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Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Dec 03, 2024, 08:29 AM
CD Module v4.12a1
- Removed Bioware's default beholder anti magic cone from the few custom beholders we had that used it and replaced it with our custom one (Edge)
- Evereska area update
- Croaking dungeon updated (LadyBug)
- Lunar dungeon in testing updated (LadyBug)
- Updated Arabel Central in preparation for the future change of season (Ray)
- Fixed Swordhaven courtyard for future snow accumulation (Ray)
- Fixed Sunmantle merchant, as well as adding a lever to lock/unlock front door from inside (Ray)
- Updated player home (Jamais)

- Disabled Bioware's default beholder anti magic cone
- Added /reaction command to open the Reaction Limit Score Calculator.  This is used to determine what your visible racial traits (wings, tail, etc) add up to what the limit is for certain cities/regions.  This helps you choose what traits need to be covered in order to not cause issue where you are.  These settings save between uses. (Ray)
- Fixed a bug with Death effects not killing players
- Identifying an unknown language is now tied to Intelligence and not Item Lore
- Added a backend tool for Devs to bugfix players with permanently stuck VFX accessories

Warlock Class
- The class is now available! Thanks to Vince for all the work designing the docs, and the rest of the balance team for all the finetuning.
- See for more details
- Please treat this as a Beta. Expect further changes to the class, be it balance adjustments (nerfs or buffs), or adding new spells and feats, once we can gather some data on how it plays. It's also the first time I code in a class, and I tried to bugtest it as best I could, but there may very well be some bugs. If you find any, please report them in the #bugs channel of the Discord.
- Requests to rebuild an existing character into Warlock can be posted to, though details on which type of character will be allowed to do so are still TBD

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- Areas of effect: There is now a cap of 8 active AoEs per character, after which the oldest AoE will be removed to make space for the new one
- (New Spell) Added Mass Freedom of Movement (Bard 6; Druid 7; Animal 8; Travel 8 )
- (Premonition) Now absorbs 35/+7 damage instead of 50/+7 (this change only applies to player characters, not NPCs)
- (Whirlwind) Now has a fixed 5 round duration. This is a placeholder tweak until the spell can be reworked as its current implementation is proving too disruptive (both for and against players). More changes will come in the future
- (Improved Invisibility) Refresh timer is now 4 rounds by default. 3 rounds with Greater Spell Focus: Illusion. 2 rounds with Epic Spell Focus: Illusion. This effect is tied to the caster, so an Illusion focused wizard can give stronger Improved Invisibility to their party members.
- (Gust of Wind) Added to druids as a level 3 spell
- (Epic Spells) Added new casting Sound FX to most epic spells to make them stand out, using Baldur's Gate II casting SFX chants. Due to NWN limitations, it's possible some races may not actually have casting SFX chant, but for those that do, enjoy!
- (Mordenkainen Sword) Now an Evocation spell like in PnP
- (Mummy Dust) Removed the Fear Aura from the summon
- (Epic Mage Armor) Backend optimization to the script
- (Druid & Ranger) Black and Brown bear animal companion model updated to a newer one
- (Shadow Spray) Replaced the OnHit VFX for a (hopefully) less buggy one
- (Stinking Cloud) Now correctly checks for SR on entry
- (Hide in Plain Sight) Replaced the existing anti-abuse mechanics applied to Hide in Plain Sight with a 3 seconds cooldown, as the current implementation had too many issues and led to unreliable gameplay
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Nov 17, 2024, 09:31 AM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03c7
- Shurikens can now stack up to 5000
- VFX added to Arcane Fire
- VFX added to Blast Infidel
- Fixed Druid's Epic Wildshape being broken

- Added chest model #202 for adamantine fullplate, all races and gender (Nibbles)
- Added a monkey portrait (Mibs)
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Nov 17, 2024, 09:31 AM
CD Module v4.11g7
- Updated Evereska areas (Koffie)
- Blizzard scrolls are now useable by Druid (only applies to new scrolls)
- Silence scrolls are now useable by Bard (only applies to new ones)
- Rotated North of Waymoot to proper orientation
- Fixed Marsember - Moonlit Pearl wall issue
- Added player home (aalnyar)
- Added guildhall (i will carry you)
- Updated player home (Pretzel)
- Updated player home (QueenOfLagDying)

- Fixed a bug with the bleedout system and temporary negative constitution preventing true death
- Typing /fix will now also clear temporary "Unconscious" nameplate overrides
- Fixed a longstanding bug in the treasure spawn script
- Added a backend function to help find TMI errors
- Added Shadarkai and Brownie racial feat to the ECL check script
- Updated the entry on shifting in the Help menu
- Added documentation for /spellwidget to the Help menu
- Added the "GStoneskin" int variable for DMs and Builders to make monsters buff up with Greater Stoneskin on spawn. Variable's value is the caster level the spell is cast at
- The /return tool can't be used while mounted anymore
- Added Monkey Hengeyokai animal form and its widget

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Archmage & Heirophant) Fixed a bug that gave both these classes +2 to SR checks over what they should have
- (Dismissal) Fixed a bug with the DC calculation
- (Luck of Heroes) Fixed the feat not working at all versus spells
- (Cloudkill) Fixed a bug that stopped constitution damage from stacking past -4
- (Druid & Shifter) Devastating Critical: Unarmed does not provide Devastating Critical: Creature Weapon when shapeshifting anymore
- (Unyielding Defender) Defensive Stance now allows characters to move at half walking speed, unaffected by movement speed increases, as well as using consumables
- (Transmute Metal to Ironwood) Now works!
- (Mass Hold Person) Now correctly checks if the target is a native outsider
- (Mass Lonstrider) VFX tweak
- (Freedom) VFX tweak
- (Longstrider) VFX tweak
- (Reverse Gravity) VFX tweak
- (Expeditious Retreat) VFX tweak
- (Otiluke's Resilient Sphere) VFX tweak
- (Archmage) Arcane Fire now has a casting VFX
- (Hierophant) Blast Infidel now has a casting VFX

Persistent News System (Raysiel)
- HEAR YE, HEAR YE!  A new in-game interface is now available to read news, announcements, and advertisements
- For the Surface folks, "The Heartlands Herald" is a broadsheet that can be purchased from vendors across Arabel, Suzail, and Marsember, as well as Highmoon, Ashabedford and Yulash.  Buy one and use it to see the latest news!
- For the Underdark folks, there are shadowy Rumormongers scattered throughout, such as the Toy Chest, the Markets in both Sschindylryn and Maerimydra, and so on.  Speak to them to get the latest news and rumors!
- Stories and Advertisements will last 45 days to start before being removed.  They will be ordered from newest to oldest, and will tell you how old the entry is.
- Speaking of Advertisements, players belonging to factions/guilds/businesses can make a Misc Request on the forums to add a short Headline/Advert to the Heartlands Herald / Rumormongers for the low low price of 500GP!  Recruitment posts, announcements of player run events, adverts on specials in your restaurant, etc.
- This system is not intended to replace the forum posts for news/chronicles.  Instead it is meant to be a supplement to those stories, and allow characters to read about events in-game and in-character.  Hopefully, with enough DM's contributing to it, it will help the world feel a bit more alive and interactive.
- Please be patient over the next few days as DMs add more stories and announcements to it!
Admin Announcements / Re: Transparency - Player Bans
Last post by Fire Wraith - Nov 16, 2024, 06:33 PM
Just to update this, the player "Illy" is fully banned from the server, not just Discord. We never had to address it previously as they'd long since stopped playing prior to the issues with them in Discord, but due to their long history of disruptive and problematic behavior, both IC and OOC, they are not welcome on this server.
General Discussion / Re: Get to know your DMs!
Last post by aliceofthevoid - Nov 14, 2024, 03:08 PM
DM Name: aDM Harlequin / aDM Kalaraq

Timezone: EST (GMT +5)

Availability: Depends on what I'm doing. Small ad hocs / NPC meets can be during the day while I'm at work sparingly, but usually my time to run a proper session during the week is from 7pm - 10 EST, and on the weekends from Noon - 10pm

Preferred Number of Players: 4. I prefer smaller plots to let each individual shine through

Preferred Length of Quest: Variable, usually in the 3-5 session mark for quests, with multiple quests as part of a plot. 1-3 hours per session

Thematic Styles/Specialties:
  • Far Realm
  • Realm of Dream
  • Faerie stuff on occasion
  • In general, planar activities and outsiders mucking about with the people of Toril
  • Fiends, Slaads, militant Celestials, others
  • Generally leaning for more "serious" plots over silliness.

Wishes to avoid:
- Racial lore heavy plots. There is so much reading I would feel like I need to do to do elf/drow/dwarf/gnome lore justice, more than I am frankly willing to do.

Current Plotlines:
- None that are shareable or open ended.

Miscellaneous Notes:

  • Mechanical Rules: /touchon, /diceprivate, speak in questchat or die. Hold on new area for emotes and the "Free to Move." Ask before leap/fly/dd
  • If you have a character biography page, please link it when signing up for a quest.
  • I will reserve the right to alt players who have been unusually highly quested recently.
  • Be proactive. I won't always lay out a clear path for you, and will even lay obvious red herrings to steer you off of it. Take initiative, find the best outcome for yourself.
  • Some inter-party conflict is acceptable, if there's a reason for it. Don't pick fights for the sake of picking fights, but stand up for yourself in the name of your character's morality.
  • I do check the quest request forum, but directly messaging me is preferred if you know I'll like running it.
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Nov 04, 2024, 03:25 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03c6
- Light Flail now a 19-20/x2 weapon
- Nunchaku now a 19-20/x2 weapon
- Heavy Flail now does 1d12 damage
- One handed trident now a 1d8 20/x3 weapon
- Two handed trident now a 1d12 20/x3 weapon, renamed to "Heavy Trident"
- Handaxe and Throwing Axe now 2d3 damage weapons
- Battleaxe and Double Axe now 3d3 damage weapons
- Greataxe and Dwarven Waraxe now 4d3 damage weapons
- Shuriken now a 1d4 damage weapon and added to monk UBAB weapon list
- Added Weapon Focus: Trident to the qualifying feats for Weapon Master
- Backend fixes to the old divine variants of Elemental Weapon (Darkfire and such) to prevent damage stacking from items using these deprecated spells
- (Arcane Warrior) Now has Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, Epic Prowess, Armor Skin, Automatic Silent, Automatic Quicken as part of its feat list

- Brownie racial feat entry added
- Shadar Kai racial feat entry added
- Updated Duelist description
- Updated Arcane Warrior description
- Updated most domains description
- Changed two handed trident name to Heavy Trident
- Updated Light Flail, Nunchaku, Heavy Flail, Trident, Heavy Trident, Handaxe, Throwing Axe, Ballteaxe, Double Axe, Greataxe, Dwarven Waraxe, and Shuriken item stat description
- Shadow Hand spell description updated
- Shadow Spray spell description updated

- Updated male human chest model 75 and 232 (Terallis)
- Added a new vfx hood (Nibbles)
- Added a new vfx monocle (Nibbles)
- Male chest model #82 duplicated for use with adamantine fullplate at #85 (Nibbles)
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Nov 04, 2024, 03:24 PM
CD Module v4.11g6
- Eye of the Storm T6 dungeon updated (Lady)
- Drow Treehouse pending rework merged for testing (Alice)
- New T5 Lunar dungeon added for testing (Ladybug)
- Fixed floating placeables in the Blue Draykn Inn (Pretzel)
- (Player home) Fixed Morgan's cat and dog AI script
- House area updated for Eirik and Natalia (Terallis)
- Removed a floating mushroom in Eveningstar - Peaceful Glade
- Added new vfx hood and monocle to the vfx conversation
- Fixed the AI of the Underdark sewer spawns
- Bindpoint added to The Cloven Shield tavern in Marsember
- Creature palette updated
- Swordflame Tower is back to selling Freedom scrolls in stacks of 10
- Added player home (Pretzel)
- Added player home (Ozzy)
- Added player home (Goodapallo)

- Fixed a bug with /order and /spellwidget causing every spell to order summons around and /order to cast spells
- (NPC ability) Petrification Gaze is now party-friendly
- (NPC ability) Bebilith's Ruin Armor now unequips target's armor and covers them in web (VFX to hide the skin). Removed armor is auto-equipped after five rounds, which is the duration of the VFX.
- (NPC ability) Knockdown Bolt now only knockdown on a failed Discipline check. DC is affected by the base AC of the armor that's worn. Heavier = easier to resist.
- (NPC ability) Wing Buffet now only knockdown on a failed Discipline check. DC is affected by the base AC of the armor that's worn. Heavier = easier to resist.
- Optimized Hellball's script
- Refactored all elemental weapon and related scripts to simplify future dev work
- Fixed a typo in the golem overload boss ability
- Fixed an error in Druids and Demonic Servitor backend scripts for some feat removal/addition
- Dwarven Waraxe now also receives the 1.5 strength modifier when wielded with an empty offhand, except for Swordmage
- Spell widget NUI will now refresh on player respawn

Bleedout and death system
Some small changes have been made to the bleedout system so that healers more often have time and opportunities to heal up downed allies past the early levels.
- Entering bleedout now always starts you at 0 if the hit wasn't enough to instantly kill you
- Bleedout limit is now -10 - Constitution Modifier. This takes into account gear and buffs. For example, a character with 22 constitution will now only die at -16.

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Alter Self) Saving and loading an appearance now also saves/loads the portrait and description, so you can have a portrait and description specific to each saved alter self appearances
- (Shifter & NPC's SLA improved Invisibility) Fixed a bug that made it possible to attack while staying invisible. Ability has been reworked to work like the Improved Invisibility spell
- (Greater Magic Weapon) Now provides an Enhancement Bonus to ranged weapons, not just an Attack Bonus
- (Phantasmal Killer) Can now be extended
- (Shadow Spray) Fixed a lot of bugs with the spell. Daze duration now 1 round +1 round per 4 caster level, to a maximum of 4 rounds. Strength penalty now 4 (it was already doing 4 str damage due to errors in the script)
- (Shadow Hand) Now does 10d6+4 damage
- (Animal Companion) Wolves can now be set to a fox appearance using the menu available in /settings
- (Familiar) Cats can now be set to a fox appearance using the menu available in /settings. Yes, they'll still sound like cats
- (Shadar Kai race) Now has a racial feat giving the appropriate uncapped +skill bonuses. Skin bonuses on existing skin will automatically be replaced with the feat
- (Shadar Kai race) Sneak Attack bonus is now tied to the Shadar Kai feat and stacks with other sneak attack feats. Any existing Shadar Kai who had another sneak attack feat added as a placeholder must have it removed
- (Brownie race) Now has a racial feat giving the appropriate uncapped +skill bonuses. Skin bonuses on existing skin will automatically be replaced with the feat
- (Brownie race) Does not get Skill Focus: Hide nor Skill Focus: Move Silently anymore, since those were given as compensation for the capped skill bonuses they had. Both feats will automatically be removed from existing characters
Admin Announcements / Re: Transparency - Player Bans
Last post by Nokteronoth - Oct 28, 2024, 11:16 PM
Piper, also known as "MinxXy" or "Moxxie" has been banned from the server for multiple reasons.

The biggest two of these are ban evasion on Discord (having also been Kabran,) and identity theft of a real person, to the point where we have had to consider the legal ramifications of their stealing pictures and other personal identifying information, including posting their stolen pictures on the Discord.

While this would usually be let go with a warning, they have shown in their history on the server for 4+ years to continually duck out as soon as they've done something wrong enough to warrant a talking-to, only to come back as a new identity. This is not a problem for typical players. We don't really care what name you choose to use, nor what you do. The problem comes when that leniency is used to bypass any sort of consequences, only to repeat the exact same behavior upon changing their name and coming back. This newest iteration is their fourth different account on the server, and we haven't seen their behavior change at all since the first.

Due to their repeated use of changing identities in order to escape bans or other reactions to their mistakes, we are banning all CD keys and accounts that are registered to their same IP address, and will continue to do so if they pop up yet again.

Player Announcements / Re: Arya Update: 09-01-2024
Last post by kaiosprey - Oct 26, 2024, 01:00 PM
Guess what we are human. Sometimes humans suck. All we can do is try to suck less and bring joy when we can.

You're not a sucky human in general. Whatever you did that was sucky can be forgiven.

You are loved
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Oct 22, 2024, 11:51 AM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03c5
- AoE radius preview of Mass Heal fixed to its correct size. This change is only visual, as the script had the right radius
- Nature's Beauty is now correctly set to Extend, Silent, Still for valid metamagic options
- Fixed Druid's Epic Wildshape. Now correctly requires Druid level 16, 26 wisdom, and being an epic character
- Wyrmling Shape's wyrmlings now all use new models better fitting the PnP description of wyrmlings. Breath weapons VFX have been updated accordingly, though some are pending further tweaks (lightning is very janky visually, but works fine)
- Added the Celestial Emperor to the list of deities

- Updated Chaos Domain description
- Updated Dragon Disciple description
- Updated Phantasmal Killer description
- Updated Divine Power description
- Updated Epic Wildshape description
- Updated Static Orb description
- Added Celestial Emperor deity name and description

- Updated the Manticore model with a new one
- Added new male elf heads #111-112-113 (Mibs)
- Added new belts #69-70-71 for every race and gender
- Added warlock icons to the hak (Vince)
- Added four new wyrmling-sized dragon breath VFX
- Replaced the attack lines of the Morte and Guybrush voiceset to prevent spam (FireWraith)
- Fixed missing texture for female halfling chest model 164 and 165