Elen, i greatly enjoy playing and interacting with you three when the situation afford it, keep Keldray in mind as she always keep you all in hers!

Thank you to all the other players who started to acquaint my character, i look forward for progressing relationships.

Congratulation to Daea for making it to level 5 slum building!
Just like the sheaf of scrolls that spawns 10 blank scrolls in the inventory when used, can we please get a rack of potions that does the same result please? I'd like Thistle and Thyme apothecary a lot more.
FaeFae Avatar
I am now coloring the last leg of my wondrous commission! :D

This is a bump in search of three female characters with a sense of humor for a line-art drawing I am doing. This will be a -very- silly thing! I will post in the shoutbox on the 24th in search for participants - first come! This -may- result in some OOC behaviors of your characters for comedic purposes, so keep that in mind. I'm not liable if you sign up!

I will need 2x Human or Near-Humans (Genasi, Tieflings, etc), and one Dwarven Lass. Alas, no elves this time 'round.
Does it mean all these characters will be together in a single picture?
FaeFae Avatar
Hello, Drakaden! Thank you so very much for your compliment of liking my art practice here.

I presently have a commission I'm working on, and then two requests in my queue. When I'm closer to being done with those three, I will post the date that I will take more request pieces. On that day, I'll make a note in the shoutbox at an hour of my whimsical choosing and it will be first come, first serve. Please keep your eye out!

This system is in place to keep me from breaking. :D
I'll try to keep an eye on it then~
Faefae, i been looking for someone to try it's hand at drawing a very accurate form and face of Keldray, if you want to try your hands at it.

Her char bio:

If you need more info about her let me know, if you do take the task~