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Messages - sciolist

Thank you to for Mista's linking of the entirely new bit of Team Morally-Misguided's naughtiness into the wider and older troubles of the Churches of Sune/Shar , and their historic disagreements.

Really fun set of thoughts to weave into our character's activities.

(Also to all the other people taking time out of their adventuring lives to call Joy an idiot, or worse for some poor life choices)
Completely understand - thank you for the response.
Premise:  Evil in D+D is a tangible, objective, detectable property. Some spells have the Evil descriptor and using them is an Evil act.
Undead and Fiends are undeniably Evil, and association therewith -should- taint the soul of people that hang out with them, willingly

Detect Evil can be used In Game to determine evilness (or protection from it)

Alignment thought:
Casting a spell with the Evil descriptor should advance the casting character's alignment 1 point more evil.

Optional thought for Association: - Being in Party is a willing association
  • Everyone in the party with a caster, casting an Evil tagged spell also gains a pip towards evil (or has a 50% chance of doing so )
  • If you are in party with an Evil Outsider, or an Evil Undead - gain an Evil point on the Faery Tick. (or 50% chance thereof)

Suggestions Archive / Questtimes
Nov 19, 2019, 02:29 AM
Having something in UTC is pretty unambiguous.
It's like GMT but a less 'British Empire' name for it :)
Thank you, for morally misguided funtimes at the weekend!
Thanks to for the Carnival quest, sadly curtailed by server explosion. There was definite atmospheric grimness, and horror.
1 - What days of the week and weekend do you play:
Any week day - currently not working Weekend Evenings by prior arrangement with family

2 - what are your schedules:
Usually Euro Daytime, and Late Evening on Weekdays.

3 - Your characters, and themes that attract your character's attention:
Joy likes helping people, and protecting them - or meeting extraplanar creatures
Nula likes winning
Magpie likes getting money and having fun.
Thanks for the Random potion gnome! I love little events where we get to characterize around the occurrences
3-5 - Deeper Sewers under the Seraph
6-10 - Hullack Goblin Bolthole
11-15 - Sunken Keep
16-18 - Lightning Peak (only since it's the one I've done most, in company)
Shantis Avatar
Thanks RJ For a fun and interesting adventure. :D 
I loved the adventure in fabletown!
Seconded! It was a lovely twist on a ooc familiar tale
That's fair enough. I wouldn't mind a Summon that didn't improve, or One that only improved at certain level points.

But noted - No rush! :)
This may also apply to other PrC summons, but I don't know about those.

At SD3 you can summon a shadow. Entry to the PrC needs 10 ranks of skill so... earliest you'd get the Awesome Summoned Shadow is ECL10.

It has 19hp. As a 1/day Summon.

Maybe it's just supposed to be fluff and RP? But it would be nice if it was better. Summon Creature V gets you a Dire Bear.
I'd be entirely happy if the Summoned shadow had the Dire Bear stats :)
Hello, sometimes there's 15 or so Announced quests on the books (which is great!)

for easy visibility: These could have the Prefixes:

OPEN - Has slots available for signup
LOCKED- Restricted Entry
RESERVE - Open slots for reserves, original quest is full
DONE - This quest was completed

Then any user can with easy eyeball see which are worth looking at. And the appropriate DM can update the Subject line when adding names to original quest, if it's filled.
As a new player to the server I really enjoy the slog from 3-10. It gives you the chance to fiddle with your character and work out how they handle in a fight - but also lets you tweak character and so on, as they grow.

I like the timed XP fairy drops and the rationing that so far I've only experienced on the way to L13. One day, I hope to see some sort of DM eventing, but that's not clear to a newcomer how that happens.
Maybe I need to write an engaging quest hook, or just have friends who invite me along.

The forum announcements feel a bit like "Some people who are not you are going on an adventure" - So I may have missed the 'idiots guide to how to get along in CD'.

That said - I'm really enjoying the feel of the server, the prettiness of the server, the elegance of the automated loot and spawning and item tiering.
And the people seem to be good people too.