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Messages - dysmetria

Hiro would also appreciate a way to get some ink.
Thanks to the elven rogue that took me to the bandits.

It was a great RP experience up until a runtime error crashed both NWN and my craptop.

By the time I rebooted and logged in you were gone but I hope you found your mirror.
Thanks DM Cunning Lingust for letting my bard tag along and spicing up what would have just been another day in the woods.
4 months without a single positive RP or DM experience seems well, bad. I'm sure there have been many, lets hear about em!

I want to take the time to thank whichever female character who's name I didn't catch that left the trade house just now for simply shutting the door behind her like she had obviously done after entering. I may never find out who you were, but I'm glad just to know my bard isn't the only one that wasn't born in a barn. Seriously, just shutting that door twice made my whole day.
Off Topic / What got you on 'the path'?
Jan 11, 2019, 08:35 PM
realityjumper Avatar
"the stupid DnD cartoon on Saturday mornings."

That is how I got started as well, but that cartoon was hardly stupid. Bobby RPed a barbarian so well he inspired me to get the 2ed AD&D books and R.A. Salvatore to write a book about a headstrong barbarian. At least that is where I think he got the idea for the Crystal Shard, and the Forgotten Realms were never the same again.