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Messages - Garage Trashcan

Thank you Bonetree, Darth Jimmi, and AshylnOne for the adventuring last night. I do enjoy slower runs with good RP as we do them, and it was good banter both IC and OOC the whole time.
Player Announcements / Nothing to see here
Jun 27, 2023, 03:40 PM
I'm not gonna PM you, you giant nerd, because I'm lazy. But I will give you a how'd'ya'do.
Melody Avatar
At some point in the future, Tyr'intor will become a central focus for those of the Triadic faith. Stay tuned.

I would also like to thank for ORTA. I don't have much to add beyond echoing what others have already said. Thanks for the fun ride, buddy, and I look forward to the next one.
ServerQuestions / Mighty Rage changes?
May 07, 2022, 11:50 AM
Rage, at current, is extremely good and with the scaling to 25+ barbarian levels (which BR levels count for), basically makes Might Rage obsolete. I'd be very wary of giving barbarians another extremely potent tool.

And I say that as someone with a T6 Barbarian. The class is already extremely good and doesn't need to be stronger.
Meehow Avatar
Another question, this time for reusing my previous character bio. What's the status of Eagle Peak in the server lore? What can you share about the location? I can see some search results, but as there is very little info on it in canon sources, I thought it would be best to ask for server lore specifically. I am making a paladin of Torm.
Server canon deviates in 1372, so you'll want to ignore anything that takes place after that point. There's a server timeline here, which may or may not be helpful. The 2021 server plot has yet to be added, but I don't believe Eagle Peak was affected in any substantial way. You may want to check with as I think he was the last DM to do something vaguely in that area, but I may be incorrect.

Otherwise, there was a rather lovely update done to the Citadel of the Rampant Eagle in the module (it previously didn't exist other than the exterior).
Long time player and former staff here,

1. No one will give you a hard time over spelling or grammar. The occasional typo might lead to some laughs, but no one will hold it against you if you clarify OOC you will "pass" on the gold instead of "ass on the gold".

2. I'd check out the Discord server where there's a server map pinned in the General section to help you get around. We're generally not a "Find out IC" server and people will point you in the direction of shops or dungeons. There's also a Dungeon List with vague locations listed in the Player Resources forum to encourage you to explore.

If you're interested in a military faction, you'll want to check out the Purple Dragons. It's done a bit differently here where the player faction aren't the rank-and-file soldiers, but basically the crown's shock troops they send in to deal with monsters and issues not suited for regular soldiers.

3. Paladin / (Bard or Rogue) / Hospitaler is a go-to powerbuild option (and what I play), but there are plenty of viable options beyond that. If you mess up your build, relevels or rebuilds are commonplace and easy enough to get approved so long as you're not going from like, pure wizard to pure fighter. I'd send you my build sheet, but I lost it in a drive death. But, if you have an idea of generally what you'd like to do, check out the Mechanics Discussion channel in Discord and people can help. If you'd like a full mock up, Nokteronoth or Misty are our demigods of PC building and have a nifty excel sheet to help.

4. You shouldn't have any problem. Cormyr is a Lawful Good nation and, while there are unsavory areas of the server, they're easily avoided. PC conflict is incredibly rare here, but that doesn't mean that everyone is averse to it. It's very unlikely you'll need to worry about PvP and the server isn't balanced around it.
No microtransactions? I can't support a game that doesn't have MTX.
As much as I'd like to see CHA casting as Vince had thought of doing, it's as Edge said and would be a massive PITA to implement. The "easiest" changes would be:

1) More Smite Evil per day, perhaps 1/level, but this requires duplicating the smite evil feat at every level or something along those lines
2) Changing Lay on Hands to X/day or a cooldown, which was previously mentioned
3) Giving Paladins bonus feats at 6/12/18 like Green Knight to bring them more in line with the other melees. This would put them more or less at-par with feats as a Hospitaler and solidify Hospitaler as a Cleric multiclass. This pretty much covers their Divine Might/Shield/Extra Turning tax. however, I don't really like just slapping more bonus feats on things as a band-aid, even if that's how PF solved a lot of problems.

That said anyone saying that Paladin is objectively weak is patently false. The below screenshot was taken in an Epic dungeon. It is not a Great Smiting build. It's not a Dev Crit or even an Overwhelming Crit build. This wasn't done on a high ECL like Half-Dragon or Half-Celestial. The weapon doesn't even have a Bane against that type of enemy. I'm pretty sure this boss has flat % DR, too. It was a smite crit, but not even a majority of Paladin levels. Done entirely with self-buffs. Yes, the number is high due to Merc GS, but you'll put out higher DPS in 90% of scenarios with a regular GS or a Falchion because of more frequent crits.

Will you be as strong as a Cleric/Hospitaler or FS build? No, because you lack their utility kit and Cleric/FS are fundamentally broken in how good they are at buff and bash. They lack the utility of a Swordmage, but you 100% can keep up with the damage output of a Barbarian or WM, which is what you should be comparing yourself to. You're a bit better with easier UMD CCing or with a bard/rogue dip since you have a CHA investment so better utility/self-buffing and you're taking these for Tumble anyhow. Don't sleep on Extend Spell.

At some level, I'd honestly rather see BG more restricted in the way Paladin is because it's just fundamentally easier to build around for how much benefit it provides, and I say that as someone who has played both Paladin and BG builds here at the same level.
General Discussion / swordmage unite
Jan 29, 2022, 09:30 AM
psieco Avatar
I will put here my problem.
I lvl up my sm 15 to lvl 16 but dont have the option to i chose sm and continue my progression in the class. What i do?
Swordmage is limited to 15 levels pre-epic
Ticks trigger ~7 minutes, regardless if you're RPing or exploring. So your time to cap might vary slightly as, sometimes, you'll get a tick right when you log in and others you might not get it until a few minutes later.

There are some small deviances I've seen others report that, if you stay within the same tile, a tick might not trigger regardless of what you're doing. There's not a guaranteed way to replicate it reliably, so I would recommend reporting such discrepancies to FW or Vince directly and posting in Bug Reports. If there is a quirk in the code causing it to be unreliable, that's the best way to handle it, not proposing a sweeping change of how the ticks are granted/calculated.
Eruheran Avatar
Meadows Avatar
If the staff and others feel that opening the daily ticks isn't worth it, you have to get more creative and ask for other forms of progression or ask how you can help them with the labor/justification of coding and placing it all in the module.

-Exploration XP
-Crafting XP (in which one only levels up within the crafting skill, not necessarily character level)
I really do like the idea of crafting xp. I've seen it elsewhere as well. It does seem like a lot of work to go into it but moving around maps to collect crafting ingredients to level up your crafting skills to me was a really good system that allowed players to invest deeply into it and be rewarded when they were able to make good potions and things like that.

I know that this server has the crafting skills as the usual levelling ones, but I much prefer a system based on ability modifiers where everyone can craft and get better at it so long as they put in the time and effort, they can get better and so on and so forth. It provided a really nice and rewarding time sink for players to progress in that was completely seperate to their character level.
Something like this is already in the works with no TBA. As expected, building something like this from more or less scratch and implementing it into a server as large as hours is extremely time consuming.
Eruheran Avatar

Garage Trashcan Avatar
I did read your full original post, I just quoted the part that was relevant to my response.

I think what you're underestimating here is the fact that, as long-time players, we've already seen exactly this happen. Some of us have done exactly this already. The admins spent a good number of years testing and iterating on the XP system to find a balance they felt was comfortable - including earlier level caps, later level caps, and faster/slower iterations of the daily fairy. As you've said, 2.5 hour investment for 300 xp is decent enough. If anything, I'd argue the admins would rather disincentivize the players who spent 16 hours a day online across multiple alts than encourage it, even minimally or unintentionally.
I see, for the point that you mention, I do fully agree. For what it's worth, myself and others have also been playing on nwn servers and in honestly ones that have a much more punishing levelling process, where it literally reduces the amount you get from combat xp, and can take sometimes years to get to lvl 20 even with dedicated, active play. (which I have done)

I'd honestly rather see a move away from the daily fairy system and a system that encouraged more exploration/dungeon crawling. We're adventurers and a rotating list of quests or bounties would, I think, be more compelling for RP and get people out of the square. As is, with how common Teleport is now, we're borderline a lobby-based MMO as you no longer get lost for 4 hours back and forth on your way from dungeons.

I know some people are less inclined toward dungeoning or won't want to do that all week, but expansion on the sandbox and crafting system that's been worked on would be needed to provide an alternative form of progression (i.e. doing crafting/gathering quests instead of dungeons). If we were starting fresh, the XP/leveling system would likely be very different. Anything that involves movement and encourages getting out of the server hub would be a welcome change, otherwise everything that does so is purely player-driven and comes and goes in waves.
I did read your full original post, I just quoted the part that was relevant to my response.

Eruheran Avatar
Because those unable to be involved in DM-related questings will at least then have something to feel forward progression with outside the daily 300xp cap. Also the more XP gain, is so small that in the opinions of myself, that even though it's small, it's still something rather than nothing.

I think what you're underestimating here is the fact that, as long-time players, we've already seen exactly this happen. Some of us have done exactly this already. The admins spent a good number of years testing and iterating on the XP system to find a balance they felt was comfortable - including earlier level caps, later level caps, and faster/slower iterations of the daily fairy. As you've said, 2.5 hour investment for 300 xp is decent enough. If anything, I'd argue the admins would rather disincentivize the players who spent 16 hours a day online across multiple alts than encourage it, even minimally or unintentionally.
Eruheran Avatar
The current xp system is decent, but it doesn't necessarily encourage good rp. It's actually not that easy to design a system that, on it's own, encourages good rp. So what could? Well going back to the base idea, this will encourage people to rp more, which in turn should help them improve their rp skills. I also think that the reduced tick of 1 rp xp would not break the servers pace of progression.

For example if it took you 2 hours to get 300 rp xp off of 15 xp per tick, that means that 1 hour is worth 10 ticks. Now if there was reduced rp xp after the cap of 300 has been reached, 1 hour would be 10 rp xp, and 30 hours to reach the same amount of xp as when you were earning it at the rate of 15xp per tick.

I do think this will not only encourage people to engage in better rp as they reach the cap, but in keeping up that rp, those who are not presently advancing their personal stories or faction related rp (heavier, super purposeful rp) would then still feel like they're being rewarded, and would likely put forward more effort to keep rp going, which would serve to enrich the atmosphere and server rp quality. At the same time, the amount you'd get isn't so much that you'd feel like you're missing out on a lot by not playing the game, which is a good, healthy thing.

Fear of missing out is never healthy, plus, this will also help others avoid the feeling that if they don't get into a DM quest or similar, that they can't progress more.

This is going to be a hot take, but the quality of the RP people participate in has absolutely jack squat to do with the XP progression system and everything to do with the players participating in the RP, and there's not anything inherently wrong with that. Expanding the amount of XP can earn per day doesn't solve that problem and only increases FOMO because you'll have people who stay on literally 24/7 making minor interactions to edge themselves out every bit of XP they can, because that's how our brains are programmed. You already get FOMO when, "If I don't log on today, I'll fall behind my friends and underleveled!" Giving people more XP just makes this feeling worse in addition to making the RP worse. You'll see even less engagement after the 2.5 hours because the reward is 1/15th of what it was previously.

The best way to incentivize what you might consider "good" RP is to have an interesting, nuanced character and find other players who match your playstyle. Hands down, the best RP I've ever had here has been long after I stopped earning XP for the day and I didn't even realize how much time was passing. Otherwise, you just have to accept that CD can be a psuedo-social server and a lot of people here can't be bothered to give it 100% of their writing chops every day (I certainly can't). Other players are perfectly content "playing pretend" instead of telling deep, complex stories with their PCs and that's fine. They want to put on a wizard hat and be a wizard, not detail out every thought that passes through their brain and spend 5 minutes thinking about the proper way to respond to every interaction. Other players will switch how they RP depending on their mood or energy level.