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Messages - darthweasel

Tier list.. I sense some FGO vibes.
General Discussion / NWN EE
Jun 16, 2018, 11:56 PM
EE is.. ok. Problem is they scrapped the gamma slider so you are stuck with a too dark setting that makes it nigh impossible to see depending on your monitor.

If they had that fixed I would highly recommend it.
Got this game about 10 years back. I had no idea how the D&D system worked, but understood the basics of the game from having played through KOTOR.

So I ended up playing the single player campaign and generated my first NWN character. Feyed Lanniset. Half elf Silver haired Pally with stats something like.

14 str
12 dex
16 con
10 int
14 wis
10 char.

Odd thing is she worked. Aside from Lay on hands being a joke she basically moved like a fighter with no fear what so ever and self buffing.  Sadly the machine she was tied to has died and I doubt I saved her data.
General Discussion / Can't find the mod.
Nov 06, 2015, 07:48 PM
Ah so it's not a new IP. I will be look for it later then.
General Discussion / Can't find the mod.
Nov 06, 2015, 07:33 PM
I am going to guess the IP changed again and I need it.

I can't get into the server lists on NWN anymore.
Suggestions Archive / CD Dungeons
Sep 06, 2015, 11:11 PM
I can see those points, but I have been on the receiving end of the attacks of a monster that was buffed (first to deal with one or two powerbuilds) to levels that were basically unhittable by a level 20 WM build with a +4 sword. This was on a server where though level 40 was allowed they pretty much set it at 20 because you could not level up past it without a DM giving you the blessing to do so. I do not mind losing a fight IG.. I do mind watching someone who should be at least competent at that level for the fight wiffing away all day while the enemy nails him to the wall.

How relevant that is to this particular issue I do not know.
Suggestions Archive / CD Dungeons
Sep 06, 2015, 07:12 PM
I have always subscribed to the philosophy of increasing HP significantly over AC which will make people of appropriate level unable to hit her.

Site has free demos of most games.

I have to admit I am a fan of this group's work. At least some of it.

The visual novel section tends to lean towards romance which isn't really my cup of tea but three games of theirs are actual rpgs.

Loren the Amazon Princess. A bit silly on some of the costume designs (I highly recommend leaving it on the "censored version") The game never gets into anything graphic as far as "adult" situations go, but it spares most of the silly cheesecake/beefcake artwork.

Planet Strong hold.

Probably the weakest of the three games. Still enjoyable.

Season's of the Wolf.

My favorite of the bunch. It is set in the same world as Loren above, but manages to significantly reduce the cheese cake/beekcake imagery and provides a solid story. 
I will not lie this is one of the few games I have played that managed to almost elicit an emotional response from me.
Yeah this topic is like a train that started in LA headed for NY.. and somehow is now moving towards Shanghai.
Off Topic / Destiny
Sep 22, 2014, 10:32 PM

A bit harsh by my view but he says what needs to be said.
Off Topic / Destiny
Sep 21, 2014, 04:25 PM
On my own personal view of the game.

I really enjoyed the main game. Unfortunately it was too short. To me it feels like a solid entry into a planned movie trilogy where a great set up is given. The whole concept of "The game really begins" once you finish it has always been a cop out in my mind. Right now I would call it a 7.75 out of 10 (which will probably rise once the game gets some planned expansions)
Off Topic / Destiny
Sep 20, 2014, 08:06 PM
Garage Trashcan Avatar
onivel Avatar
My only console is a Wii that I bought for the kids and to play Zelda  ;)

I'll have to wait and see if they release a PC version. Currently not one officially in production. I did talk my coworker into buying the game for her hubby though so he owes me one.
They've expressed interest, we'll probably have it sometime next year.

My roommate's friend got him the PS3 version, so I'll be dicking around with that.
If the PS version is anything like the XBOX you can mix PS3 and PS4 players. I bought it digitally for the 360 and it gave me a X box one copy as well and my character roster is on both versions.
Off Topic / I freaking love DnD 5E.
Aug 24, 2014, 11:31 PM
Garage Trashcan Avatar
Isn't 5E just following 4E's trend of removing all alignment restrictions on paladins?
Off Topic / I freaking love DnD 5E.
Aug 24, 2014, 11:28 PM
One thing holding back any tabletop RPG is that getting enough players together can be murder. And I am having trouble keeping the game I am running going.
thorien Avatar
Garage Trashcan Avatar
I'm guessing he'll throw in the yiff and the BDSM free of charge?
I guess it's a professional risk.

In all fairness we have our share of pervy outfits in the clothing section here.