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Messages - eieku

Hi, I dont do these often. I think the last one I did was when I joined the server. But this one is mostly general if anything.

Even with all the breaks I've taken, etc. CD has been a home base for me in more than one way. It was an escape, it has been a way for me to get away from whatever was bothering me.

And also, it saved my life.

I wont get into gritty, but just know- if you took the time to talk to me, RP with any of my characters or have me along for events? You kept me in mind, and you kept me alive.

Thank you CD, thank you everyone. And I hope to be here for ages to come. Love you all.
Player Announcements / Voiceset #
Jan 22, 2019, 03:47 AM
Fire Wraith Avatar
For those looking for the CD 'custom' ones that come from an old hak on the Neverwinter Vault (whose origin I since forget):

970 Annah
971 Morte
972 Edwin
973 Guybrus
974 Minsc
975 Vhailor
976 Imoen
977 Scarab
978 Sir Artus
979 Irlan
980 Brekke
981 Korgan
982 Calista
983 Algernon
984 Natasha
985 Sorcha
986 Scarlet
987 Theresa
988 Kurtz
989 Nigel
990 Rhett
These are voice sets from Baulder's Gate. Some are anyways.
I want to say thank to everyone who's been making my stay on the server positive. This has lightened my mood up everyday. To anyone who's been interacting with Sheh or Sigille the past few days, thank you.
Player Announcements / Voiceset #
Jan 21, 2019, 03:46 AM
Thanks for the list, friend! Will have to test them out.