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Messages - Gongala

I've never -really- left.. I like to haunt your forums, check in to see what's going on, but I did get quite bored of seeing the main areas of the server empty upon logging in.

I'm not blaming the server on this; I've never taken a liking to sending a tell to meet up, but I did often invite people who wished to meet with Xan (or .. whatever, really) to send me a PM to encourage a meet-time in game.

Odd? Maybe. My times are quite bizarre, and I'm often a busy person. But, since it's the Holidays, I'm around again at a semi-regular basis.. yay!

Now, that's the most I've talked about myself in years, so I'll stop right there.

(Send me a PM though, if you want to arrange something with Xanetia.)
