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Messages - LittleModronWhoCould

Suggestions Archive / Hak Update suggestions
Jan 20, 2018, 05:54 AM
A friend of mine put together some really nice clothing options a while back.

Robe Based Armors
Robe Based Armors 2
Pelt Cloaks
Player Announcements / Happy B-day FaeFae!!!!
Jan 14, 2018, 02:41 PM
Hope you have a great one! Happy Birthday! :)
Off Topic / So, What are you listening to CD?
Sep 11, 2017, 05:20 AM
Suggestions Archive / Hak Update suggestions
Sep 07, 2017, 04:34 AM
Some suggestions from my side are tilesets. Aside from being bigger in size, they are quick and easy to add.

Codi Sigil Interior While the exterior is only useable for Sigil or for an Underdark city district with it's unique look (doubt either is too interresting for CD outside event content), the interior tileset is very versatile in what it can be used for. And it looks fantastic.

Azure Tower is another really nice tileset that is used far too rarely. It is small and limited in the tiles it has, but it provides a really cool unique look.

Elven Treetop City Tileset is a relativly new release. It is very pretty, and I think could work very well for either doing an update to Velethuil or using it on the event server for elven content.

Wild Woods is great at creating dense, wilderness areas.

And thank you so much for working on the hak update. Did a few of those in the past, and they really are a time intensive chore to do. Really appreciated.
Off Topic / CD the Movie - Casting Call
Mar 10, 2017, 02:06 AM
Haha, the last one is perfect. :)