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Messages - necrodrake

Suggestions Archive / Goliath Race Template
Jul 14, 2019, 10:37 AM
Yes, But Goliath are not Actually Largez They are medium but treated as large when dealing with manuvers, as well as allowing them to use large sized weapons without penalty- in NWN terms they are a medium creature who can one-hand a Greatsword and have a shield in the off hand.

This cannot be translated to NWN, Which doesn't really matter anyways- hence the bonus to Disapline
Suggestions Archive / Goliath Race Template
Jul 09, 2019, 04:46 PM
This is not an official Application: Just applying a Template to be used at a later date(If my current application doesn't get approved, or after it does then this is my next one ;P)

Goliath Race: As found in Races of Stone p.53, Coppied from

Size: Medium
Base speed: Land 30
Strength: +4
Intelligence: +0
Dexterity: −2
Wisdom: +0
Constitution: +2
Charisma: +0
Level adjustment: +1
Space: 5 feet
Reach: 5 feet
Automatic languages: Common , Gol-Kaa
Bonus Languages: Dwarven , Giant , Gnoll , Terran


A typical goliath is larger than the largest half-orc. Most stand between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 280 and 340 pounds. Unlike with most other races, there is no appreciable difference in height or weight between male and female goliaths. Goliaths have gray skin, mottled with dark and light patches that goliath shamans say hint at a particular goliath's fate. Lithoderms—coin-sized bone-and-skin growths as hard as pebbles—speckle their arms, shoulders, and torso. Their skulls have a jutting eyebrow ridge, wide jaw, and occasional lithoderms as well. Female goliaths have dark hair on their heads, grown to great length and always kept braided. Male goliaths generally have hair only on their limbs. Goliaths' eyes are a brilliant blue or green, and they often seem to glow a little from underneath their furrowed brows.

Because their skin mottling has cultural significance, goliaths generally dress as lightly as possible, displaying their skin patterns for all to see. For the same reason, few goliaths would willingly get a tattoo—to draw on one's skin is tantamount to trying to rewrite one's fate. Goliaths instead decorate themselves with jewelry, often sporting ear, nose, or brow rings. A goliath's lithoderms are also common places to embed a gem or two, since they have few nerve endings and stand out on the goliath's body already.

Racial Traits
Monstrous Humanoid: As monstrous humanoids, goliaths are proficient with all simple weapons, but they have no proficiency with any armor or shield.

Powerful Build: The physical stature of a goliath lets him function in many ways as if he were one size category larger. Whenever a goliath is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the goliath is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A goliath is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A goliath can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category.

Mountain Movement: Because goliaths practically live on the ledges and cliffs of the most forbidding mountains, they are particularly adept at negotiating mountain hazards. Goliaths can make standing long jumps and high jumps as if they were running long jumps and high jumps. A goliath can engage in accelerated climbing (climbing half his speed as a move action) without taking the —5 penalty on the Climb check.

Acclimated: Goliaths are automatically acclimated to life at high altitude. They don't take the penalties for altitude described in the Mountain Travel section on page 90 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Unlike other denizens of the mountains, goliaths don't lose their acclimation to high altitude even if they spend a long time at a lower elevation.

+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks: When speaking to one another, goliaths tend to augment their verbal communication with subtle body language. They are likewise able to "read" the unintentional body language of others.

Favored Class: Barbarian . A multiclass goliath's barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty (see the XP for Multiclass Characters section, page 60 of the Player's Handbook). The tribal life of the goliaths produces many barbarians.

Level adjustment +1.

What needs changed: 
Well, First we can't have large in NWN, However since this mostly applies to combat manuvers, And these all amount to Disapline in the end, This would grant them a +4 to disapline and Intimidate due to "size". For the most part this seems to be the best way to adapt it

The bonus climbing and Immunity to Altitude sickness: This is not something that comes up, Even in Pen and paper, Very often. I don't see any reason it would need to be in there, however you might treat them as if they always had climbing spikes or something for RP reasons, But otherwise I don't see any reason to keep these

So in total its:
a +4 to Str, a +2 to con, And -2 to Dex

With a +4 to disapline and Intimidate, +2 to sense noticr, Granting them the ability to speak Giant at start, with the ability to learn Dwarven, Gnoll, and Terran with high int.

They don't gain any Additional feats or anything according to race, So I probably best to Start with Half-orcs or half Elves as the base Race to apply the template to...(probably half orc is better) although Human might also work best as it offers the best body type while making it easy ti simply take something like a combat style in place of the bonus feat...

This for later use, Thanks ^-^
Now some background. I'm a player who greatly appreciates the majestic and mighty much so I bought and own practically everything dragon related to D&D 3 and 3.5... so! That being said here's the domain Via the Draganomicon!


Deities: Aasterinian, Astilabor, Bahamut, Chronepsis,

Falazure, Garyx, Hlal, Io, Lendys, Tamara, Tiamat.

Granted Power: Add Bluff and Intimidate to your list of

cleric class skills.

Dragon Domain Spells

1 Magic Fang: 
2 Resist Energy: 
3 Magic Fang, Greater: 
4 Voice of the Dragon: +10 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and

Intimidate checks; can use one suggestion.

5 True Seeing, Mass: 
6 Stoneskin, Mass: 
7 Dragon Ally X: As lesser dragon ally, but up to 18 HD.

8 Suggestion, Mass: As suggestion, plus one/level subjects.

9 Dominate Monster: 

Now clearly some of these spells are not in NWN, So we can easily remove "Dragon Ally" and "Voice of the Dragon" from this list-- aditionally there was the "Scalykind" Domain, But I can't seem to fimd where it was... 

Either way- I don't know how much work this will take, a am farely new to NWN on general..  however I do so one day hope the Dragon domain can be seen in use by Followers of Bahamut and Tiamat alike.. 

So, I'm not sure if this is from the sever, my computer, Or some file somewhere- But anytime I attempt to create a male character The entire Character creation(before entering the server) lags like it's trying to run Skyrim on the highest settings, when let's be honest- this is just Neverwinter...

I have no idea why this is happening, it is Specifically Males- Kf I try making a female I get no lag despite the only difference being that I clicked FEMALE instead of MALE.