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General Discussion / Re: Underdark Slave PCs
Last post by Fury - Sep 19, 2024, 04:11 PM
Locked due to topic age.
General Discussion / Re: Underdark Slave PCs
Last post by Edge - Sep 19, 2024, 04:08 PM
You both are replying to a thread that is almost a year old. Please do not reply to long-dead threads.
General Discussion / Re: Underdark Slave PCs
Last post by probot - Sep 19, 2024, 06:36 AM
Quote10.A - IC Slavery

As something of a specific corollary to these rules, please note that in-character enslavement or slave status of PCs does fall under mature content rules and the secret associations rules to a degree, because it is similar to torture/etc in that it's the sort of thing that forces players to react to it. In particular, this sort of thing is ICly illegal in Cormyr, and in most of the Dales as well, so it should not be brought up/must be kept quiet in those areas. Also, due to the implications inherent in such an event/story, existing characters cannot be made into slaves, even with OOC agreement, because this forces such an event on any number of other characters. As such, IC Slavery is limited to characters explicitly made for that purpose. If someone no longer wishes to play their formerly enslaved character, this requires retirement of that character, lest it provoke a giant PVP/drama situation that many unwilling players will inevitably get pulled into.

Please note that under 10.A, this is specifically limiting PC and PC interaction. A character may still have a background in slavery, and speak of it in general terms (Not explicit details), as long as the antagonist is an NPC. As said in the above rule - and that about backstories, trying to gather dislike or hatred towards a specific PC isn't kosher.
Emphasis mine. I've not heard of a rules change saying otherwise.
General Discussion / Re: Underdark Slave PCs
Last post by izex - Sep 19, 2024, 04:58 AM
I believe the only way to free a slave is to retire them. The rules still state this to avoid PvP between the surface and the underdark.
Player Announcements / Re: Internet
Last post by platinum01 - Sep 14, 2024, 12:30 PM
The internet seems to be up and stable, for now.
Player Announcements / Re: Internet
Last post by platinum01 - Sep 14, 2024, 11:43 AM
Turtle and I are without internet, again. Restoration of services is currently unknown; but it should be back sometime, tomorrow. I am crossing my fingers.

General Discussion / Re: Thank you for the positive...
Last post by platinum01 - Sep 11, 2024, 11:40 AM
@The Blue Dragons!  @Edge @AnOldFriend @azule @Eidolon (and everyone I forgot!)
RE: Blue Dragon Open House Night

Thank you for the eye-opening role play about the Blue Dragon's branch of the Cormyr Military. I had hoped to collect more information for Rosalind and Evendur while we were there; but there was so much going on, it made that a bit difficult. You have a lovely guild house, of which you have every reason to be proud. Whomever built it did an amazing job. You've put together a pretty nice group and I hope you obtain the DM attention you need and deserve to continue to grow, flourish and have fun.

I also appreciated your patience with Rosalind. She is a curious sort and persistent, especially with things that spark her interest. She will remember you all in her prayers to Tymora that you all train well, sail on great voyages and always return victorious!

Thank you, again, for opening your "home" to us and giving us a peek into your guild hall! And, also, for the interesting role play! I will never engage in a pillow fight with Sandy!
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Sep 09, 2024, 06:02 PM
CD Module v4.11g2
- Server updated to NWN 37-8

- Updated Eye of the Storm dungeon (Lady)
- Updated T6 swamp dungeon (Lady)
- Mushrooms have stopped floating in the Semberdale (Pretzel)
- Tahlran's house updated (Pretzel)
- Morgan's house updated (Pretzel)

- DM command to hide the combat log should now display skill rolls and more feedback
- Compatibility update of the Polymorph scripts with NWN 37-8 (optimization weeeee!)
- Edits to the class lock script to make it compatible with the changes to divine PRCs

Divine PRC changes
Silverstar of Selune
Now named Silverstar
Allowed alignment now "Any Good"
Can now be taken by Rangers, FS (only in epic), and Paladin (counts towards the half level rule)
Can now worship Selune, Sehanine Moonbow, Eilistraee, Hathor, or Sharindlar

Allowed alignment now "Any Lawful"
Can now be taken by Ranger, FS (only in epic), and Paladin (counts towards the half level rule)
Can now worship Kelemvor, Jergal, Urogalan, Dumathoin, Naralis Analor, Osiris, or Chronepsis
Now requires focus with favored weapon of the character's deity or proficiency if its favored weapon is martial or exotic

Can now be taken by FS (only in Epic)
Can now worship Shaundakul, Akadi, Aerdrie Faenya, Valkur, or Talos
Now requires focus with favored weapon of the character's deity

Allowed alignment now CG, NG, TN and CN
Can now be taken by FS (only in Epic)
Can now worship Sune, Sharess, Lliira, Hanali, Sharindlar, or Sheela Peryroyl
Mobility requirement removed
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Sep 09, 2024, 06:01 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03c2
- (Dragon Disciple) Class prerequisite changed to 8 ranks in Lore -or- Knowledge: Arcana
- (Shifter) Fixed size scaling of Drow shape
- (Divine PRCs) Changes made to class prerequisites of the deity-locked PRCs, see module changelog

- Updated Dragon Disciple description
- Updated Silverstar, Doomguide, Windwalker, and Heartwarder's descriptions (Thanks to Edge for the help!)
Ask the Staff Anything / Re: Item Request Form
Last post by platinum01 - Sep 09, 2024, 03:48 PM
Okay. Thank you!