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Messages - CluelessNoob

Suggestions Archive / Summoning suggestions
Aug 29, 2019, 06:22 PM
Alright. Thank you for the quick reply.
What of the proposed tool, however? It's very clean, neat and more importantly -not- another usuable item.

It's pretty sweet!
Suggestions Archive / Summoning suggestions
Aug 29, 2019, 05:13 PM
Hi all,

I realize I've only joined recently. But! I still have a suggestion which would improve the overal experience of all classes whom summon creatures to help them out.
Here goes;

One thing I've personally always enjoyed on (other) servers is the following:

  • Being able to control this summon using a simple player tool. (

The control companion tool is a very nice add-on which allows to independantly control minions and possibly speak through them using chat commands.

It's also relatively easy to implement and compitable with nearly all systems most NWN servers use.


  • Being able to summon more than 1 summon at once. This is usually dependant on SF: Conjuration or GSF: Conjurationn)

  • Being able to switch from summoning "themes" using set reagents (1 use) and/or books (permanent). In this way one could portray different types of summoners (Fire elementals, ghosts, celestials, nature, insects etc.)
    List item 2

I understand these last suggestions are a lot of work in the way of balancing etc, but it adds so much to portraying arcane and/or divine classes.

Anyway! Just a idea I had. Hope you all like it as much as I do :P.