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Messages - Liriel

Player Announcements / Hiatus and apologies
Jul 21, 2020, 08:06 PM
Player Announcements / Awaytime
Jun 24, 2020, 08:48 PM
Be good to yourself!
In all my days playing NWN, I have never - seriously, never - encountered a boss fight with phases. Like, there I was, pewpewing the boss, she summons some Vrocks. Gross. Gotta kill them. Okay, back to the boss.

Why...why are there more Vrocks? WHERE DID THEY...


Seriously   that was a fine-ass raid dungeon you put together, and that final boss was a bitch to bring down.

I was seriously proud of the raid team, too, because y'all swapped between boss and adds like pros, with no previous practice, smoother than I've seen in many Mythic Raid Teams in WoW. Bless.

Also: I'm going to have nightmares about Vrocks for weeks! Weeks, I tell you! And the tree!  The tree was my fault, and boy did I ever pay for it!  (rofl)

Good job! It was an epic plot, and I am so glad to have gotten a chance to participate in it.  :)
I had a really good time in your quest.  Thank you for running it, even though we were all big buttheads at times!  Take as much time as you need! <3
Celeb (  )'s play was amazing. I really enjoyed it.  Thank you for putting that on! :)
I hate every single one of you.
*mutters* I should have known better than to introduce a known punster to you monsters.