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Messages - sayana

Friday - Tuesday

Starting times of the event in CET: 08:00pm - Midnight. In CST that would be 01:00pm - 05:00pm. It depends on how long the event would be of course.

Friede: Heroic actions like saving a town, some children or things like that. Also, her being a mercenary just money or a good great sword would be incentive enough for her in some cases. She can also lead troops into battle but usually prefers to fight upfront herself.
Beldrus: Anything related to dwarves. He also likes exploration and uncovering mysteries.
Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Sep 29, 2019, 09:45 PM
Because Friede sometimes behaves like golden age arc Guts, Friede's theme:

Hey. Just wanted to switch characters for this.

Remove Roggrim and add Beldrus Instead.
Beldrus - Dwarf - lvl 9 Bard, but I assume he will be above lvl 11 until the Event.
Hey there. Im on European times, I only work fulltime on Thursday and Friday, so the other days of the week I have quite a bit of time, as long as it doesn't get too late for me. And I can RP the apprenticeship as many times a week as you'd like.
I'll send you a message on discord :)
One thing I would like to add to this.

I have decided to play my character as being from Anchoromé, so that would make her an Azuposi (basically the northern, native american version of the Mazticans). The master character would have probably found her lost and confused somewhere in Faerun.

Just thought I'd add this, in case it would raise interest with someone :)
Hey everyone, Im not sure where this would go, so Im just throwing it into the general Forum for now.  :)

Im looking to make a character that would be an apprentice to someone, I was thinking ranger, but I would also play a paladin/squire or knight/squire type of character if that would be preferred. However, an apprentice would need a master, so if you have a character, or would make one together with me to play as a master apprentice type RP, please let me know here or on Discord.
Other classes might be fine as well, but would need to discuss those first.
Throw Roggrim on the list too.

Roggrim, Dwarf Barbarian/Fighter/Rogue 11