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Messages - misfit

General Discussion / Easter Egg Hunt
Apr 04, 2021, 09:04 AM
Akira Kitano - The ant tunnels under the infested warehouse in Arabel
Suggestions Archive / Adventuring Gear
Oct 02, 2015, 03:13 PM
Edge Avatar
...but they were removed because players would regularly take them into dungeons and use them to corral and bottleneck enemies.
And this is why we can't have nice things.
General Discussion / Rogues thieves etc
Sep 27, 2015, 10:31 AM
You may come across a gentleman in Arabel who goes by the name Alaric. A faithful priest of the Golden Lady, he would certainly be open to helping those who wish to put valuable items that have been secreted away for far too long back into circulation. After all, wealth that is hoarded and not put to good use is a pity.

In other words, if you need a fence or fixer or some such, lemme know.
Off Topic / Quotes from home ..
Jul 14, 2015, 07:05 AM
That made me laugh. My kids have been gravitating toward Linkin Park lately. Then they found out how much mom hates Linkin Park and it got even worse.

Best was when I was working from home one day and heard from my daughter's room the sound of the bass guitar playing the thing from Seven Nation Army that is now stuck in your head as you're reading this.
Off Topic / Realms Secetariat
Jul 08, 2015, 07:29 AM
Wow, that's awesome. Thank you!
Just created last night. Whatever you're up to, I'd like to contribute.
Player Announcements / Snowpocolypse 2015
Feb 25, 2015, 06:44 AM
We had a 110-year-old record temp broken yesterday morning. As I was driving in to the gym at 5am, my dash variously read -7, -3, -9, -12, -4. I was expecting it to either blue screen or pop up a message saying, "Look, it's f'ing cold out, ok? Leave me alone!"
General Discussion / Linux Client Stability
Feb 19, 2015, 08:10 AM
I have these entries in my hosts file. Speeds up getting on the game tremendously.

Just in case this is new info to anyone.
General Discussion / Linux Client Stability
Feb 17, 2015, 07:46 AM
I just updated my system to Lubuntu 14.10. I'm now running NWN via Wine, instead of the native Linux client. I kept getting seg faults in that. This is actually the first time I've gotten it to work in Wine, so I thought I'd mention it. I can even run Aurora in Wine (it opens, at least).

My particular system has an Intel graphics card. It's worth mentioning that Intel's otherwise wonder graphics support in Linux is only up to 14.04, and I had to fool it into thinking I was on that version to get the automagic update utility to run.

I also found that if I put a few addresses in my hosts file as, it takes the multiplayer menu much less time to to give up. I know there's a utility out there that does this, but it also does some other stuff, and I didn't want to cause any issues (besides, did I mention it's working in Wine?!?!). This is a much more low-tech approach. If I can remember when I'm back home, I'll reply with which sites they are - but maybe somebody else knows.

Just thought I'd share these things in case anyone else goes down this path.

And my new SSD rawks! Boots in just a few secs. I hosted a LAN game for my kids last night - four of us running the main NWN campaign with mine acting as the server. Very nice.
General Discussion / Thank you, Vincent07
Feb 04, 2015, 12:14 PM
Gonk's been wandering around the Way of the Manticore today. Thank you to Vincent07 and whoever else might have had a hand in creating the new content.

Obviously, it's a bit barren right now, but the quality of what's there is very nice. The areas are beautiful. And it's always nice having someplace new to explore.
General Discussion / Request for Feat Advice
Jan 26, 2015, 09:38 AM
Didn't realize it would get so lively here. Thanks for the discussion! Plenty of food for thought.
General Discussion / Request for Feat Advice
Jan 20, 2015, 12:02 PM
Thanks again! I think I have enough to keep me busy for several levels. I do have WF already. He was actually a Barbarian/Cleric originally, which fit the character concept. I swapped 2 levels of Barbarian for Fighter purely for mechanics. I thought about WS, but hate to give up the other 2 levels for the sake of munchkinism. But I didn't consider Blind-Fight, and now I think I'm sold on it.
General Discussion / Request for Feat Advice
Jan 20, 2015, 07:36 AM
Thank you!

No CHA, so scratch that. I did take PA and Cleave, and already came to the same conclusion about GC, so the sanity check is nice. I forgot about Practised Spellcaster, actually (facepalm), so thankyouverymuch for that. Didn't have enough Spellcraft ranks (his INT kind of sucks too) to see it in the list yet.

I do intend to pick up Improved Crit, which is why I'm holding out for that second Fighter level and the bonus feat. Any other fighter-y type of things come to mind?
General Discussion / Request for Feat Advice
Jan 19, 2015, 04:00 PM
I have a half-orc Bar2/Ftr1/Clr5 (of Ilmater) with a greataxe. I intend to take another level of Fighter, and then pursue Cleric from there on. I'm just wondering what feats you all would recommend for such a character. I won't list what I already have, just to see how it matches with the advice. Thanks!
Off Topic / CD the Movie - Casting Call
Jan 15, 2015, 03:37 PM
No actor would do Gonk justice, at least not since Michael Clarke Duncan passed away. But #98 might...

Go Colts!