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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: OOC Differentiation for in...
Last post by Terallis - Aug 03, 2024, 04:07 PM
I'd love this, personally. Seen it done on a couple other servers, as well.
Off Topic / Absence from game
Last post by antoinette1 - Aug 03, 2024, 02:53 PM
Hello to those who may know me, I am Antoinette I play 'Maddie' and 'Ayve' you may have noticed I have been absent from game for a time maybe. This is due to while I was on vacation with friends for two weeks. Our dorm room on the University campus was broken into and we had multiple items stolen. Among the items taken were many electronic, and tech type devices, my computer being one of these. As such I have lost my system and means of playing the game I have come to love. I am saddened, and sorry for my absence in game and running story plots by DM's. I hope to save up and purchase another computer soon, until than I have no way to join nwn my apologies for any inconvenience this my cause anyone if it does. 
Suggestions & Ideas / OOC Differentiation for in-gam...
Last post by Myphicbowser - Aug 03, 2024, 12:34 AM
I know that OOC messages shouldn't be common, but I really think that as they are necessary at some points for corrections or explaining sudden departures, it would be really nice if by typing something like // or ( in front of a message would add a tag to the message [OOC] and change its color in the chat, to make it easier to differentiate at a glance, yah know?
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jul 28, 2024, 03:22 PM
CD Module v4.11f4
- Fixed a typo in the name of the mountain orcs from the stonelands
- Low-T3 Underdark dungeon added for testing (Edge)
- Player Business: Qu'za Zhaunil updated
- Player housing: Qu'za Desarn updated
- Updated Swamp Hag dungeon (Lady)
- Updated Drow Treehouse dungeon added for testing (AliceOfTheVoid)
- Marsember Morninglord temple no longer sells tridents due to a cease and desist order (Ray)
- Exit from Marsember smugglers dungeon now works properly
- After much murdering, Drow can finally rest in the Veiled Secret (For real this time. Ray)
- Player Home Added (Aramon)(Lanira / Ray)
- Player Home/Business Updated (Lanira / Ray)

- Fixed a bug with rotation of permanent accessories after a server reset
- Fixed Draconic Horns vfx rotation and scaling
- Added /togglehood (same result as /togglehelm)
- Fixed a bug that led to massively inflated HP/AC/AB values on a few summons
- Potential bugfix/improvement to Audience of Stone and Mass Penguin script

- At level 5, the assassin has learned how to cast without Arcane Spell Failure in Light Armor as long as they do not use a shield larger than 'small'
- Spells added to the spellbook, see the notes below
- Caster Level now scales past the normal progression as the Assassin gains levels. +1 caster level at level 3. +2 caster level from level 4 to 9. +4 caster level at level 10+. This bonus stacks with the Practised Spellcaster feat, but cannot go past total Hit Dice.

- Smite Good refresh timer reduced to 6 minutes
- Spells added to the spellbook, see the notes below
- Caster Level now scales past the normal progression as the Blackguard gains levels. +1 caster level at level 3. +2 caster level from level 4 to 9. +4 caster level at level 10+. This bonus stacks with the Practised Spellcaster feat, but cannot go past total Hit Dice.

Demonic Servitor
- Fixed the bonuses to summons' stats being dispellable
- Fixed a bug in the HP calculation of the summon bonus (different from the bugged summon HP/AC/AB values listed above)

- Smite Evil refresh timer reduced to 6 minutes

Green Knight
- Added a 25 minute refresh timer to Challenge

Shadow Adept
- Fixed a bug where class levels would give an unlisted bonus against Spell Resistance

- Tempest Flurry refresh timer reduced from 6 to 5 minutes

This update introduces a complete rework of the custom spell damage scaling that was gained through levels and the archmage class. As a reminder, the spell damage scaling was used as a way to keep spell damage relevant versus the much inflated HP values of most of enemies in the lategame.
Instead of adding a flat d6 value to most spells, the base damage of each spell will now be multiplied by the following values:
Caster Level:
  • 5 | 1.1
  • 10| 1.2
  • 15| 1.4
  • 20| 1.6
  • 25| 1.8
  • 30| 2.0

To reward further investment in spellcasting, focus feats, a higher casting stat, and archmage levels all add to this multiplier as follows:

Focus Feats for the given spell school:
  • Spell Focus    | +0.2
  • G. Spell Focus | +0.4
  • E. Spell Focus | +0.8

Casting Stat (includes buffs):
  • 32 | +0.2
  • 34 | +0.4
  • 36 | +0.6
  • 38 | +0.8

  • Level 1 | +0.2
  • Level 3 | +0.4
  • Level 5 | +0.6

Note that these multiplier don't apply to damage against Player Characters, so as to not make Mastery of Shaping even more necessary than it is.

Hopefully, this change will help keep damage values closer to the intended scaling between base spell damage, instead of lower damage spells reaping much more benefits out of a flat damage value than higher damage ones, as a percentage of their total damage. This change also aims at providing a way for characters focusing on spellcasting over melee/ranged attacks to scale their damage above and beyond what "gishes" can achieve, and enhance an archetype that we felt was lacking.

We understand that this introduces a deep rebalance of how spellcasting plays on Cormyr and the Dalelands. Please expect future adjustments to these multipliers or to certain spells base damage if we notice issues ingame as we all learn to accomodate this change in "meta".

TLDR: This is a -big- change, expect hiccups. We will adjust things as we see how it plays.

Acid splash
- (Player only) 2d4+1 damage at level 5, 3d4+1 at level 10, 4d4+1 at level 15, 5d4+1 at level 20.

Acid Fog
- Lingering cloud now does 4d6 damage

Beltyn's Burning Blood
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Bestow Curse
- Added to Blackguard (2)

Bigby's clenched fist
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Bigby's crushing hand
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Blade Barrier
- (Player Only) Damage now caps at 15d6.
- Orientation bug fixed. Note that this disables the use of /endmyaoe and timestop pausing the spell.

Breath of Fire
- d10 -> d8 damage

Chromatic Orb
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling
- Effects reworked as follows:
  • Level 1: 1D4 Magical Damage and blindness for 1 round.
  • Level 2: 1D6 Magical Damage and blindness for 2 round.
  • Level 3: 1D8 Magical Damage and blindness for 3 rounds.
  • Level 4: 1D10 Magical Damage and blindness for 1 turn.
  • Level 5: 1D12 Magical Damage and stuns for 3 rounds.
  • Level 6: 2D8 Magical Damage and stuns for 4 rounds.
  • Level 7-11: 2D8 Magical Damage and paralysis for 2 turns.
  • Level 12-17: 2D8 Magical Damage, Petrifies and slows for 3 turns.
  • Level 18+: 2D8 Magical Damage, Save vs Death or Death and petrifies for 4 turns

Circle of Doom
- Cap of Caster Level 20 removed

- Duration changed to 1 round / caster level
- Damage changed to 1d4 constitution damage on a failed fortitude save vs Poison (Immunity protects against it)

- Now has a set duration of 1 round per 3 caster level.
- No save.

- Added to Assassin (4)

Divine Favor
- Added to Blackguard (1)

Entropic shield
- Added to Blackguard (2)
- Added to Assassin (2)

Electric Jolt
- (Player only) 2d4+1 damage at level 5, 3d4+1 at level 10, 4d4+1 at level 15, 5d4+1 at level 20

Elemental Weapon
- Can now be cast on creature weapons (i.e. summons without a weapon)

- Now also lowers Charisma
- Duration of the debuff is now permanent
- Can be removed with Restoration, Greater Restoration, or Mist of Eldath
- Fixed a bug with Maximize metamagic

Find traps
- Added to Assassin (1)

Finger of Death
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

- (Player only) 2d4+1 damage at level 5, 3d4+1 at level 10, 4d4+1 at level 15, 5d4+1 at level 20

Flame Arrow
- Added to Assassin (2)

Ghostly Visage
- Added to Assassin (1)

Healing Sting
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Horizikaul's Boom
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

Ice Dagger
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

Incendiary Cloud
- Now a conjuration spell (as in PnP)
- Bonus damage lowered to 1 per 3 caster level

- Damage increased by +1 per 2 caster level

Improved Invisibility
- Made the script more robust, shouldn't bug out and leave people invisible anymore.
- Added to Assassin (4)

Isaac Lesser Missile Storm, Greater Missile Storm, Firebrand, and Ball Lightning
- Now benefit from spell damage scaling

Keen Edge
- Can now be cast on creature weapons (i.e. summons without a weapon)

Khelben's Warding Whip
- Now removes two effects per rounds, three if you have Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration

- Added to Assassin (1)

Gaseous Form
- Added to Assassin (3)

Greater Magic Weapon
- Can now be cast on creature weapons (i.e. summons without a weapon)
- Added to Blackguard (3)

Larloch's Minor Drain
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

- Added to Blackguard (1)

Magic Missile (and Shadow version)
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level, divided by number of missiles

Melf's Acid Arrow (and Shadow version)
- (Player Only) Lingering damage now 2d6.

Meteor Swarm
- Damage changed to 1d6 per caster level
- The "safe zone" was not a thing, despite the description. No change, but worth mentioning.

Murderous Mist
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

Negative Energy Ray
- Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level

Negative Energy Burst
- No change, but it never had a +20 cap on the damage. Description was updated

Phantom Steed
- Added to Blackguard (3)

Phantasmal killer
- Fixed a bug where the spell would be blocked by death immunity
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Polar Ray:
- d6 -> d8 damage

- Added to Assassin (1)

Undeath to Death
- Now only targets enemies

Raise Dead
- Added to Blackguard (4) and Paladin (4)

Ray of Frost
- (Player only) 2d4+1 damage at level 5, 3d4+1 at level 10, 4d4+1 at level 15, 5d4+1 at level 20.

Shadow Hand
- Cleaned up errors in the script and added Spell Damage Scaling

Shadow Double
- Removed Tenser's Transformation and See Invisibility from list of copied spells

Slay Living
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

Spell Resistance
- Added to Blackguard (3)

Spike Growth
- Now benefits from spell damage scaling

- Added to Blackguard (2)

Storm of Vengeance
- Electrical damage is now 5d6

- Fixed a bug where spell damage scaling wasn't applied correctly

True Seeing
- Added to Assassin (4)

Vitriolic Sphere
- Lingering damage increased to 2d6

Wall of Fire
- Orientation bug fixed. Note that this disables the use of /endmyaoe and timestop pausing the spell.
- Bonus damage lowered to 1 per 3 caster level.

- Now benefits from spell damage scaling
- Now stuns for 2 round on a failed Will save if the targets succeed their Fortitude save.
- Fixed a bug where the spell would be blocked by death immunity.

Pernicious Magic
- Fixed missing bonus to CL against Spell Resistance under certain circumstances

Shadow Weave
- Fixed missing bonus to CL against Spell Resistance
- Fixed an instance of malus to DC for Evocation and Transmutation that stacked on top of the malus to caster level

Spell Focus: Abjuration
- Focus feats now provide 20% / 40% / 60% more HP to the shielding from the Energy Resistance line of spell and Protection from Magic Energy.
- Focus feats now provide 25% / 50% / 100% more levels of spells absorbed by the Spell Mantle line of spells. If you have Greater Spell Focus Abjuration, they are auto-extended when cast. This includes Shield of the Archons.
- Greater Spell Focus increases the number of spells removed per round by Khelben's Warding Whip to three.
- The d20 when making a dispel check is now set at a minimum of 5, 10, or 15, according to the level of Abjuration focus.
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jul 28, 2024, 03:14 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03b4
.2da and class changes
- Icon updated for Champion's Valor
- (Knight Errant) Final Stand is now instant use.
- (Knight Errant) Inspire Courage is now instant use.
- Draconic Horns vfx entries have been moved to an earlier spot in visualeffects.2da

- Profane Beauty description updated
- Ray of Frost description updated (was set to Conjuration, but is Evocation)
- Dominating Voice and Charming Voice description updated
- Pernicious Magic description updated
- Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and Epic Spell Focus Abjuration description updated
- Assassin class description updated
- Blackguard class description updated
- Archmage class description updated
- Tempest Flurry description updated
- Damaging cantrips descriptions updated
- Spell description updated for the following spells:
  •    Acid Fog
  •    Blade Barrier
  •    Breath of Fire
  •    Chromatic Orb
  •    Circle of Doom
  •    Cloudkill
  •    Combust
  •    Horizikaul's boom
  •    Negative Energy Ray
  •    Ice Dagger
  •    Incendiary Cloud
  •    Inferno
  •    Larloch's Minor Drain
  •    Magic Missile
  •    Melf's Acid Arrow
  •    Meteor Swarm
  •    Murderous Mist
  •    Negative Energy Burst
  •    Polar Ray
  •    Vitriolic Sphere
  •    Wall of Fire
  •    Weird
  •    Detect Traps
  •    Knock
  •    Ultravision
  •    Entropic Shield
  •    Gaseous Form
  •    Flame arrow
  •    Displacement
  •    True Seeing
  •    Divine Favor
  •    Longstrider
  •    Bestow curse
  •    Stoneskin
  •    Greater Magic Weapon
  •    Phantom Steed
  •    Spell resistance
  •    Raise Dead
  •    Khelben's Warding Whip

- Updated human male head models (Thanks Nibbles!)
Setting Information and Lore / Re: Comyrean Nobility
Last post by Fire Wraith - Jul 22, 2024, 01:45 AM
##### Further Accolades in Cormyr

Once a character is a noble, whether by birth or being granted a title, Cormyrian nobles in particular have additional options to earn further status through demonstrated loyalty, responsibility, and service. This comes in two forms, being granted a hereditary title, and ranks of distinction. These are only attained through continued displays of both IC and OOC responsibility on a character/player's part.

Hereditary titles are just that. It allows the character to ICly pass their title to their children, and essentially creates them as founder/head of a (minor) Cormyrian noble house. For those born to existing noble families, they becomes the head of their own Cadet branch of the family, while knights and baronets become a new house entirely. This house has no assets and no special power/influence, but it does come with the IC right to have a country manor (subject to normal housing rules) within Cormyr. Players are NOT required to retire on attaining this, although becoming the head of an existing (canon) noble House still requires it (due to the influence/resources). Note that this is only open to Human characters, as above, because the nobility of Cormyr will not ICly accept non-humans being raised up as hereditary peers.

Ranks of distinction are the typical Noble titles. In Cormyr, these have no actual meaning other than fluff, and possibly seating order at a formal noble dinner. Even if associated with a place, they do not grant any control or lands, and are simply vestigial/honorary. They are also not used as a title of address (it's always "my Lord/Lady" regardless of such, e.g., "Lord Blunderblatt, Baron of Hogswallow" gets called Lord Blunderblatt/my Lord, etc). Note that these MAY be granted to non-hereditary titles (e.g., Storm Silverhand is also the Marchioness Immerdusk).

Duke/Duchess (presently not available to players)
Baronet/Baronetess (granted to those given a minor non-hereditary title by default)

Lastly, spouses of such hold an equivalent courtesy title, while Children/blood relatives of a title holder are treated socially as if they held a courtesy title one rank below for every degree of removal. That is, the child of a Duke or Marchion is treated socially as if equivalent to an Earl/Countess, a grandchild would be as a Viscount/Viscountess, while an Earl's grandnephew would be treated socially as a Baronet. This is NOT a title of address, they don't get called that, etc.
Player Announcements / Re: Quick Absence
Last post by ADM Walking Carpet - Jul 21, 2024, 10:47 AM
Be fun have safe
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jul 19, 2024, 12:58 PM
CD Module v4.11f3
- Two T6 belts with wrongly set ablity bonuses have been fixed (this is a buff!)
- Increased spell level of Longstrider on the Elixyr of Travelling sold near Yulash
- Fixed the Gallery dungeon level lock script
- NEW: There are rumblings and whispers of illegal smuggling activity in the Southern Canals of Marsember.  Can you find where the notorious smugglers are conducting their illegal operations? (New T4 dungeon is now live.  Thank you, Ladybug!)(Ray)
- Updates to Pirate and Hag dungeons (Ladybug)
- Drow and other ne'er-do-wells can now rest in The Veiled Secrets before getting stabbed by other Drow and ne'er-do-wells. (Ray)
- Player house added: Aramon (Ray)

- Heroic alliance: Fixed a visual bug
- Tenser's Transformation: Fixed a bug where damage was wrongly set to Divine
- Tenser's Transformation: Fixed a bug with item use
- Mordenkainen's Sword: summon can now die. Stats have been rebalanced.
- Divine Power: Fixed a bug with item use
- Implosion: Damage type changed to Force.
- (Green Knight) Fixed Take Their Heads and Cut the Corruption not working
- Fixed Demonic Servitors receiving monk's level 17 feat, no relevel needed
- Updated the animation list in the Help menu
- Melf's Acid Arrow: Fixed the lingering damage not applying the scaling damage
- Melf's Acid Arrow (Greater Shadow Conjuration): Fixed the lingering damage not applying
- Metric height is now reported by the OOC mindflayer and the alter-self dialogue when adjusting character scaling
- A big chunk of the the accessory VFX system has been rewritten. Rotation should now work, and ~50 obsolete scripts have been removed.
- Monks and ECLs eye glow added to the Accessory VFX system. These can now be scaled/moved/rotated.
- Fixed several issues with traps not respawning properly (Ray)

AI Changes
- Tweaks have been made to how the AI decides who to attack
- Turn Undead has been removed from the AI functions
- Summons should now be able to (mostly) hold aggro. Monsters will still swap target at times or have preferences
- AI now has a cooldown on Curse Song use
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jul 19, 2024, 12:58 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03b3
.2da and class changes
- Champion's Valor icon changed
- Blackguard's Magic Weapon fixed to the correct spell
- Improved Invisibility added to assassin spellbook
- Fixed wrong feat number for Telepathic Gaze
- Fixed Diabolic Disciple abilities not being treated as hostile

- Mercurial Longsword description updated
- Elven Chainmail description updated
- Improved Invisibility description updated
- Divine Wrath description updated

- Tweaked the animation of one of the tiefling tails
- Compiled VFX models that were uncompiled, this should help with FPS drops when a model has to be loaded in
Player Announcements / Re: Quick Absence
Last post by lackofimagination - Jul 15, 2024, 09:37 PM
Have good vacations, you two!