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Messages - Throg

Foxmagic forever!
aliirielle Avatar
I think there are a few other Divine Seekers, (My Vivienne is!)
I will say, I've run into the same issue, Sacred Stealth does absolutely nothing for Vivienne at this point. I've considered dropping the class but I love the flavor of it too much.
I know nothing about balancing or anything but from my angle your suggestion sounds good!
I considered dropping the class too.  heh
Hi! I will put this here as it's the only place I think it could go.

Now, I perfectly and fully understand, and agree, that there is some "selfishness" in this suggestion since as far as I know, I am the only one that used this PrC, but I was thinking how an ability is pretty useless and me being the OCD person I am, OCDed a thought of a way to make it not useless.  heh

It is the ability: Sacred Stealth: +10 to Hide and Move Silently for 1 hour + 1 hour/cha mod 3/day.  The ability counts toward the skill cap, so it becomes useless when you get items that add the +50, which is pretty easy to do as I learned when I gathered them.  The obvious solution would be to remove it and add Bonus Feats: Epic Skill Focus: Hide & Epic Skill Focus: Move Silently, as it would do the same thing, but honestly that seems too much as its two epic feats at first level of a PrC as well as the ability is a 3xDay use.

So, my thought/suggestion would be to change it to Bonus Feats: Skill Focus: Hide & Skill Focus: Move Silently instead of the 3xDay ability.  This way it only adds +3, rather than +10, to Hide & Move Silently to balance out the change, but doesn't make the ability useless as the +3 to each won't be subject to the skill cap of +50.  Honestly, I am not sure how easy of a change this would be too.

I know it is kind of anticlimactic of a suggestion, but I thought I would bring it up.  :)


And as always, thank you for all you do!


I might be interested as well depending on some of the specifics on the "merchant" side of things.  :)
I admit I also am a bit confused about it too now.  (But I confuse easily.  :D ) As I originally though the rule was simply... Don't hold an item for someone who can't carry it yet.  IE: level 20 holding a gold item for someone until they are level 18 and can take it.  As well as don't drop it with your Character A and pick it up with your Character B.  But you can sell it to vender with Character A and buy it with Character B.  Which I assumed is okay because (a lot of the times) how is someone supposed to know if an item they want to buy was sold by another one of their characters a few hours earlier.

But I have also seen a few discord messages that say there is more to it.  Specifically, the don't give an item to another player's character if their other character was in the dungeon run with you.  So. for example: The Drow do a Gnoll Run... At the end of the run Nyloth collects all the loot and sells the "vender fodder", but among them is a set of Extreme Paranoia (I actually have I think 4 sets of them as I type this on Nyloth now).  He keeps it because it is a very popular set that people want.  (I do this with any popular gear: cloaks, rings, boots, etc)   Two or three months down the road "Simon" meets a new character (that wasn't even made at the time I got the Extreme Paranoia as well as was with Nyloth on another character) who just made level 15 and is looking for an Extreme Paranoia.  If I sell/trade/give etc said armor, did we break the rules and will get flagged by the muling scripts?  If so, how could this type of RP be done as I have no idea how to keep track of what piece of equipment I have in my bags was received by who or if they were with me in the dungeon with another character when I got it.  :)
It was amazing!  Thank you all that made this happen.
I wanted to thank all the Admins for everything you all do.  :)  I don't Admins get to hear thanks as often as they should, so.... THANK YOU!!!!!
*raises hand*  I might be interested in some experiments.  :)  PMed you already.