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Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Blackheart - Feb 09, 2025, 05:06 PM
Quote from: Terallis on Feb 09, 2025, 02:54 PMWanted to post in here sooner, but really wanted to say that I hate to see you go. Even though we've had fewer interactions IC, of late, it's always been a whole lot of fun to RP with you and Melody. My first true plotline after coming to this server (not counting the brief time over a decade ago) was KKS and it was truly memorable. That first DM short sword is still held very dearly, and even continuing its own tale across a different character after Aedan's retirement. And that's not to mention HWC, being probably the best plot I've had on NWN EVER.

I also remember that initial part of Aedan's personal plot, even if it never truly saw its end, with Melody and Cele aiding him in his quest of revenge and otherwise. But overall, there's probably too much to really name here, that I look back on. Not gonna be the same without you both around the server, anymore!

Even if we didn't interact directly after your break, your presence was definitely felt. I always saw you around the square and out and about on discord - as well as at events like Beach Episode, Storyteller, etc.

KKS feels like so long ago, doesn't it? But I still remember Aedan's help with the hostages, and the drama that resulted from how it turned out. Your group got dealt a bad hand, but you and some of the others stuck with it, did the right thing, and more than earned the awesome moon-themed crescent short sword. A sword that, I would like to think, came very much in handy during HWC's craziness xD

I hope you have fun in other plots, but I hope you'll never stop looking back on the old days fondly, too!
Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Terallis - Feb 09, 2025, 02:54 PM
Wanted to post in here sooner, but really wanted to say that I hate to see you go. Even though we've had fewer interactions IC, of late, it's always been a whole lot of fun to RP with you and Melody. My first true plotline after coming to this server (not counting the brief time over a decade ago) was KKS and it was truly memorable. That first DM short sword is still held very dearly, and even continuing its own tale across a different character after Aedan's retirement. And that's not to mention HWC, being probably the best plot I've had on NWN EVER.

I also remember that initial part of Aedan's personal plot, even if it never truly saw its end, with Melody and Cele aiding him in his quest of revenge and otherwise. But overall, there's probably too much to really name here, that I look back on. Not gonna be the same without you both around the server, anymore!
Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Blackheart - Feb 09, 2025, 02:44 PM
Quote from: .nausea_nymph. on Feb 09, 2025, 12:17 PM

I'm so very sad I didn't get to meet you guys sooner. You were absolutely lovely, and a treasure to play with. Even though I did not get to participate in your events, I heard a great deal about them and understood how important they were to the server. Likewise, as someone who started out playing pretty much just Elves, the elven community and RP at large is pretty intimidating to get into. You were welcoming and engaging off the bat when I was having trouble feeling accepted, and really helped me to feel at home at long last. 

The interest you took in Virelai helped me give her a sense of direction and purpose. And it meant a great deal to me. I can only imagine you've done this for countless others. Thank you for your impeccable sense of community, your storytelling, your events, and your friendship. I wish you the best in your future work, I know it will be amazing either way, and I'm just a message away at any time you wanna chat. ♥

I've seen many Sheraveshi PCs, but Vir so quickly became my favorite! The perfect mix of broody and cold without being unwelcome or hostile to RP with. It's a hard balance to strike, but strike it you did.

I wish I could have plotted you more (I had some plans), but I have no doubt your characters will provide ample fun for whatever DM has you in their plots, or whatever people interact with you. The time that we got to RP was always a blast and I'll remember those times fondly!

I'm so very sad I didn't get to meet you guys sooner. You were absolutely lovely, and a treasure to play with. Even though I did not get to participate in your events, I heard a great deal about them and understood how important they were to the server. Likewise, as someone who started out playing pretty much just Elves, the elven community and RP at large is pretty intimidating to get into. You were welcoming and engaging off the bat when I was having trouble feeling accepted, and really helped me to feel at home at long last. 

The interest you took in Virelai helped me give her a sense of direction and purpose. And it meant a great deal to me. I can only imagine you've done this for countless others. Thank you for your impeccable sense of community, your storytelling, your events, and your friendship. I wish you the best in your future work, I know it will be amazing either way, and I'm just a message away at any time you wanna chat. ♥
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Feb 09, 2025, 11:54 AM
Note: starting now, hak and module changelogs are combined
CD Module v4.12b3
- Aboleth dungeon update (Alice)
- Wreck of the Albatross dungeon update (Lady)
- Added two new VFX to the VFX conversation, a pirate hat and a sword scabbard (thanks to Nibbles for the models!)
- DM command to swap appearances now has the same VFX as Wildshape
- Removed some debug feedback that had sneaked into the Combat Dummy conversation script
- Increased the Z axis limits for the accessory system

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Rogue) Fixed some rogues not having Sap weapon proficiency
- (Warlock) Pact selection NUI will now appear a few seconds after login if a pact hasn't been chosen.
- (Epic Feat - Blinding Speed) Now has an 1.5 Turns + 1 Round / HD duration. Cannot be dispelled. Instant cast. 8 minute cooldown. Unaffected by Wild Magic. Requirement lowered to 24 Dex.
- (Wildshape) The scripts tied to wildshape have been fully rewritten. This is mostly a background change that won't affect players, but expect less jank and strange exceptions tied to Wildshape
- (Wildshape) Added /wildshape, also accessible through /customize. This new menu works as a Shapes Widget for druids and shifters, as well as allowing customization of forms when right clicking on a forms' icon, if any alternative appearance is available. As a reminder: Left Click -> Shift to that form. Right click -> Edit its appearance override, if there's one.
Note: Icons are placeholders for now

- Anointed Knight New class! 10 level PRC aimed at martial classes wishing to add some magic oil to their life. Thanks to JBJ for the initial class writeup and to the balance team for finetuning. Thanks to IronTyrant for the icons! Details available here.

- Renamed the tails in the .2da so they all appear together in the Toolset dropdown
- Fixed Elder Water Elemental being too thicc to hit anything
- Added a new impact VFX for Inspired Strike
- Added the entries for Anointed Knight
- Reverted the dual-wielding wand change

- Added Female Elf head #240
- Compiled 203 creature models that weren't compiled
- Added 5 new ability icons (recolors for each wyrmling shape)
- Added a new high quality crocodile portrait (Jalthex)
- Added two new VFX (Nibbles)

- Updated Blinding Speed description
- Renamed a few wildshape to more generic names, now that they can take on different appearances
- Added Anointed Knight .tlk entries
Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Blackheart - Feb 09, 2025, 11:12 AM
Quote from: Starbuck. on Feb 09, 2025, 06:03 AMGood luck to your future endeavors. I enjoyed our few interactions

I'll remember the chats in Evereska fondly - I didn't get to see Elhaym as much as your drow (and only in plots with your drow), but I hope you enjoy playing her and watching her grow!
Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Starbuck. - Feb 09, 2025, 06:03 AM
Good luck to your future endeavors. I enjoyed our few interactions
Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Blackheart - Feb 03, 2025, 09:48 PM
Quote from: aliirielle on Feb 03, 2025, 06:02 PMGonna be missed here <3
I'll always remember every plot session, and every interaction with both Celebrithrade and the couple interactions with Cassian! I know we won't stop chatting, but I'll miss the RP. I look forward to reading any and all of your writing, and know you'll be published someday, you're super talented!


I still remember when Melody and I were running the finale of HWC and I saw you and Tree on your new PCs (at the time) and they went "hey keep your eye out on these two - I think they're something special."

They were *so* right!

It's been a blessing to get to know you both IC and OOC. From HWC to ORTA to DOM to Storyteller to ATAE to the last Muse and then everything in between... you were both a true joy.

Thank you both so much for being kind and wonderful to us both. :)
Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by aliirielle - Feb 03, 2025, 06:02 PM
Gonna be missed here <3
I'll always remember every plot session, and every interaction with both Celebrithrade and the couple interactions with Cassian! I know we won't stop chatting, but I'll miss the RP. I look forward to reading any and all of your writing, and know you'll be published someday, you're super talented!

Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Blackheart - Feb 03, 2025, 04:55 PM
Quote from: morena on Feb 03, 2025, 02:47 PMEverything Darklight (including brave elves yeeting themselves off cliffs), Kallo's uncle with his unexpected but fantastic background, the conversation in Immeet where Celeb opened up about her past, storyteller mayhem. Thank you for the good times.
Best of luck with your book! <3

Thanks Morena - I very much enjoyed the plots I got to run for your character, and for the time we got to spend on plots together.

Your comic about our journey to Asauriel still floors me every time I look at it (I have it saved and love rereading it)

I also fondly remember meeting your first character Morena at the fighting tournament Nibbles ran. I'd heard before you were kind of new (from Lordi and thorien) but even though you were a novice I knew you had the potential to be amazing. :)