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Messages - Xaerien

If the sign-ups stop when there's enough to fill the available slots, that doesn't leave space to alt any of the players signed up who've been in a lot of quests. It's always better to sign up regardless of whether enough people have signed up to fill the available slots or not, otherwise there's no chance of getting in if you don't sign up
Glad it's going well for you, nice to see you back!
RPXP doesn't carry over across levels, any RPXP you gain from ticks before level 11 will not count. The rat and smuggler quests also do not give xp past 10. This is why a weekly cap would put new characters behind compared to the current system, as you're more likely to cap your weekly allowance before you hit level 11 where rpxp becomes a requirement to level and then have to wait for the current week to end before you can start gaining ticks again

RPXP doesn't carry over between levels, in order to reach level 13 in a day would require abnormally fast leveling not likely to be doable without powerleveling and/or some abuse/exploit, completing every available level 11-13 quest, and being carried through the gem of life quest. This would be against the dungeon etiquette guidelines as well as being likely to cause disruption for other players with the speed at which you'd have to be clearing dungeons
The recent discussion on this is currently in the archive under for those interested in viewing that
It's equal to charisma modifier, which'd include buffs. It's also deflection, which doesn't stack, so if you're getting a +1 deflection AC bonus from anything you've got currently equipped it'll override that instead
What are you wearing in your armor/clothing slot?
Also, arcane veil or mage armor (off scrolls or an item) are longer lasting alternatives you can use at the lower levels. They're not as high an armor AC bonus as blinkplate, but they're higher than gear available before level 10 for arcane veil, and before level 15 for mage armor. You're also likely to be wearing something with an armor AC value on it as well, which blinkplate overrides rather than stacks with (since armor AC doesn't stack). So not having it up at all times isn't a complete loss, just the difference between the AC it grants and your highest source of armor AC without it
If it's not increasing to +6 AC at Swordmage level 8, then that'd be a bug. The class page on the forum not displaying the change in the ability means it was likely forgotten to do so when the change came in. Blinkplate's a short duration, high armor AC increasing ability for Swordmage meant to provide a short term AC increase as needed rather than a permanent AC buff, though the regular version can be kept up as long as you'd like due to having infinite uses. Just requires managing the duration
8 druid/ 8 shifter/ 4 full BAB class, still lets you hit 17 shifter at epic levels for the epic humanoid shapes, 2 bonus feats, and 1 level leftover for bumping tumble up to 30 from druid and getting venom immunity. Hospitaler's the better choice for a third class with full BAB if you're not wanting to take more than 5-6 druid levels on a shifter and wanting to maintain full caster level and save a feat from not needing practiced spellcaster
Thing to note about shifter is it gets full spellcasting progression on this server, and fitting 4 levels of a full BAB class into a shifter build to bump it up to 16 BAB at for 4 attacks per round isn't difficult. Shifter's full druid spellbook access and various forms give it a versatile toolset designed to adapt to situations rather than being a melee powerhouse that always stays shifted.
General Discussion / Candy Hunt
Oct 31, 2020, 03:33 PM
Tahlran - Sakkors Construct Workshop
It slows down the leveling process for new PCs because if you can't get to 11 before you run out of ticks on your first week with the character, you've lost that entire first week of xp ticks and will have to wait until the following week until you can start gaining more. Most aren't likely to hit 11 before running out of their weekly allowance, or getting more than 1100. Which means they'd be forced to use quests if they want to hit 12 within their first week of play, and since they're not getting daily ticks, they're likely wasting a good bit of xp from one of the quest turn-ins as they wouldn't be able to just stop at 300 or less of a level and then just level-up the following day from ticks. It also makes level progression a lot rougher due to most levels requiring a week or more's worth of ticks plus a few days and will slow down level gain as a result. Since players will often end up within less than a week's worth of ticks but will have to wait until the following week to level. Basically what we get right now where someone ends up a few ticks short of a level and has to wait until the next day, but instead it'll be waiting until the next week. Which can be very discouraging
Thanks to  for the event today. It was amazing