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Messages - etherealvanity

General Discussion / Easter Egg Hunt
Apr 03, 2021, 10:08 AM
Endellion 'Illy'- Berrybriar's Hollow
Congraaaaats on the child!
Condolances for your sleep! :D
I'm with Kiko on this. I have seen where such "mundane" NPC interactions have really made the setting feel alive and breathing. Which is a good way to make PCs feel as if they are part of the setting, and not in some PC-only 'instance based' vacuum. Which happens easily when the only time PCs are reacted against are from other PCs or during scheduled events. And as Kiko says, no EXP need to be involved. Furthermore, it is an amazing way to also weave various plots together and have the setting actually react to the presence of the PCs and their actions.

This is also a good way to reinforce the setting itself through how the world talks about, to and behind the backs of PCs. Some conversations may be held within earshot of PCs but not at them, so to speak.
Player Announcements / Hello CD!
Feb 14, 2019, 04:56 PM