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Admin Announcements / Avariel (Kaylynn/Renee) and Ti...
Last post by Raysiel - Jun 26, 2024, 11:56 AM
We are incredibly saddened to announce that Avariel (Kaylynn/Renee), the player of Charity Brightsong, and Tigerlily, the player of Skye Synter, passed away some time ago and are no longer with us in this world.  They played on the server between 2021-2022.  Those that had the pleasure of knowing them will miss them dearly.  The In Memoriam section in the OOC Area has been updated to honor and remember them both. 
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Mystic Theurge Skills
Last post by SpacePope - Jun 24, 2024, 03:39 PM
Can be done, we did it for Heirophant.
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Mystic Theurge Skills
Last post by Fury - Jun 24, 2024, 10:43 AM
Quote from: Plot Lost on Jun 24, 2024, 08:27 AM
Quote from: Fury on Jun 21, 2024, 04:19 PMMystic Theurge now has Knowledge Nature, as of the most recent update.
This prompts a further question from little old me. Should the Mystic Theurge skill requirements changed from "Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 6, Knowledge (Religion) 6, Spellcraft 9" into "Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 6, Knowledge (Religion or Nature) 6, Spellcraft 9"? Mechanically speaking it should not be an issue to get 6 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) from the levels of Wizard/Sorcerer/Bard, but if Mystic Theurge gets the skill, it kind makes sense for the skill investment to also work as a qualification for the PRC.

That's been discussed a lot, but if I recall correctly NWN doesn't allow for "or" when it comes to skill prerequisites, so we just defaulted to religion rather than requiring both (since druids are inherently religious in FR and get knowledge religion as a class skill here according to the wiki, but clerics don't get knowledge nature.)
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Mystic Theurge Skills
Last post by Plot Lost - Jun 24, 2024, 08:27 AM
Quote from: Fury on Jun 21, 2024, 04:19 PMMystic Theurge now has Knowledge Nature, as of the most recent update.
This prompts a further question from little old me. Should the Mystic Theurge skill requirements changed from "Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 6, Knowledge (Religion) 6, Spellcraft 9" into "Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 6, Knowledge (Religion or Nature) 6, Spellcraft 9"? Mechanically speaking it should not be an issue to get 6 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) from the levels of Wizard/Sorcerer/Bard, but if Mystic Theurge gets the skill, it kind makes sense for the skill investment to also work as a qualification for the PRC.
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Mystic Theurge Skills
Last post by Fury - Jun 21, 2024, 04:19 PM
Mystic Theurge now has Knowledge Nature, as of the most recent update.
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jun 21, 2024, 01:06 PM
CD Module v4.11e6
- MARSEMBER OVERHAUL: The port city of Marsember has been completely rebuilt from the ground up by Fox.  Thanks to Rykka for the finishing touches on the project. More thanks go to Eidolon for the NPC work in Star Keep.  Marsember will continue to evolve over the next few updates with more NPCs, merchants, etc. (Ray)
- The ATAE story arc continues to affect the world, and more areas have been updated to reflect that.  Be on the look out... (Ray)
- New T6 dungeon added for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Edge/Lady)
- T6 Asylum dungeon rework merged for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Misty)
- New UD dungeon equivalent to King's Forest Orcs added for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Edge/Lady)
- New Sewer Dungeon added to Sschindylryn (Rykka/Lady/Edge)
- The Society of Stalwart Adventurers has been loaded but not connected, pending an area revision in Suzail (Rykka). A future announcement will be made when open.(Ray)
- Updated sitting script in 316 areas to use the right one.
- Shop in Mouth of Gargoyles fixed
- Shield Up and Shrug in the /move menu now trigger the right animation
- Immortal tag removed from the new DM helper NPCs
- Several player homes have been added or revised (Jwhite, Pretzel, Ali)
- UD Vhaeraunite dungeon fixes.

- Now an offensive cantrip doing 1d3 fire damage.

- Psionic Concussion Blast ability now does psionic damage (monster ability)
- (Bard) Bard song is now instant use.

- Typing indicator won't show for DMs and possessed creatures.
- Size values for character scaling now respect Forgotten Realm maximum and minimum heights. You should expect taller elves, smaller dwarves, and so on. (FireWraith)
- Backend fixes to abuse prevention systems.
- Enabled T6 item drops
- Cleaned up an obsolete talk command related to spell VFX
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jun 21, 2024, 01:06 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.02b6
- (Mystic Theurge) Added Knowledge: Nature to the skill list.

- Updated spell description for Flare.

- Robe #9 now available for male elves, and all female races.
- Robe #66 now available for female halflings.
- New neck option added for female halfling, human, half-orc, and elves: #166
- New glove option added for female halfling, human, elf: #173
Ask the Staff Anything / Re: What towns have "Global Pa...
Last post by SpacePope - Jun 17, 2024, 08:41 PM
I misremembered a patch note, you're right.
Ask the Staff Anything / Re: What towns have "Global Pa...
Last post by onivel - Jun 17, 2024, 08:02 PM
Quote from: SpacePope on Jun 01, 2024, 10:37 AMPawn shop stores are all tied to the global pawn shop. This includes Swordhaven, Velethuil, etc.

Was this a recent change, as they haven't been previously. I know when I was in the PDs, nothing sold in Swordhaven ended up in the main shops.

Admin Announcements / Re: Transparency - Player Bans
Last post by Vincent07 - Jun 13, 2024, 05:01 PM
We have removed SkeletonProblems/ProblemSkeleton/Tala/Etc from the community for holding extremist views that are excessively hostile to a good part of the C&D playerbase. While we welcome many into this community of all different views, we want it to be clear where the line is drawn in the sand: You do not have to like everyone, but you must accept that we are all fellow players and people.

We have found multiple evidence that points towards SkeletonProblems and their extremist views as being something that is enormously harmful to the community if allowed to fester. It is not often we try to intervene nor actively take on such a role of policing topics that touch on politics, but in this case we believe it was necessary due to the content that is both publicly accessibly and proudly on display for the community on Discord. Again, this is an unusual case and it will not be repeated frequently, but we will not tolerate extreme bigotry and treating fellow players as non-human/subhuman, especially if it bleeds directly into the community as a part of player behavior.

To this end, SkeletonProblems is no longer welcome in our community, for we believe and feel that what was observed is not only ill-suited for the server, but also topics that are severely uncomfortable to have in this community.

As always, you can reach out to an admin for clarifications or questions.