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Messages - hera

Nimphiel Caladris ecl 20 boarding 21 duelist/ranger - worshiper of Leaf Lord, but on loan to Sulune to help with the monitoring and tracking or lycanthropes. (this is long established in her backstory and rp). She is also a strong ali to Ulrik having befriended him in the beginning and helped him come out of his shell long ago. THE reason he no longer wears a helm all the time
Arya Kalarathir: Thank you so much for the constant high attention to detail, the consideration, the care and thoughtfulness you have put into the personal quest so far. Kiriku has always been very deeply rooted in her culture and traditions and you have honored that all so well, and listened to everything I asked, given so much thought to things so personal to the character. I am looking forward to how this continues to unfold.

DM Team in general: So often we become so caught up in the game we forget to appreciate how much effort, time and work you all put into things. Unpaid workers who sometimes get a little thank you at the end, but dont get told how utterly amazing and appreciated you really are for how much you bring a that extra spark to the world. Our characters are part of a living community and you give them something beyond scripted quests, you give them that extra drive. Thank you.

Terallis: Thank you for the Guardians bond plotline. Not only had it caused the characters to question morale issues, to become caught up in the lives of some amazing npc's, but its helped a very odd group learn to work together and overcome extreme personality issues... its been amazing so far.
thank you for the positive rp  in helping Nimpheil along, same with  and  over the last week you have really impacted on her rp to get her moving along in positive ways through the rp encounters that have been massively helpful thanks