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Messages - Jolena Ogden

General Discussion / Cormyr Miniatures!
Jan 07, 2018, 12:42 PM
Saeleth as well :)

General Discussion / Cormyr Miniatures!
Jan 07, 2018, 12:10 PM
More of the extended Laurina Taure - Miritar - Eroth family :)

General Discussion / Cormyr Miniatures!
Dec 28, 2017, 11:00 PM
Ryoko Honda Avatar
I think they have wings now Edge.
Yes, wings can be selected in the Body section, along with tails, which I see FaeFae found :)
acleverpun Avatar
My thanks to Alexandra (disapprovingmother), Rossel (JolenaOgden) and Shaan (Eredrule) for making my first foray onto this server very enjoyable!
Thank you and everyone involved, as well.  Wonderful portrayals by everyone, and it was fun to have Rossel meet each.   :)

Alexandra when in the park under the cherry tree a few nights ago also still has me laughing every time I think about it.  I am not sure, though, whether she is Arabel's woman most in need of a girls' night out, or if we should be hiding every reachable bottle of body oil when bare chested barbarians are about.  (Yes, ebon haired barbarian of literary fame, that means you ...) :D
I am so glad you are taken care of and on the way to feeling better :)

That so calls for singing!

Off Topic / Happy Holidays!
Dec 24, 2016, 03:20 AM
Happy holidays, everyone :)
To for taking the complexities of Nim Elen's past and from them shaping a simply amazing set of twists and turns in that story that surprised, challenged everyone present, and turned what Nim Elen thought she knew of that past on its end.  Last night's event, Intrigues, Secrets and Murder, was a brilliant, darkly beautiful work of story shaping that was a joy to play through, even as perceptions of reality changed right up until the last truth was found and confronted.

I can only imagine the amount of work that went into preparing this, and for that and the wonderful end result, so many times over, thank you, thank you, thank you. :)
thorien Avatar
I wish to thank    for  "Peering into a Silent Past.". Though I could not see the whole plot, I can say with my concience clear that it was an amazing event, touching deep layers of elven lore. Thank you once again for your time and tremendous effort. I am sure it will be an adventure to be remembered and the tale you created will be shared many times by the silver tongues of our server!
Having been part of "Peering into a Silent Past, Finale (Taures' side)" since the beginning, I wish to give many many thanks, too, to    for a wonderful plot from beginning to end, with its so fun challenging, meaningful, and dramatic finish last night.  You beautifully wove together a tapestry of story elements with revelations that had to come from thoughtful research and NPC interaction, and then time and consideration taken to evaluate it all.  (Our family notebook on this tale, as you have seen, is nine pages long, and after last night there is still much more that needs to be documented and considered!)  Even the items discovered at the end, with their gorgeously written descriptions, were treasures that I am sure every recipient player and character will continue to highly value.

We spoke late last night after finishing and agree this whole story and last night's final event are wonderful examples of what the joy of roleplay is about.  Once again, thank you so much! :)
Player Announcements / Not feeling the best
Apr 22, 2016, 03:25 PM
Rest and get well, Dizzy
This was so fun, in all parts of it!  Thank you Dismus and DMs who supported you :)