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Messages - goldheart

1 - What days of the week and weekend do you play:

Any week day

2 - What are your schedules:

European Daytime, Evening, and Late Evening

3 - Your characters, and themes that attract your character's attention:

Shaella Fairglade, priestess of Sune:

What higher calling is there than the preservation of beauty, and the defense of love? She's young and an inexperienced adventurer, she want to learn and helping others, looking for a good adventure and light hearted events, help the temple of Sune. She oppose worshipers and embodiments of cruelty, domination, and tyranny.

Velvet the Golden, a courtesan:

Plots in underworld, intrigues, politics, people could use her to gather information on the enemy, contacts with the nobility and the rich, party escort, rogue game-play, mischief, balls and parties, gold shipments, guard schedules, secret meeting times

Reirra Starbreeze, a Sun Soul Monk:

Fight against Shar followers and evil, harming Shar Church as much as possible, avenge her brother, sometimes she need something to punch or kick, help the temple of Selûne, war companies, battlefields

Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Oct 22, 2019, 12:18 PM
Velvet Theme:

Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Oct 03, 2019, 04:28 PM
Shaella Theme:

Thanks to Areusa for warm welcome and making me smile. You have just made what started off as a very nervous experience turn in to a good laugh and great time, thank you so much <3