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Messages - nightsong

General Discussion / So much for fair V2
Apr 08, 2021, 02:45 PM
So I can not rp an argumentative character ? She that not be made clear there's no allowed ic conflict . On the discord ban . Yes I left discord then too avoid any attempt at me apologizing. You ban me without even notifying me? That's the blunt truth . Instead on approaching me you cut me off without a word. Now veiled threats on playing is privlage and being banned . Perhaps come too me with any issues I would of explained myself . So who is really admitting there wrong here ?
General Discussion / So much for fair V2
Apr 08, 2021, 01:53 PM
This was the answer too my app it took me 4 days too write

After careful consideration of the race in question and their place in the setting, we do not at this time believe that this character will fit into the server's climate. This decision was reached after a review of past roleplay as well as current trends in communication, responsiveness, and attitude. To put it simply, we do not believe that this character will be a good fit for the server at this time. Please feel free to apply in the future for a less controversial race, or reapply for this one again once you have found a more comfortable place in the playerbase.

This was the answer I got. Okay from what I was told as long as I could rp the character and filled out the app. It did not matter if my concept was controversial or had anything too do with comfort of the player base. So 30 day's of active play wich I did I even made a new charcater because my sun elf was not well recived as tradintoal sun elf. I really do not understand what more was required. So since I offended some players Rping my charcter this is I am guessing this is what I should excpept . We wouldnt want too upset anyone ? And the race in question I know of at least one. So how does that work as contoversial ?

I feel my applaction was unfairly denied due admins and dm hurts feelings over my rp. I can list them if you wish. I also bellive my applaction was also denied over an arugemt with arya on discord.

And lets also now add my app was denied over a disord argument then the thread locked. Very mature behavior 
General Discussion / So much for fair
Apr 08, 2021, 01:43 PM
After careful consideration of the race in question and their place in the setting, we do not at this time believe that this character will fit into the server's climate. This decision was reached after a review of past roleplay as well as current trends in communication, responsiveness, and attitude. To put it simply, we do not believe that this character will be a good fit for the server at this time. Please feel free to apply in the future for a less controversial race, or reapply for this one again once you have found a more comfortable place in the playerbase. This why my app was denied .... And the race I wanted is allowed since there a few others out there. I took into consideration and came too conclsioun it was denied over butt hurt players and dm pc's as well as my argument with arya . This part stands out

or reapply for this one again once you have found a more comfortable place in the playerbase. This tell's me it was denied based on bisais . Not the app
General Discussion / So much for fair
Apr 08, 2021, 01:31 PM
I will also add if this was atempt too curve my Rp. i will be on everyday from now with my sneering sun elf triel . See you in game
General Discussion / So much for fair
Apr 08, 2021, 12:58 PM
This was the answer too my app it took me 4 days too write

After careful consideration of the race in question and their place in the setting, we do not at this time believe that this character will fit into the server's climate. This decision was reached after a review of past roleplay as well as current trends in communication, responsiveness, and attitude. To put it simply, we do not believe that this character will be a good fit for the server at this time. Please feel free to apply in the future for a less controversial race, or reapply for this one again once you have found a more comfortable place in the playerbase.

This was the answer I got. Okay from what I was told as long as I could rp the character and filled out the app. It did not matter if my concept was controversial or had anything too do with comfort of the player base. So 30 day's of active play wich I did I even made a new charcater because my sun elf was not well recived as tradintoal sun elf. I really do not understand what more was required. So since I offended some players Rping my charcter this is I am guessing this is what I should excpept . We wouldnt want too upset anyone ? And the race in question I know of at least one. So how does that work as contoversial ? 

I feel my applaction was unfairly denied due admins and dm hurts feelings over my rp. I can list them if you wish. I also bellive my applaction was also denied over an arugemt with arya on discord. 
Is this real ? I am hoping not