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Messages - bracethyself

I don't disagree with the rationale for removing Still Spell, however the feat tax is repaid by bonus feats the class receives. So going or staying doesn't matter.

Just a few thoughts that have been bouncing around for awhile:

Agreed greater spellsong is mostly useless in CD's current setup for a number of reasons:
1) The nerf of EMA for armored casters, is a double nerf for non-dex builds. So wearing armor for a bladesinger is sort of moot, except for bard/bladesinger build who gets it anyway.
2) Most of the gish focused armor has ASF anyway.

Suggestions for fixing it:
1) Bard bladesingers cap the bladesong bonus at +10 instead of +5 (since they can't get EMA) OR allow bard levels and bladesinger levels stack for bard song.
2) Allow wiz/sorc bladesingers wearing elven chain mail to get the full +16 AC bonus from EMA. Dex bladesingers still get an 8 point higher AC over Str bladesingers in elven chain.
3) Dex bladesingers admittedly I don't have any ideas.

Song of Celerity: Agreed also not super useful currently. Was more useful when bladesinger was half-caster and consumables were lower. I don't have a ton of suggestions here, as auto-quicken would also be sort of moot.
I would benefit as well, but I think there is an activity incentive piece that comes into play in terms of keeping the server numbers up to attract new players that is a legit admin strategy. However MD struggled with the difficulty of alienating players who couldn't log in every day to chase the fairy. Even with that I wouldn't be in favor of straight up going weekly instead of daily.

My thought would be some sort of hybrid, where you could get 300xp per day for maxing out the fairy each day. But if you didn't max out the fairy each day you could get some portion of the difference. Lets say (just to have an example) 50%. That means within a 7 day period I could earn 2100xp by knocking out my tics daily, or I had gone 6 days without getting max daily xp I could get up to 50% of whatever I had left.

Sticking to a straightforward example, lets say I didn't log in for 6 days when I logged in on the 7th day I could potentially earn 1200xp in tics [(300/2 * 6) + 300]. That might be a way to even out those who have more burst playtimes.

However this would likely be difficult to implement.

Suggestions Archive / Hak Update suggestions
Sep 09, 2017, 07:53 AM
Ooo, that elven treetop one looks pretty. That would get some use.
Sending out thoughts and prayers for a smooth last few weeks and delivery.
I agree, no issue with someone becoming a bladesinger but having to wait until level 16 to take the levels.

I would say however in order to take the title, even if you don't plan to take actual levels in the prestige class, you should have the prerequisites listed in the prestige class. For those icly trained by one of my bladesingers in the past, they have to have most of the prereqs before my character would train them.

Its one of the things that my character's required to be demonstrated before training can begin, along with RP and focus on elfdom that are the RP prereqs. That however is just my opinion based on the fact that bladesingers are a more specially defined theme than many prestige classes.
Apologies for the sudden and abrupt absence. Somehow I ended up with 3 x 20hr/week projects. Fabulous for the bank account, not so much for the free time. Two of those projects have trickled down to less hours so I should be around more.

About 75 times during this absence I thought the projects were easing up only to ramp back up again. Very strange and atypical in my universe.

But anyway I'll be seeing you IG's more. And I'll be watching you, watching me, watching you...
It should be hasted and its only attack method should be to pick people up and squeeze them. Then we can call it the quicker picker upper.
Player Announcements / Just RL Busy
May 04, 2016, 09:22 AM
Going to be sporadic for this week and off for the weekend, should be back next week.

Combination of expected and unexpected travel plus the ever looming heavy work load.
Player Announcements / Last couple weeks
Apr 21, 2016, 06:26 PM
Been very busy with work and getting ramped up for the next project. Should be around more in a week or so.
Player Announcements / Travel
Mar 29, 2016, 03:33 PM
I will be away for roughly a week starting tomorrow March 30th. I will not have access to NWN and limited access to the interwebs.
Suggestions Archive / Disguises
Feb 23, 2016, 07:36 AM
This one is tough because it is so easy for a player to reveal the disguised character without meaning to just due to the conventions of the game.

Candidly, at best a PC accidentally reveals; at worst (and more likely based on the attempts I have seen) players just avoid the disguising PC so they don't have to deal with fallout if they do make a mistake.

Really, on an NWN PW with a player base the size of CD I don't believe a perpetual disguise from PC's is practical.

Developing an alias or two with disguises to use in DM sponsored quests and forum RP with NPCS (and maybe vs. PCS for a DM moderated interaction) is workable. But if a player finds it necessary to perpetually disguise them self from other PCs just to make the PC playable I don't see that as anything that will end well.

Nor do I see a solution that is fair and enjoyable to all based on the conventions of the game.
Player Announcements / Happy Birthday Oni!
Jan 28, 2016, 08:25 PM
Happy Birthday!
Player Announcements / I be still here
Jan 01, 2016, 07:58 PM
Not disappeared just a bit of holiday travel should be back around tomorrow.
A couple of quick thoughts:
1) When you implement a new system don't rush to tweak it, give it a few months then see what shakes out. Constant and rapid tweaks to these systems on PWs leave you with tangled balls of mess and 'tweak' fatigue. The implementation seems to favor the conservative so leave it for a bit and see what happens.

2) In favor of the dungeon locks and item tiers as they are. The instances where someone is accidentally excluded just outside the dungeon because the group didn't realize they were lower level are not high in number. This will decrease as the system is more fully circulated. True that due to build, class mix, etc. some characters are more powerful and could maybe float up two tiers to hunt, I haven't got the impression that is something that this server wants to encourage.

3) Agree with reducing the number of permanent useful items and replacing them with consumables, crafting components, miscellaneous treasure (art objects, etc.).

4) A few higher level quests (or even dungeons really) could be created that require the collection of a few certain items (10 diamonds say or a set of three specific art objects) in order to get access to the quest or dungeon. i.e. Crusty old tale spinner says: I can tell ye how to access the old tower but I want three rubies for it. Could be keyed to specific books or maps (which could be both sold and dropped in loot). This makes the random treasure bits potentially more valuable and makes PCs potentially wince a bit everytime they sell something not knowing whether or not it might be usable later on. Complicated, but could not only add some fun to misc treasure but some flavor as well.
General Discussion / Faerun Elven Dictionary
Dec 06, 2015, 04:04 PM
Also Candlekeep has a list of elven names from various sources as well: