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Player Announcements / Temporary Absence
Last post by Songborne - Jan 11, 2025, 03:14 PM
I'll be relocating starting tomorrow and consequently will be without a computer for a week or two. Perhaps a bit longer, but shall return. For anyone looking for my character, 'Elariala Ashwood', during this interval, simply assume she's busy and mostly sticking to her rented room in Highmoon rather than vanished!
General Discussion / Re: Thank you for Positive DM ...
Last post by Xaerien - Jan 11, 2025, 01:38 PM
Thanks to @probot for making a surprise appearance and providing support for today's player-run storytelling event
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 10, 2025, 11:46 PM
Just to note, PvP is never considered when making balance decisions on CD, and this won't change. I ran a few friendly spars like that before and it's great fun, but no one taking part should care in any way about winning or losing. It's all for fun.
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by SewerGoose - Jan 10, 2025, 05:48 PM
Quote from: Wargtimmen on Jan 10, 2025, 04:31 PMThat would be fun. So YES. I am curious though if it would be happen kinda OOC or completely IC? If the latter, that would be interesting. There could be some teams formed, those teams would have some names etc. Like a kind of tournament. That would be interesting, but also I feel like that would bring some discussions in regard of some balance between classes and builds.
Completely in-character is what it would be. As for balance there are some things to consider, but overall C&D, let alone NWN, is NOT optimized for PvP so there's always going to be imbalance in how things work. Ideally, rules would do their best to mitigate the imbalances.
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by Wargtimmen - Jan 10, 2025, 04:31 PM
That would be fun. So YES. I am curious though if it would be happen kinda OOC or completely IC? If the latter, that would be interesting. There could be some teams formed, those teams would have some names etc. Like a kind of tournament. That would be interesting, but also I feel like that would bring some discussions in regard of some balance between classes and builds.
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by SewerGoose - Jan 10, 2025, 01:32 PM
Quote from: ladyphoenix on Jan 10, 2025, 12:21 PMI would have to understand a lot more of how it would be implemented including addressing issues

1) permanent death (would deaths be permanent, respawns with xp/gold lost, etc)
2) how matches would be determined

I have had in the past some really bad experiences with pvp on worlds.

Nope! Death would not be permanent and would not affect xp/gold losses. At the very most people would end up "heavily injured" rather than dead and would be healed and monitored heavily.

What determines the matches would likely be based on the players' XP and equipment tiers? 0-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-30. With the chance for some mingling on either ends of each tier. And based on the people showing up there would likely be single combat matches or group matches with a secondary objective (One thing that has been mentioned to me multiple times is the desire for something like capture the flag). Some times there might be group vs monster matches or even mass free for alls. There are so many ideas and honestly I can see different ideas being used at different times. And it's all in the planning stage right now so nothing might be concrete.
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by ladyphoenix - Jan 10, 2025, 12:21 PM
I would have to understand a lot more of how it would be implemented including addressing issues

1) permanent death (would deaths be permanent, respawns with xp/gold lost, etc)
2) how matches would be determined

I have had in the past some really bad experiences with pvp on worlds.
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by turtle - Jan 10, 2025, 12:09 PM
Yes, you could also add in there where you get two teams say...5 characters and then another 5 characters and play something like capture the flag in a big open area...i did that once some where before but can't remember where but i remember it being very enjoyable...and there was pvp involved but it was fun cause you had to grab the flag and run with it and bring it back to your base type of thing
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 10, 2025, 09:09 AM
CD Module v4.12a8
- Server updated to NWN 37-13. Good news, this fixes the bug where we were randomly showing up as offline on the Beamdog masterserver!
- NWNX updated to 37-13
- Albatross T4 dungeon updated (Lady)
- Added a new T4 dungeon for testing (Alice)
- Semberdale Drow Dungeon updated (Alice)
- Hullack goblins loot fix (Misty)
- Fixed duplicate teleport Key for Deepingdale - The East Way and The East Way - Rolling Hills
- Theavos won't let people use his portal for free anymore
- Minimap will now automatically be explored in the main Arabel areas and Yulash - South
- The world continues to change to reflect the ongoing ATAE plot (Raysiel)
- Updated The Old Skull Inn doors to fix sight/hearing leaking (Raysiel)
- Added player house (LadyAsh)
- Added player house (Pun)
- Updated player house (Diestormlie)
- Updated player house (Lilian)

- Fixed broken Builder module scripts
- Removed two obsolete scripts
- Removed obsolete references to the USE_SEASONS area variable
- Improved the NUI Tailoring script
- Edited zep_openclose to only speak a string if one exists (Raysiel)
- Added the /addteleport command to save teleport keys to be used with the new Teleport NUI Window. Note that the Key Finder Widget will automatically save keys it finds when it's used

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Eldritch Doom & Eldritch Cone) Fixed a bug when interacting with Evasion
- (Flee the Scene) Fixed the clone being naked when wearing one of our custom AC armor such as Elven Chainmail
- (Eldritch Cone - Celestial) Enabled a new Holy explosion VFX
- (Teleport spells) Teleporting somewhere now requires the character to have been in the destination area before. This uses the saved minimap data, and a local variable set on the character runestone on a succesful teleport or when using the Key Finder Widget in case an area update wipes the minimap. This check doesn't apply to Player Homes and always explored areas such as Arabel
- (Teleport spells) Casting the spells will now open up a NUI window listing your known teleport destinations. You can add new destinations by using the Key Finder when in an area with a public Teleport key, or use the new /addteleport command

NOTE ON TELEPORT SPELLS: While they've been scripted to use the minimap data to prevent everyone having to run all over the place to unlock the teleportation in each area, the system isn't perfect and you /might/ not have any minimap data saved for an area that saw updates since last you went there. Going forward, make sure to use the Key Finder Widget or Teleport at least once to areas you wish to permanently unlock.
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 10, 2025, 09:02 AM
CD4 Hak Update v4.04a7
- Added a new loading screen hint
- Updated Teleport, Mass Teleport, and Transport Via Plant descriptions

- Fixed Walk Unseen having a male casting chant for females
- Fixed missing forearm #149 from the NUI tailoring menu
- Added a new Holy explosion VFX for Celestial Eldritch Cone

- Added a new Aboleth creature model (thanks to danthedust from NWN Vault)