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Messages - adalon

OK thanks for posting them. I just don't see how it affects early leveling to such a degree. It might make a difference of a couple days worth of leveling at most in the early levels, but that is small compared to the weeks you'll spend in later levels.

Yeah, I do think you need some sort of carrot to keep people logging in and maybe some folks would get all their XP in a day or two. I'd likely be one of those people, not out of choice, but out of necessity. I like how people just throw out "better log in every day and be active!" I mean, cool for you, but I can't.

Maybe the fairy isn't supposed to be the primary source of XP, but I miss most events and don't even bother signing up because of my time restrictions, so for me it is the main source of XP. I appreciate that that is not the case for you and obviously others, but no one seems to be considering that not everyone has the ability to do this.

It sounds like this will just get tossed anyways, so I suppose it doesn't matter. Feel free to close the thread if you want. I'm out :)
belladonna Avatar
Jun 5, 2021 18:49:56 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
We're not going to implement the weekly XP cap per the reasons in the prior thread.  Thank you.
And what reasons were those exactly? I didn't see any reasons in the prior thread other than "some things were talked about on discord so nope not doing it". That isn't exactly a reason and it'd be nice to have that documented, or you're likely to see another one of these threads pop up as the idea seems more popular than not, from the posts so far on this thread. I also haven't had anyone specifically talk to my reasons for wanting this change. Are players like me with limited time just not desired on this server? I'm just curious what the official stance is here.
I think that is a legitimate downside for a brand new character, but I also believe it would even out as soon as you hit level 12. You can also do quests to push yourself over the threshold. There is no reason to wait a week unless you want to.
Whoa... I think we might be getting a little off topic here

Let me see...:

1) I barely have that happen at all. I legitimately cannot remember when it happened to me the last time. And I don't do that myself at all either.

I'm assuming you're referring to my comment about people jumping on and off of characters? I see that pretty often, but not everyone does it.

2) I (as I've stated in the other thread) don't play daily. I personally need the incentive to even login some days that daily ticks give.

Then don't get all of your ticks in one day? Play for a few hours each day, it'd be no different than what you currently do.

3) Some folks are committed to just one character. Making them wait *an entire week* to have a rewarding feeling sounds just as unfair, doesn't it?

Why would you need to wait? It isn't any more or less experience than what you currently receive per week. If you want to get XP every day then don't play for 18 hours straight on one day.

4) Honestly, mute discussion anyway since Admins did already decide against it not too long ago.

I'm not a fan of this attitude. Especially since the last conversation was seemingly ended with "no plans to do this" with no reason or discussion to the contrary given so it could at least be documented. Ignoring people asking for help so they can simply play like other folks is not constructive.

Now the others:
"So, for starters, it's not every player that simply reaches cap and cuts off RP"
I never said it was, but some folks do it and I have seen it.

" While XP is part of advancing, the daily ticks are still not meant to be a full-fledged focus to rely on. It's something you gain by playing, and most will continue to play further past their daily cap, because they enjoy playing the character and whatever is presently going on, as well."
I agree with most of your sentiment, and I do like to RP for extended periods on one character. That is why I was proposing this. But I think you're also looking at this from the point of view of someone that can log on every single day. Imagine if you could only log in 3 days out of the week and you had all the time you wanted those 3 days. Are you going to burn an entire day only getting 300 xp for one character, or might you jump around to 2 or 3 characters on one of the few days you get to play?

To your last point, I didn't see it explained well why this system would be worse than the daily cap. It appears that the thread was simply chopped off. Maybe there was discussion in the discord? However, things like Discord are not good for record keeping.
I'd like to propose changing the 300 XP daily limit to a 2100 XP weekly limit instead. This would provide for the same exact speed of leveling, but allow folks like myself with rigid and limited schedules (single parent) the ability to level our characters the same as those folks with more time on their hands. I'll try to outline the benefits as I see them below:

1. Will provide more continuity with RP. I see a lot of people hitting their daily 300 cap, logging out, logging back in as another character and jumping right back into the RP that they were just engaged in. I don't feel like this is a good thing. If you're in good RP, you should be able to stay in it and not have to feel like you're wasting your time. If the cap was weekly instead, you could spend nearly a full day on a character and play your other character the next day. I feel like we'd see a lot less flip flopping on characters.
2. Allow people with limited time the ability to level the same as everyone else. I currently have almost no time to log in Wed - Sat and as such it is nearly impossible for me to level a character past 15 or so. Yet I have tons of time Sun - Tues. I hit the cap on most of those days and proceed to level at about 1/3 the rate of everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat! Lots of people have commitments outside the game and it is difficult to feel shoehorned into needing to do a certain number of hours per day to not fall behind the people you're playing with.

none that I can see, since it doesn't change the rate at which most people would level up their characters.

I'm curious to hear thoughts on this, but I feel like this would be a positive change for the server. I think it would encourage longer RP sessions with a single character for the entire player base and allow leveling to be more flexible.
Player Announcements / After over 10 years...
Nov 11, 2020, 10:54 PM
I've really enjoyed RPing our mysterious hooded characters together! I look forward to more :)