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General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by awakeninfinity - Jan 27, 2025, 01:11 AM
I have several rangers that would be interested in this.
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by aliirielle - Jan 26, 2025, 10:33 PM
Quote from: Ivy on Jan 26, 2025, 08:59 PMI would be interested. Is a membership in Starlight or the Conclave an issue?

No issue at all! Any PC with ranger levels! I don't plan to have any limitation on deity or alignment, they'll just have to cover up outside the guildhall if they're ECLs that need to, etc.
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by aliirielle - Jan 26, 2025, 10:32 PM
Quote from: ceyella on Jan 26, 2025, 11:26 AMBoth my PCs would be interested in different aspects.
So long as they have ranger levels they're welcome!
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by Ivy - Jan 26, 2025, 08:59 PM
I would be interested. Is a membership in Starlight or the Conclave an issue?
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by Edge - Jan 26, 2025, 07:26 PM
Tatya Dyalov of the Ghostwise, hunter of the Black Hound.
General Discussion / Re: Please bring back seeing o...
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 26, 2025, 02:43 PM
Hello! The feature won't be brought back, but you can use the /listpcs command to see everyone's exact level. Players in your area will all be listed together.

While it was useful to guesstimate people's level at a range, it also led to multiple instances of players mistakenly thinking they shouldn't interact with others because they looked "Impossible" and so on. RP-speaking, it's not like every powerful character displays strength outwardly either.

since the last module update (January 24th) players cannot see the challenge rating of other players anymore.
From the perspective of a player who likes to explore and adventure about: Please bring that feature back. Of course it is meta, but I daresay it is just as meta as seeing the challenge rating of any npc or beast (and much less meta and comfortable than using /listpcs, which gives away more meta information and details than that harmless challenge rating info).

It is just so much more fun to travel, explore and adventure in a group of roughly similar might (level), than to hobble along as a level 3 with a group of level 23's or vice versa.

Other than that: Cheers to the creators, scripters and nice community of the beautiful Cormyr and Dalelands!
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by Ceyella - Jan 26, 2025, 11:26 AM
Both my PCs would be interested in different aspects.
General Discussion / Ranger Guildhall (Checking for...
Last post by aliirielle - Jan 25, 2025, 10:03 PM
In 'Magic of Faerun' page 48 details Ranger Guilds, I have been holding an interest in getting one started for ages now and finally want to check for interest in it. It wouldn't be a player faction, but more a player group. A place for rangers of various levels to exchange news, tips, advice, companionship. In addition, in starting the Ranger Guildhall I'd also want to try and orchestrate 'The Hunt' on a yearly basis. It's a yearly gathering of rangers where they gather together for practice, camaraderie, and competition. It's nothing deity specific but both the ranger guildhall and the 'Hunt' are specific to rangers as a class. I wouldn't limit it to people with a majority class levels in ranger, but at least a dip and overall the thematic feeling of the character to very much be 'ranger'.

I'm going to leave the parts from 'Magic of Faerun' here and if you're interested in something like this please let me know by posting here and telling me about your ranger! <3

Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 24, 2025, 11:07 AM
CD4 Hak Update v4.04b1
Hak Compilation update
Huge thanks to Terallis for cleaning up and adding all of theses to the haks:
492 new placeables
- 293 from Project Q
- 54 from Hamlet tileset/placeables
- 89 from CCC packs
- 50 from Elven Interior stuff
- 6 custom Library shelves from existing placeables (filled shelves)
120 new appearance models
- 9 animals imported from NWN2
- 24 from Project Q
- 87 from CCC packs
5 new wing models
- 3 from Project Q
- 2 from CCC packs
34 new creature portraits for new appearance models
8 new soundsets to accompany NWN2 animals
1 new doortype for new Elven City tileset
12 new loadscreens
- 3 for new Elven City tileset
- 9 for new Wild Woods tileset
4 new tilesets
- Wild Woods
- Wild Lands
- Wild Lands, Winter
- Elven City

- Removed Improved Critical - Whip incorrectly added to Paladin's bonus feat list
- Wildshape - Elder Fire/Water/Air elementals models now fit the ones from Summon Creature IX
- Wildshape - Wolf (the non-dire version) now uses the NWN 2 model and soundset
- Wildshape - Badger (the non-dire version) now uses the NWN 2 model and soundset
- Wildshape - Umber Hulk now uses the NWN 2 model

- Removed 366 duplicate files from the haks
- Added male human head #256 from Dafena, with help from Nibbles

- Fixed a typo in a loading screen hint
- Updated Warlock Blast description
- Updated Clairaudience/Clairvoyance description
- Updated Power Word: Stun description
- Updated Power Word: Kill description
- Updated Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and Epic Spell Focus: Divination description