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Setting Information and Lore / Re: Comyrean Nobility
Last post by Fire Wraith - Jul 22, 2024, 01:45 AM
##### Further Accolades in Cormyr

Once a character is a noble, whether by birth or being granted a title, Cormyrian nobles in particular have additional options to earn further status through demonstrated loyalty, responsibility, and service. This comes in two forms, being granted a hereditary title, and ranks of distinction. These are only attained through continued displays of both IC and OOC responsibility on a character/player's part.

Hereditary titles are just that. It allows the character to ICly pass their title to their children, and essentially creates them as founder/head of a (minor) Cormyrian noble house. For those born to existing noble families, they becomes the head of their own Cadet branch of the family, while knights and baronets become a new house entirely. This house has no assets and no special power/influence, but it does come with the IC right to have a country manor (subject to normal housing rules) within Cormyr. Players are NOT required to retire on attaining this, although becoming the head of an existing (canon) noble House still requires it (due to the influence/resources). Note that this is only open to Human characters, as above, because the nobility of Cormyr will not ICly accept non-humans being raised up as hereditary peers.

Ranks of distinction are the typical Noble titles. In Cormyr, these have no actual meaning other than fluff, and possibly seating order at a formal noble dinner. Even if associated with a place, they do not grant any control or lands, and are simply vestigial/honorary. They are also not used as a title of address (it's always "my Lord/Lady" regardless of such, e.g., "Lord Blunderblatt, Baron of Hogswallow" gets called Lord Blunderblatt/my Lord, etc). Note that these MAY be granted to non-hereditary titles (e.g., Storm Silverhand is also the Marchioness Immerdusk).

Duke/Duchess (presently not available to players)
Baronet/Baronetess (granted to those given a minor non-hereditary title by default)

Lastly, spouses of such hold an equivalent courtesy title, while Children/blood relatives of a title holder are treated socially as if they held a courtesy title one rank below for every degree of removal. That is, the child of a Duke or Marchion is treated socially as if equivalent to an Earl/Countess, a grandchild would be as a Viscount/Viscountess, while an Earl's grandnephew would be treated socially as a Baronet. This is NOT a title of address, they don't get called that, etc.
Player Announcements / Re: Quick Absence
Last post by ADM Walking Carpet - Jul 21, 2024, 10:47 AM
Be fun have safe
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jul 19, 2024, 12:58 PM
CD Module v4.11f3
- Two T6 belts with wrongly set ablity bonuses have been fixed (this is a buff!)
- Increased spell level of Longstrider on the Elixyr of Travelling sold near Yulash
- Fixed the Gallery dungeon level lock script
- NEW: There are rumblings and whispers of illegal smuggling activity in the Southern Canals of Marsember.  Can you find where the notorious smugglers are conducting their illegal operations? (New T4 dungeon is now live.  Thank you, Ladybug!)(Ray)
- Updates to Pirate and Hag dungeons (Ladybug)
- Drow and other ne'er-do-wells can now rest in The Veiled Secrets before getting stabbed by other Drow and ne'er-do-wells. (Ray)
- Player house added: Aramon (Ray)

- Heroic alliance: Fixed a visual bug
- Tenser's Transformation: Fixed a bug where damage was wrongly set to Divine
- Tenser's Transformation: Fixed a bug with item use
- Mordenkainen's Sword: summon can now die. Stats have been rebalanced.
- Divine Power: Fixed a bug with item use
- Implosion: Damage type changed to Force.
- (Green Knight) Fixed Take Their Heads and Cut the Corruption not working
- Fixed Demonic Servitors receiving monk's level 17 feat, no relevel needed
- Updated the animation list in the Help menu
- Melf's Acid Arrow: Fixed the lingering damage not applying the scaling damage
- Melf's Acid Arrow (Greater Shadow Conjuration): Fixed the lingering damage not applying
- Metric height is now reported by the OOC mindflayer and the alter-self dialogue when adjusting character scaling
- A big chunk of the the accessory VFX system has been rewritten. Rotation should now work, and ~50 obsolete scripts have been removed.
- Monks and ECLs eye glow added to the Accessory VFX system. These can now be scaled/moved/rotated.
- Fixed several issues with traps not respawning properly (Ray)

AI Changes
- Tweaks have been made to how the AI decides who to attack
- Turn Undead has been removed from the AI functions
- Summons should now be able to (mostly) hold aggro. Monsters will still swap target at times or have preferences
- AI now has a cooldown on Curse Song use
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jul 19, 2024, 12:58 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03b3
.2da and class changes
- Champion's Valor icon changed
- Blackguard's Magic Weapon fixed to the correct spell
- Improved Invisibility added to assassin spellbook
- Fixed wrong feat number for Telepathic Gaze
- Fixed Diabolic Disciple abilities not being treated as hostile

- Mercurial Longsword description updated
- Elven Chainmail description updated
- Improved Invisibility description updated
- Divine Wrath description updated

- Tweaked the animation of one of the tiefling tails
- Compiled VFX models that were uncompiled, this should help with FPS drops when a model has to be loaded in
Player Announcements / Re: Quick Absence
Last post by lackofimagination - Jul 15, 2024, 09:37 PM
Have good vacations, you two!
Player Announcements / Quick Absence
Last post by platinum01 - Jul 15, 2024, 08:28 PM
Hello CD,

Turtle and I are taking a mini vacation for family stuff. We'll be back the 20th.

Player Announcements / Back in the saddle
Last post by The Graveman - Jul 15, 2024, 12:41 PM
Just posting here to say hello and to make sure this new forum account of mine was going to work. I'm mostly more active on the Discord nowadays.

Most of the old players would know me as Morticia Locard or my old main, Kevran the Tempus cleric.
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jul 15, 2024, 08:36 AM
CD Module v4.11f2
- NEW: The Brass Lamp (player business) has opened up in Sschindylryn - Central Markets.  Check it out! (Eidolon, Rykka)
- UPDATE: The ATAE story arc continues to affect the world, and more areas have been updated to reflect that.  Be on the look out... (Ray)
- Hag lair dungeon has been updated (Lady)
- Pirate dungeon has been updated (Lady)
- Boss of the Gallery dungeon has been updated (Lady)
- Asylum dungeon has been updated (Misty)
- Removal of the Adamantine Breastplate (T4) drop
- Mercurial Longsword now has a base damage dice of d8
- Added a check to the Subrace checker NPC (FireWraith)
- Fixed guards and purple dragon NPCs armors showing a belt (Vince)
- Bindpoint added to: Eilistrean Enclave, Harper base, The Veiled Secrets
- Lock removed from the Storm Horns' Duergar dungeon entrance
- The sword Moonblade of Eilistraee has been renamed to Lunar Blade of Eilistraee to prevent confusion

- (Blackguard) Edits made to certain scripts to enable Blackguard spellbook and remove the SLAs from active characters
- (Assassin) Edits made to certain scripts to enable Assassin spellbook and remove the SLAs from active characters
- (Fighter) Now gains a bonus dodge AC. 1 at level 6, 2 at level 8, 3 at level 10, 4 at level 12. No relevel needed
- (Monk) Added a fix so that monk AC bonus gets automatically added at level 1 without the need for a rebuild
- (Green Knight) Cut the corruption: useable on gauntlets and now uses the same targeting as Keen Edge
- (Green Knight) Take Their Heads: useable on gauntlets and now uses the same targeting as Keen Edge
- (Demonic Servitor) DC to Enchantment and Conjuration now scales by +1 at level 12, 15 and 18
- (Demonic Servitor) AC changed to Shield and script changed so they keep the AC if using an offhand, as long as it isn't a shield
- DMs adding an epic spell to player characters will now add the feat at level 1 to prevent relevels from wiping the spells
- Added Hold Undead immunity to Bosses
- Fixes to deity/alignment checks for certain fringe combinations (Ray)
- /reportxp now shows how much XP you have earned in the current level.  Good for knowing if you have enough for epic spells (Ray)

Epic Feats, Spells, and Epic Spells

Devastating Critical
As was said when the feat was first changed, the damage was always an initial test and subject to further tweaking. After careful consideration and some math behind the scene, the damage bonus provided by the feat has been adjusted and will now vary depending on the weapon being two-handed or not as well as its base critical threat range. This is to bring the overall damage curve of these weapons into a closer average proximity with one another, rather than having any one be a clear outlier or 'better' than the others by a significant margin. Damage is as follows:
One-handed weapon:
18-20: 15
19-20: 25
20: 35

Two-handed weapon:
18-20: 25
19-20: 40
20: 50

Epic Mage Armor
The spell has been changed to take into account base casting ability modifier on top of the type of armor, to reward investment in a character's casting ability modifier, with a cap on the AC amount. This will slightly reduce the AC gain for hybrid fighting-casting or 'gish' characters, bringing the average AC closer in line to other martial classes, while keeping the same AC gain for pure casters and DC casters, smoothing the curve across those build types. The numbers are as follow:

Base Armor AC    Epic Mage Armor AC Bonus
0                +9 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
1                +8 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
2                +7 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
3                +6 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
4                +5 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
5                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
6                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
7                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
8                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
11                +4 + Base Casting Stat Modifier (max of 7)
NOTE: Mystic theurge level 10+ always gets the max AC for their armor type, as they're already forced into splitting stats.

Heroic Alliance
Attack bonus has been reduced to +3. Damage bonus has been changed to physical and reduced to +3.

Heroic Empowerment
Because most of this spell wound up not stacking with Heroic Alliance, the bonuses and benefits from this spell have been rolled into the Tenser's Transformation and Divine Power spells, respectively, to keep the average benefit the same and remove a 'necessary' epic spell choice/spent slot. The spell has been removed. The benefits were not translated 1:1 with the old spell, but the overall increase of both spells has been improved.

Characters who had the spell researched are eligible for a one time free replacement with an epic spell of their choice, or a gold and combat xp reimbursement. The feat will be automatically removed from characters at a later date.

Divine Power
Now provides a divine damage bonus equal to your base number of attacks per round once level 21+. Added to Druid spellbook as a 5th level spell. Epic casters of the appropriate class will benefit from that damage bonus even if they use the spell through an item.

Tenser's Transformation
Now provides a magic damage bonus equal to your base number of attacks per round once level 21+. Also provides a Dodge AC bonus equals to half your base number of attacks per round once level 21+, rounded down. Epic casters of the appropriate class will benefit from that damage and AC bonus even if they use the spell through an item.

Storm of Vengeance
Spell Damage scaling fixed so it doesn't benefit from double the scaling received by other spells

Spell Damage scaling fixed so it doesn't benefit from double the scaling received by other spells

Creeping Doom
Damage cap increased to 2000.

Light descriptor removed.

Improved Invisibility
Concealment bonus reduced to 10%. Now reapplies invisibility every 3 rounds until the spell expires or is dispelled.

Now removes any temporary HP from a creature and deals 95% of its max HP in untyped damage on a failed save.
Death effect removed.

Spell damage scaling has been added/fixed for certain spells:
- Magic Missile
- Shadow Conjuration - Magic Missile
- Force Missile
- Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm
- Firebrand
- Ball Lightning
- Flame Arrow
- Combust's initial hit
- Melf's Acid Arrow's lingering damage
Damage added to missile spells is divided by the number of missiles.
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jul 15, 2024, 08:35 AM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03b2
.2da and class changes
Arcane Trickster:
- Added Great Intelligence, Great Charisma, and Epic Spell Penetration to the bonus feat list.

- Now has a spellbook. Assassin is an Int based spontaneous caster. __Assassin characters should request a relevel__ in order to be able to pick and choose their spells.

- Now has a spellbook. Blackguard is a Charisma based caster. Blackguards do not need to relevel to get their spells.

Demonic Servitor:
- Great Charisma feat removed. The stat gain is now innate. Demonic Servitors with more than 4 levels in the class are required to relevel
- Added Telepathic Gaze feat at level 8. This is an RP ability allowing the use of telepathy with creatures if they make eye contact with the DeS

Eldritch Knight:
- Added Knowledge (History, Planar, Cormyr)

- Added cantrips:
Cure Minor Wounds

- Added cantrips:
Cure Minor Wounds

- Added Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration as valid bonus feats

- Drow Domain now correctly gives Elemental Weapon at level 2, not Darkfire.

- Timestop targeting fixed for AI
- Relevant entries edited to add in spells to Assassin and Blackguard's spellbooks (Vince)
- Survival skill set to untrained.

- Shape Mastery: 9th Circle spells requirement removed to prevent a bug preventing Sorcerer / PRCs from taking the feat
- Automatic Metamagic (All): 9th Circle spells requirement removed to prevent a bug preventing Sorcerer / PRCs from taking the feat
- Epic Spell Focus (All): 9th Circle spells requirement removed to prevent a bug preventing Sorcerer / PRCs from taking the feat
- Telepathic Gaze feat added

- Elven Chain dex cap has been increased to 5.

- Assassin, Blackguard, Paladin and Ranger class and spell level added to the relevant spell descriptions
- Assassin description updated
- Blackguard description updated
- Fighter description updated
- Epic Mage Armor description updated
- Divine Power description updated
- Heroic Alliance description updated
- Tenser's Transformation description updated
- Shape Mastery description updated
- Demonic Servitor description updated
- Eldritch Knight descriptin updated
- Creeping Doom description updated
- Flare description updated
- Telepathic Gaze description added
- Improved Invisibility description updated
- Shape Mastery, Epic Spell Focus, and Automatic Metamagic feat descriptions updated
Player Announcements / Re: Blackheart Update - 2024
Last post by Blackheart - Jul 13, 2024, 07:45 PM
Blackheart Update - 2024 - Part 2

I'll go ahead and get the bad news out of the way: due to a change at my command, I'll no longer be able to run ToaFK as a server plot.

Bad news. I know. There's no easy way to say it. This has been a change that has been a few weeks in the making, and I'd hoped that the wind would blow a different way. Unfortunately, I'm not in control of my fate at my rank. The position I'm being switched to will be far more demanding of my time, and in a way that's difficult to predict. It'll make running a server plot impossible, even if I had 3x the volunteers.

For those that did volunteer to help me, I really do appreciate it. For those that were looking forward to the plot, I'm sorry.

As long as I hold this new position (which will likely be for the next year and a half) I'll be unable to run anything that's intricate or large-scale.

I may still do something what what I had approved in the future, be it as an actual server plot (when my schedule allows) or a couple of slow-burn smaller-scale adventures that eventually build into something bigger.

I will still be running the Storyteller to its completion to the best of my ability.

Thank you for understanding. I hope to still be able to see y'all in game on a decently frequent basis.

- Blackheart