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Messages - Jaelle

daphne Avatar
Unless you are a DM (and thus already have access) you will have to request to be added as a member of the group.  You can do this be accessing your Profile and the Groups tab thereunder.  I would be happy to add people based on this thread, but only Admins can add people to groups for the forum access.  Therefore, you need to do this Profile request.  
Thank you Daphne.   :)  I put in my request.
Thanks for your responses everyone. It's good to see that there is interest in forming something that is suitable for our characters.  I haven't heard anything from the person who was originally thinking about forming a group back in October or November.  He must be busy with life.  :)  Perhaps we can meet up in game for some role play...  Aurelia is always interested in bumping into people.  ;)
Oh, please add me!  Gianna is also lonely at the temple!
Hi everyone,

Before the outage on the old forums, there was talk about possibly creating a player base group for sneaks and other shady type. I believe it was Shallowdreamer who was looking to organize this group.  I am wondering if this is still in the works?  I know this is a busy time of year for many, but I was just curious.   :)