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Messages - JuJuBeez

Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Aug 04, 2021, 10:04 PM
For Kamaria

I just wanted to post here again and make my appreciation for both the staff and the community on CD known. It's been a very long time since I've had this much fun and getting to know each of you has been an absolute blessing. The staff is marvelous and you put so much work into everything that you do for the community. The new update is amazing and I find myself making Kamaria go on trips all around to see the changes, I can imagine the amount of time that was involved with it. I can't tag everyone I wish to but just sending my thanks and my love.~
Congratulations, man. You're going to do great, I wish your partner and you a smooth labor and a healthy child. :)
Thank you  for the wonderful event tonight!