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Messages - Nepharian

I've been giving this some thought, and I would very much like to share them :)

Having been here a while now, it has become very clear to me that characters will go stagnant at a certain point. For me, this has everything to do with not being able to actually advance in any way, except for farming items and gold.
It's not that I want to powerlevel to 20 and then beyond, but I've seen so many people stand around in Arabel, simply waiting for their daily 300xp. And then they log off.

In my opinion, this is a problem. And I believe that loosening the XP rules might help fix that problem. Perhaps even by removing the cap, and letting teen-level and high-level characters gain experience by playing the game - by dungeoning and slaying mighty foes and terrible hordes of undead.

I love playing my character... but she isn't actually doing anything at the moment. Because there's very little reward. (Yeah, I know. But we are humans, and humans like rewards and advancing!).

Having said this, I realize that I have yet to play any part in actual DM events and storylines (except that I am waiting for one to begin). This is due to lack of time, and due to me being in the EU timezone.

I appreciate all the effort and hours the Admins, DMs and builders have put into this amazing PW, but I really do think that there is a problem that needs to be discussed, and somehow fixed.