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Messages - BlackmoreKnight

That's not quite what I was getting at, sorry if I phrased it badly. Favored Soul here gets a bonus feat at 3 that's meant to be Weapon Focus in whatever weapon your deity favors (as the in-game text box describing the class says, you are required to put the bonus feat at level 3 into that). It's possible, or rather likely, that your deity favors a martial or exotic weapon, meaning in order to fulfill that requirement you have to take as your level 1 or level 3 general feat the appropriate weapon proficiency to be able to use the weapon to then take weapon focus in.

If it's instead supposed to be a situation where it's just a suggestion and not a requirement that you take WF in the favored weapon, then the class description in-game should be amended to say that.
Consider that I'm a Favored Soul of a deity with a favored weapon that's either martial or exotic. In NWN2 and PnP, I would receive the appropriate proficiency with that weapon. Due to, I imagine, how deity choice in NWN1 is just a text box and how this class is a custom built one with that in mind, no such proficiency is automatically gained here. Is this something that should be granted for free via a LETO request or the like, or do Favored Souls have to burn the appropriate feats to get proficiency? If I've already created and done things with a Favored Soul character, including taking a proficiency, is it appropriate to ask for a LETO feat addition for the feat I should have gotten had I not taken proficiency at level 3 instead?