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Messages - shalvenay

singerfromthemist Avatar
May 23, 2021 7:22:16 GMT -5  @singerfromthemist said:
General shout out to all the folks who turned up at the Dancing Duchess last night and managed to keep Ingrid busy during her stint subbing in behind the counter. It was a surprisingly enjoyably enjoyable little evening of colorful characters all around. From the elf who thinks she's a dwarf to Thayne falling spellbound to Wolfgang's cooking. :D
Yes, thank you for the chance to have Argratha do it like old times and break out her tavern-bard side :) Don't get to do things like that on her all that often since she's ICly tied down a bunch by the littles at the orphanage, after all...
General Discussion / Easter Egg Hunt
Apr 04, 2021, 03:31 PM
Celdor found one in the Sunset Mountain gnoll dungeon
This is a two-part request, and may require a HAK update, but here we go:

1.  Could a utility wildshape to a bird be added to Druid base wildshaping? (Either as a replacement for an existing shape, my thought being the badger, or as a new option)
2.  Would it be feasible to give winged shapes (shifter wyrmling, shapechange dragon, the aforementioned wildshape bird) something akin to the existing /flytool feat so that they can actually...take wing?  All the other full casters on this server can fly by way of using the Fly spell, but druids need to burn expensive potions here to get something they can trivially do in PnP.