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Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 10, 2025, 09:09 AM
CD Module v4.12a8
- Server updated to NWN 37-13. Good news, this fixes the bug where we were randomly showing up as offline on the Beamdog masterserver!
- NWNX updated to 37-13
- Albatross T4 dungeon updated (Lady)
- Added a new T4 dungeon for testing (Alice)
- Semberdale Drow Dungeon updated (Alice)
- Hullack goblins loot fix (Misty)
- Fixed duplicate teleport Key for Deepingdale - The East Way and The East Way - Rolling Hills
- Theavos won't let people use his portal for free anymore
- Minimap will now automatically be explored in the main Arabel areas and Yulash - South
- The world continues to change to reflect the ongoing ATAE plot (Raysiel)
- Updated The Old Skull Inn doors to fix sight/hearing leaking (Raysiel)
- Added player house (LadyAsh)
- Added player house (Pun)
- Updated player house (Diestormlie)
- Updated player house (Lilian)

- Fixed broken Builder module scripts
- Removed two obsolete scripts
- Removed obsolete references to the USE_SEASONS area variable
- Improved the NUI Tailoring script
- Edited zep_openclose to only speak a string if one exists (Raysiel)
- Added the /addteleport command to save teleport keys to be used with the new Teleport NUI Window. Note that the Key Finder Widget will automatically save keys it finds when it's used

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Eldritch Doom & Eldritch Cone) Fixed a bug when interacting with Evasion
- (Flee the Scene) Fixed the clone being naked when wearing one of our custom AC armor such as Elven Chainmail
- (Eldritch Cone - Celestial) Enabled a new Holy explosion VFX
- (Teleport spells) Teleporting somewhere now requires the character to have been in the destination area before. This uses the saved minimap data, and a local variable set on the character runestone on a succesful teleport or when using the Key Finder Widget in case an area update wipes the minimap. This check doesn't apply to Player Homes and always explored areas such as Arabel
- (Teleport spells) Casting the spells will now open up a NUI window listing your known teleport destinations. You can add new destinations by using the Key Finder when in an area with a public Teleport key, or use the new /addteleport command

NOTE ON TELEPORT SPELLS: While they've been scripted to use the minimap data to prevent everyone having to run all over the place to unlock the teleportation in each area, the system isn't perfect and you /might/ not have any minimap data saved for an area that saw updates since last you went there. Going forward, make sure to use the Key Finder Widget or Teleport at least once to areas you wish to permanently unlock.
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 10, 2025, 09:02 AM
CD4 Hak Update v4.04a7
- Added a new loading screen hint
- Updated Teleport, Mass Teleport, and Transport Via Plant descriptions

- Fixed Walk Unseen having a male casting chant for females
- Fixed missing forearm #149 from the NUI tailoring menu
- Added a new Holy explosion VFX for Celestial Eldritch Cone

- Added a new Aboleth creature model (thanks to danthedust from NWN Vault)
Ask the Staff Anything / A Question Regarding Sehanite ...
Last post by Songborne - Jan 09, 2025, 02:09 PM
I would like a bit of clarity when it comes to Sehanite practices since my character, Elariala Ashwood, is a Sehanite half-elf. The following line is taken from the wiki entry for Sehanine on the wiki.

QuoteThe most frequent celebrations of Sehanine's faithful are held monthly beneath the light of the full moon. Lunar Hallowings, as such holy days are known, are marked with personal meditation and collective entrance into a communal trance.

I've bolded the particularly relevant words. Within elven lore, 'trance' and 'reverie' are sometimes used interchangeably depending on the particular book and edition the lore comes from. Is this a state of communal reverie in which only full elves are drawn in or a more generalized communal trance state that can draw in all of Sehanine's worshippers regardless?

Knowing which of these is so would be useful so that I know what Ela might have participated in/could potentially participate in. So...I'd like to know where the server stands on how to interpret that that passage so I have a clearer idea of what spiritual experiences are open to her! Whether it simply be dreams she thinks guide her on occasion or if something more overtly mystical was potentially there as well.
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by dav - Jan 08, 2025, 10:22 PM
Dav/Roger would attend if I ever was available
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by Effigy - Jan 08, 2025, 10:13 PM
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by Zireael - Jan 08, 2025, 08:15 PM
I'm enjoyer of friendly PvP like that, whenever I'm participating or spectacting.
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by CustardPie - Jan 08, 2025, 07:58 PM
yus :0
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by nya - Jan 08, 2025, 07:37 PM
Yes. It's something my character would probably want to try and even organize herself, considering she views skilled combat as basically the best way to worship her god.
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by Arcanist_Silverblade - Jan 08, 2025, 07:36 PM
I'm happy to provide an avid spectator for some gnarly arena matches - I'm not a PvP person, but I'd happily provide some ambient bloodlu- moral support! What's more, I'm happy to hop in on any PvE monster fights. I like the idea of having regular chances to just WAIL on a big ol' pile of HP and fight mechanics as part of a social event.

I think that regardless of whether we spectate or fight, this will be a nice chance to spice up the Arabel RP scene some :)
General Discussion / Re: Vibe Check On an Idea
Last post by Crüentus - Jan 08, 2025, 07:23 PM