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Messages - Terallis

I still do think this is a great idea, whether it even can be toggled or not. Especially in a case for what some servers do with colour-coding emotes. I know servers like Amia, for instance, that would let you set your method of emoting. Be it asterisks or reversal with quotes. Then through that, it would give a light blue colour to the emote portions while leaving the spoken text normal. Always loved that system. But the same had a different colour (I think it was like... orange?) for when it detected (( or //. Tried and true method to better be able to differentiate things at a glance. It's true that certain colours draw attention to themselves, but that's also kind of the point of it.
Quote from: SpacePope on Aug 04, 2024, 10:42 AMIf it was to be done, what color?

Light Blue, Cyan, Turqoise? Just to name a few ideas. Interestingly, along this same line, I remember a few servers that also did something where you could choose your method of emoting, and it would detect that, making EMOTES a different colour from what was spoken. In fact, I actually feel like that could be an even greater idea than colour changing the OOC talk. Or just both!
I'd love this, personally. Seen it done on a couple other servers, as well.
I had posted this up in the forum update requests area, but thought I should more properly put this up in here as well.

I think I may have posted about this some time in the past, before my hiatus, but can't fully remember. With that said, I wanted to mention that the Lycanthrope animal forms don't get any of the same stuff as the hybrid form does, even though they're meant to, in PnP. Through both the specific lycanthrope type charts for monsters, as well as the section on Lycanthropes As Characters, it shows that both hybrid and animal forms are meant to get the same benefits as each other.

So this post is meant as a suggestion to potentially add those benefits back in for the animal forms. I know prior to their change a couple years back, it worked just fine like this, but after some of the changes, animal form lost all of its actual benefits, per PnP.

Here are a couple shots of the information in question:

Not been the most active as of late, as folks can likely tell. Been a lot that I've been dealing with regarding RL and mental health, to mention simply. But due to all that, still wanted to mention more properly that I'm stepping down from the team for now, until I can likely get things a bit more stable with life and health. I should still be around the server, sporadically, but DMing is a bit too much for me to focus on at the present time.

If folks feel they might need something from me, as well, don't be afraid to ask. I've had a lot of fun running things for people, and hope to potentially do more of it at some point in the future.

Thanks, everyone!
Given the situation itself, I'll advise to please submit a complaint/concern report into the admins if there are issues with it. Please and thanks!

Complaints/Concern Form can be found here
So, with it not presently being a subrace that can be chosen, at least, if you'd like to play one, feel free to put through an Exotic Race Request in the proper section of the forums. If uncertain of how to go about doing so, however, we have a nicely laid out page that goes through it all, along with the full form template to fill out for a corresponding application.

Exotic/Unusual Race Request Overview and Form

Exotic/Unusual Race Request Forum

Thanks! :)
So, with it not presently being a subrace that can be chosen, at least, if you'd like to play one, feel free to put through an Exotic Race Request in the proper section of the forums. If uncertain of how to go about doing so, however, we have a nicely laid out page that goes through it all, along with the full form template to fill out for a corresponding application.

Exotic/Unusual Race Request Overview and Form

Exotic/Unusual Race Request Forum

Thanks! :)
Well, closer, but again there's actually nothing in Mathammor's portfolio or domains that suggest being a nature God. You can be a wanderer, tracker, etc, without necessarily having a deep connection with nature itself. His whole thing is a domain over those leaving Dwarven holds to explore more beyond and the like. Can still be aligned with nature deities, but yeah. Neither His portfolio or domains contain Nature, in 3E, at least.

I know the general majority of Dwarven druids are those worshipping deities outside the Mordinsamman, since the dwarves themselves aren't generally known to have specific druids outside the worship of Thard Harr, AFAIK.

But further than this, I'm gonna say for an admin to weigh in beyond what's been said, at least. Will tag since he's the bigger one for dwarf stuff.
Segojan specifically has nature in his portfolio, while Dumathoin has nothing of the sort. Seeking balance in nature doesn't always mean nature in the more literal sense, but more what's considered natural vs unnatural in the world itself. Dumathoin is a deity that has a portfolio governing over wealth, gems, mining, underground exploration, and guarding the dead, while Segojan is more specifically a god of earth and nature, while further specifically having a bit of that portfolio covering the dead among gnomes, due to them generally being interred into his domain after death. Just because a god covers the underground and earth, doesn't mean they also fall into the realm of what a nature god is.

By that same logic, deities like Selune would count as a nature god due to her natural influence over tides and other factors brought forth by the existence of the moon. But she's not one. Many deities could have themselves stretched to include some sort of nature influence, but that would admittedly get fairly crazy, much as it would for taking similar stretches on other deities for other forms of governing domains.
Thing is that not all character builds are meant to be capable of doing everything. If you feel need to access scrolls or certain items, you can generally make your build for it. If you don't want UMD, then you have greater focus in other areas. Further on that is that the server isn't built for soloing either, and is meant to have others that can fill areas you aren't great with. In cases like that, it's best to bring along a Mage or someone with UMD that can do so. If too many things are opened up beyond their class, it starts to also devalue those sorts of character archetypes.
Suggestions Archive / Keen on gloves?
Jun 12, 2022, 05:19 PM
Won't speak for the keen on gloves, but more helmets would require working models with not just textures, but PLTs as well. I do know we've got most of the good ones, and more than those we have, from the Vault, have generally been of copyrighted material. Not that it's difficult to take a model and make a helmet from it, though the PLTs are always a pain to set up in such cases. But yeah. Overall, easier said than done. I did, in a previous hak, take the hood portion of the hooded scarf Cloak and make it into a helmet, but that already had the PLTs available from that texture.
I admittedly feel like adding Moon related scrolls to the Selunite Temple would pull away from their more unique sort of focus, as anyone with a UMD score would suddenly have access to scrolls of what's effectively Bless Weapon in its own way, among other stuff that's much rarer to get ahold of.
ServerQuestions / hak Help
Apr 29, 2022, 01:37 PM
With the message of missing the talk file, that's likely that it wasn't put into the correct folder. Tlk needs to go into the tlk folder, after all. For the other thing of having downloaded all the files on the Vault, did you download and then put them in in the correct order? Gotta do all the base stuff, then the update, then the hot fix.
Just to note with the mentioned layout that paladin has level restrictions I'm that you must have HALF your total levels as paladin at all times. The only prcs that contribute to this are Divine Champion and Hospitaler.