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Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Sep 30, 2024, 02:12 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03c3
- Blast Infidel should now report as Blast Infidel in the combat log, and not Arcane Fire
- Fixed unicorn tail model entries in tailmodel.2da
- Reverted the change to robe #13 showing neck parts
- Trollish Fortitude spell can now be extended
- Sacred Stealth doesn't show on the radial menu anymore
- Speak with Animals 2da entries added, including Cleric animal domain edit
- Added Divine Might/Divine Shield and Extra Turning to Heartwarder and Windwalker's feat list
- Added Extra Turning to Hospitaler and Harper Priest's feat list
- Fixed .tlk entry for Holy aura... hopefully
- Fixed Moonblade targeting being wrongly set to self-only
- Added Epic Reputation (Clandestine) and Epic Reputation (Famous)
    Epic Reputation (Famous) is the currently existing Epic Reputation feat
    Epic Reputation (Clandestine) is an alternative that gives +4 to Disguise, Sense Motive, Bluff, and Intimidate

- Blast Infidel and Arcane Fire description updated
- Regenerate description updated
- Greater Command description updated
- Elemental Weapon description updated
- Loading screen tips updated
- Disintegrate description updated
- Hellball description updated
- Added tlk entries for Epic Reputation (Clandestine) and Epic Reputation (Famous)
- Added tlk entry for Speak with Animals
- Heartwarder's Fey Metamorphosis renamed and description updated to reduce confusion:
Alluring Apotheosis
The Heartwarder's increasing natural Charisma and connection to their goddess causes them to become a living embodiment of beauty, passion, and allure. Their outward appearance remains mostly the same, though possibly with the loss of any minor flaws, unwanted scars or blemishes, and the like.

They gain immunity to the effects of others' Charm, Dominate, and Hold Person spells, as such minor effects can no longer sway them to another's will against the force of their own charisma.

- Reverted previous shader changes for compatibility with .37-9
- Added belt #65 for each race and gender (Nibbles)
ServerQuestions / Re: Max level and other xp que...
Last post by Shargast - Sep 28, 2024, 01:12 PM
Merci mon ami
ServerQuestions / Re: Max level and other xp que...
Last post by SpacePope - Sep 28, 2024, 12:46 PM
Pretty much every available weapon has good representation in loot nowadays.
ServerQuestions / Re: Max level and other xp que...
Last post by Shargast - Sep 28, 2024, 11:50 AM
I have another question - are there better dual scimitars available on this server?
ServerQuestions / Re: Max level and other xp que...
Last post by Shargast - Sep 28, 2024, 09:51 AM
Thanks for your replies
HGLL is lvl 41-60 - since only 30 levels are available,; question is answered.
XP - answered  ;)
Cheers guys
ServerQuestions / Re: Max level and other xp que...
Last post by aliceofthevoid - Sep 28, 2024, 09:23 AM
You do levels on storyline death. Mechanical death in a dungeon isn't actual death. Mechanical death does lose some xp, but xp that is recoverable through combat and it will never drop your level.
ServerQuestions / Re: Max level and other xp que...
Last post by onivel - Sep 28, 2024, 08:37 AM
Max lvl is 30.... you don't lose lvls through death... no special scripting for mounted combat. You can fight while mounted, but things like the ride skill don't give you bonuses to combat while mounted. No idea what you mean by HGLL system.
General Discussion / Re: Get to know your DMs!
Last post by acleverpun - Sep 28, 2024, 06:10 AM
DM Name:Name: aDM Without a Name

Timezone: UTC+1/2 depending

Weekends preferred, EU evenings on some days

Preferred Number of Players: 4-6

Preferred Length of Quest: 2-4 hours

Thematic Styles:
- Investigations
- player iniative focused plots
- Medium to low combat

- Low to medium scale plots
- Mystery
- Elven lore
- Fey
- Heists
- Vampires
- Horror
- The smaller things: Find out who murdered this man? What is up with the strange lights in the old tower?

Wishes to avoid:
- Mass combat events
- Kara-Tur
- Lolthite Drow focused content
- Setting-Impacting events
- Large scale plots

Miscellaneous Notes:

- A lot of my plots tend to hinge on player initiative and investment, without I expect you may struggle feeling involved. Please keep this in mind before signing up to my plots. We all have bad days, I am certainly no exception there but if I notice a consistent pattern there you might be excluded from future plots.
- I generally have a relatively wide area of interests, but those might shift and I might not always be interested in the same things.[/b]
ServerQuestions / Max level and other xp questio...
Last post by Shargast - Sep 28, 2024, 04:15 AM

Is the max level here 40?
Is there a HGLL system here?
What happens when you hit 40 here? Are there specials or does the xp just pile up?
Can you loose levels thru xp penalties OnDeath?
Mounted combat? Been checking a few servers thru and not sure if horses are just for traveling?

Thx for your answers.
General Discussion / Re: Get to know your DMs!
Last post by probot - Sep 24, 2024, 05:54 PM
Login: murder and mayhem
Discord ID: themirror3417
DM Name: aDM Mirror

Timezone: UK-based (UTC/BST) i.e. EST+5
Availability: Afternoons and evenings my time, more often than not.

Preferred Number of Players: 4-6
Preferred Length of Quest: 2-3 hours per session. I like the idea of ad-hocs cohering into a larger storyline.

Thematic Styles and Specialties:
I love magic. If you want to do interesting magical things, you have my attention.
I love it when my players take initiative and try to keep my prompting to a minimum.
I'm a big fan of moral conundrums and characters having their convictions tested.
Politics and politicking. I adore good social play and if you bring me doublespeak, you're taking home bonus exp. 
The latest piece of media I enjoyed. This is not a joke.

Wishes to Avoid:
Tag-alongs. Please only sign up for my events if you see something which appeals to you outside of the exp reward at the end.
In the moment arguments. I will make mistakes, and calls you disagree with. Please save it for after the event is over.
Intra-party antagonism. Conflict and disagreements are fine so long as they actually resolve into something actionable.
The Deep Lore (tm). I'm not a Realms lore buff by any stretch of the imagination, I make up for it with frantic googling. It's not that I don't enjoy it, or won't prepare in advance if forewarned, but please be gentle with springing on me someone's great aunt thrice removed who is actually mega relevant right now.

Queue and Wishlist:
I'm perusing the quest requests and fleshing out a few ideas, one about a wizard and a tower, another about a high ranking military officer, and yet another about a region under siege.

Misc. Notes:
While I have many years of roleplay and DMing behind my back, I'm extremely new to the NWN DM and Build clients. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
The usual - party chat, /touchon, /diceprivate. Hold on transitions for descriptions. Always ask ahead of time if you want to prepare non-NWN spells. Always ask before flying/teleporting to a place.
Always indicate what you're rolling for if unprompted, either in private or preferrably through your emote.
I'm open for suggestions and discussions on just about anything and everything, preferably over discord.