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Messages - Torch

Player Announcements / Back
Jan 27, 2015, 05:36 PM
I'm back after a very long hiatus..  

Aniváro will be wandering Semberholme more often once again.

Good to see everyone in game the past few days.

Suggestions Archive / Races ?
Dec 16, 2013, 12:27 AM
Edge Avatar
Variant Races

Star Elf

Star Elves are reclusive extraplanar elves from a secluded extradimensional pocket-plane.

These traits are in addition to the standard elf traits, except where noted.

-2 CON, +2 CHA.
Type: Humanoid (extraplanar) [Unsure if implemented]

Otherworldly Touch: Between sunset and sunrise a star elf confers the ghost touch ability on any melee weapon she wields and any armor she wears, but only so long as she keeps the weapon in hand or wears the armor. Star elves have a magical affinity for starlight that gives them an unusual edge in fighting extradimionsional foes. (RP ability only)

Extraplanar: Star elves are not outsiders, but they are not native to Faerun. Spells and effects that target extraplanar creatures affect star elves. Banishment, dismissal, and similar effects that banish outsiders return a star elf to Sildeyuir (rped unless it can be scripted) [Unsure if implemented]

((Oh it's implemented Edge!  Aniváro has to be very careful not to banish Mirage back to Sildeyuir when they are in the midst of battle!  Many a times, Aniváro had to tell other clerics in battles with them to avoid those spells.  However, there are times where Ani has casted 'anchor' upon Mirage in hopes that will help if a banishment spell is cast by accident.))