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Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Sep 02, 2024, 05:44 PM
CD Module v4.11g1
- Updated the server to NWN preview build 37-7
Players can stay on the stable release for now, but this should bring stability, performance, and networking improvements to the server along with new diagnostics tools to help us find the cause of issues when there's any. It also enables a few new tricks script-wise.
- Enabled new diagnostics' tools to detect stalls and crashes

- Replaced deprecated sitting scripts in some module areas
- Updated T6 Eye of the Storm dungeon (Lady)
- Added Green Door Inn and Trade Post, courtesy of Pretzel!  This is accessible via Farsea Marshes - Bogside Trading Post
- Disabled leaping in Suzail's Royal Court
- Updated Suzail Promenade area and NPCs conversations (FireWraith)
- Added level lock to the entrance of the Croaking Swamp dungeon
- Fixed Arabel guards and Purple Dragon NPCs' outfits
- Updated Coin Toss (Lanira)
- Added Player Home (Terallis)
- Added Player Home (Hitetsu) 

- Added the /bardmode command to display VFX notes above your character's head while singing. Use again to toggle it off.
- Fixed /vision for Hellbred
- Minotaurs are now immune to Maze, as was already listed in the spell's description
- Targets under the effect of Dimensional Anchor are now immune to Maze, as was already listed in the spell's description
- (Monk) Abundant Step is now correctly set as a supernatural ability and not subject to wild magic surges
- (Shadow Dancer) Shadow Jump is now correctly set as a supernatural ability and not subject to wild magic surges
- (Druid & Shifter) Changed the Polymorph vfx that plays when shifting/unshifting for a softer one
- (Druid) Script added to automatically remove Wildshape 5 & 6 and grant Infinite Wildshape (animals) at Druid level 14
- (Shifter) Script added to automatically grant Infinite Wildshape (animals) at Shifter level 8. Note that this doesn't unlock the Dire Animal version of those shapes.
- (Shifter) Medusa shape replaced with Otyugh shape, which has a new projectile trash vomit AoE ability
- (Shifter) Script compatibility update for 37-7. Optimized the script that ran before/after polymorph.
- (Divine Champion) Fixed Divine Wrath being infinite use, not having a cooldown, and not showing on the NUI
- (Half-Dragon) Breath weapon updated. Half-Dragons breath now does 8d10, DC 26.
- (Dragon Disciple) Breath weapon updated:
    1-3: 3d10 & DC 22
    3-7: 6d10 & DC 25
    7-10: 8d10 & DC 28
    10+: 8d10 + 1d10 per 2 level above 10
                28 + 1 DC per level above 10
- (Spell) Dismissal: Fixed the script not adding the +6 to DC listed in the spell description.
- (Spell) Word of Faith: Now allows a Will save on the Unsummon effect and Fortitude vs the Blind
- (Spell) Blasphemy, Dictum, Holy Word, Word of Chaos: Now pierce SR
- (Spell) Targets of an Epic Spell should now correctly add their Spellcraft Bonus to Saves
- (Spell) Greater Restoration spell school set to Conjuration (was wrongly listed as Necromancy)
- Added /endmyaoe to the Help menu
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Sep 02, 2024, 05:43 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03c1
- Added entries for chest model #240, #241, and bicep & forearm #142
- Robe #13 and #25 now display the belt outfit part
- (Assassin) Prestidigitation added to cantrips list
- (Paladin) Remove Disease is now useable 3x/day
- (Druid & Shifter) Infinite wildshape (the animals) is now granted at druid level 14 or shifter level 8 (relevels aren't needed)
- (Shifter) Added Otyugh shapeshift and related entries
- (Shifter) Umber Hulk is on a diet and can now fit through doors.
- (Duelist) Added cls_bfeat_duel.2da to prevent errors
- (Invisible Blade) Added cls_bfeat_invisb.2da to prevent errors
- Updated 2da entries for Dragon Breath vfx for dragon polymorph PCs
- Updated 2da entries for Dragon Breath vfx for Half-Dragons & Dragon Disciples
- Updated 2da entries for Breath of Fire spell vfx
- Updated 2da entries for Slaad Spit vfx

- Fixed sky shader for 37-7
- Fixed outfit color palettes for 37-7
- Added 6 new ingots placeables (Mibs)
- Added chest option #240 and #241 for human female (placatedrat)
- Added bicep and forearm #142 for human female (placatedrat)
- Added 3 new Cage placeables - Cage: SH Tube 1, 2, and Jar
- Updated Dragon Breath vfx for dragon polymorph PCs
- Updated Dragon Breath vfx for Half-Dragons & Dragon Disciples
- Updated Breath of Fire spell vfx
- Updated Slaad Spit vfx

- Updated Greater Wildshape IV description
- Added Otyugh spit ability entry
- Updated Infinite Wildshape description
- .tlk entries for Warlock added (Vince)
- Tenser's transformation description updated to clarify that the caster loses the ability to cast spells while Tenser is active
- Updated description of Word of Faith
- Updated description of Blasphemy, Dictum, Holy Word, and Word of Chaos
- Updated Greater Restoration spell school
- Updated Avasculate descriptors
Ask the Staff Anything / Re: possible new shield design
Last post by Malefic - Sep 02, 2024, 01:59 AM
Unfortunately that is not the 3.5 holy symbol of Bahamut. That symbol is a 4th edition addition. In 3.5 he still uses the nebula holy symbol.

Player Announcements / Re: Arya Update: 09-01-2024
Last post by ceyella - Sep 01, 2024, 02:22 AM
For the sake of treasured consciousness, we march.
Above those who have fallen, we march.
At the edge of our own blades, we march.
With death in sight, we march.
As we forget, we die.
As we awaken, we live.
As we dream...we are born.
Player Announcements / Arya Update: 09-01-2024
Last post by Arya - Sep 01, 2024, 01:53 AM
Hi everyone,

Not trying to be a drama queen, I swear. Just wanted to address my crankiness the other night. I also just want to give a bit about what has been going on too that I didn't (at least don't recall) telling people, or at least not everyone.

CW: CPTSD, struggles with recovery, abandonment fears

A big part of me does not want to go into this depth but I feel I owe people some context of what I have been struggling with lately in terms of here.  Tldr, it's not anyone specific, and a lot of it is me and my history.

I had as kind of glossed over, three days in a row it seemed my sleep was just disturbed and was first time in a while it was that constant since me taking my anti anxiety meds at night so I can force myself to sleep. When that happens my body feels more stressed and I've noticed lately if I lack sleep too long I get sick. It is not an excuse, and if people felt I was killing a good mood, I am deeply sorry and that part was not my intent.

What, why, etc...there is a deeper thing I feel might have affected my perception of what was going on when I went short. In summary, I had a lot of past trauma triggers but also, from 2020 to 2022, perhaps even sooner, I had some things happening to me, and unfortunately I am just going to say it: happened here, but I'll not say more than that. Who needs to know, knows, and senior staff had been informed and sooner or later it was resolved to their best ability. Suffice to say, I'm still not fully recovered. I still go to therapy for that and other things.

Part of the result of what happened was in that time frame before matters resolved I was a lot more sensitive than I already am, and while covid and communal traumas (whether ethnic, lgbtqia, etc) from ongoing in the United States may have played a part, a part of me knew things were up in a place meant to be safe(r) for me than the physical world and I was gaslit heavily on it. When one major source of it all was handled, I can say I noticed handling things, at the least things like negative comments better even if not perfect (though not anymore imperfectly than others).  One clue in all that was I was fine with feedback at work but for some reason I was not handling it best here and I've tried to do a lot to remedy that since. It was a mix of rejection sensitivity dysphoria and sensing something going on and being unable to address it, feeding a lot of things including feelings of helplessness.

For anyone who had to deal with that in that time, I don't know if my sincere apologies covers it enough. I don't know what more I need to do to make amends but I am sincerely trying, even with some stumbles on the way. All who helped me realize what was going on, a thank you is far from what I owe and I will cherish that. As Daeatria would say, "A raven does not forget slights, but nor do they forget kindnesses." 

Needless to say, some of what transpired in 2020 to 2022 has left me with a skewed perception of things. Rare for me is a day I'm not wondering if people just want me gone or spread seeds of doubt about me or my personal character behind scenes so people might eventually drive me off in different ways. Yet even with this, a part of me defaults to blaming myself and I do not want to inconvenienc anyone...

..So, life has been busy, but my latest health news, persistent hotter than usual temperatures in the state, and feelings of this and my concern the server has had a lot of yuck or negative energy lately has reinforced me not being on anymore than a few times a week. I am definitely working on things, including stuff for this server, but I know I could try to fit in a little more time here and there with effort. Sadly, I just at this point do not know what more I can do besides what I have been doing to resolve any of what has kept me down more.

Please know that I care for everyone in this community and I want what is best, even with what I have gone through here. I want to do what is best for both my fun and everyone else's. Sometimes I stumble on showing it, and sometimes I wish I did not.

Much love and peace.

Best wishes,
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Aug 27, 2024, 03:11 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.03b6
- Fixed wrong description on Shadow Adept's Shield of Shadow
- Wooden staircase added to placeables.2da
- Added a new column to spells.2da
- Fixed Empowered Turning and Heightened Turning missing from Cleric feat list
- Fixed Shadow Adept not getting Low-Light Vision at level 2

- Added new male chest model #89 for every race (Nibbles)
- Added new belt option #64 for every race and gender (Nibbles)
- Added new male chest model #245 for human males (Mibs)
- Added new female chest model #239 for human females (Mibs)
- Added three new wooden staircaise model. These can be found under Appearances: "Stairs, Wooden" "Stairs, SpiralCarpet" and "Stairs, Spiral" (Mibs)
- Updated wizard hat vfx (Nibbles)
- Added new female human head #252
- Added PLT colors to female human head #238
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Aug 27, 2024, 03:10 PM
CD Module v4.11f6
- NEW: Badger Gryzzly, famed not-so-famed suvivalist and adventurer, has arrived in Cormyr to sell his renowned Wilderness Gear!  He is currently set up north of Waymoot in the King's Forest. (Ray)
  • The merchant sells items that can create placeables in the world!
  • Now you can set up your own campsite in the wild.
  • Please use reponsibly.  You are not to use these in dungeons, cities, inside buildings, etc.  Please do not abuse this.
  • Please clean up after yourselves.  The Multi Tool and the same item can be used to destroy the placeable on the ground (ie use the bedroll item to destroy a - bedroll on the ground by clicking on it).  The placeables will self-destroy after 4 hours real time.

- Eye of the Storm dungeon update (Lady)
- Bullywug dungeon update (Lady)
- Added the PC archiver to the AFK room
- Yulash's goblin boss respawn timer adjusted
- Hullack's goblin boss respawn timer adjusted
- Cormanthor's Ossuary Guardian has had a lock added to his door to prevent him wandering around so much
- The horse summon items now summon the correct color horses and barding.  "Decorative" barding now uses the red barding.  The Cormyrean Warhorses summon the proper - color horses as well, and use the purple barding. (Ray)
- The fountain in Yulash no longer smells bad, and as a result, no longer has a complex. Hooray! (Ray)
- Player housing has been added (Dan)

- Fix to the chat color system so that DMs can still hear PCs
- Fixed barbarian rage bugs introduced with the cooldown system backend rework
- Fixed Knight Errant's War Cry refresh timer not working
- Fixed the DM combat log toggle command so it works with the other DM tools
- Dispel rolls won't be hidden by the DM combat log toggle command anymore
- Disabled automatic battlecries on abilities used by NPCs
- Zakhara origin region now correctly gives Midani language
Ask the Staff Anything / possible new shield design
Last post by sirkillalot - Aug 21, 2024, 01:14 PM
I am currently playing a paladin character, on his way to become a champion for Bahamut. I always like to match my appearance accordingly, but somehow the shield designs don't 'do it' for me.

Would it be possible to add a new shield design matching the holy symbol of Bahamut? I found a picture of one, in the shape of a shield. In my mind it wouldn't be too much of an adjustment for those who handle these things in the game to fit in one of the existing shield shapes.

Below is what I picture it to be. Would be so awesome if made possible :)
Player Announcements / Re: Blackheart Update - 2024
Last post by Blackheart - Aug 12, 2024, 07:14 PM
Blackheart Update - 2024 - Part 3


I'm back from a much needed vacation. Certainly feeling a lot less stressed, and now some of the dust has settled around my life situation.

Keeping it brief - I'm still going to be very busy, though not as busy as I thought. But I will be preparing to move overseas within the next year or so.

What does that mean?

I still can't run the server plot I wanted - but I can still run other stuff.

I have plans - fun plans! Some plans will be for big groups (Storyteller, Beach Episode, Elf Christmas, and more) and some will be for small groups (The Muse, some personal plots I promised to run, and more).

In fact, there's a project that I've been looking forward to running - one that's actually be in the works for almost 2 years now! And as a show of good faith, I'll reveal some details about it and what the status of its development is!

It's name is... Necropolis (Working Title).

It's a plot that will feature a rather special location in Faerun that is a city-sized burial ground for the dead from a civilization that has been gone for a very long time. Many mysteries lurk within its depths... As do many enemies.

Some PCs have already received a brief experience of this place... many of whom are still around. Those that are can tell you just how dangerous it will be to unravel the riddles held within and to fulfill the quest!

The plot will be heavy elven themed,  but not elven exclusive. However, I will not take evil aligned PCs, or anyone that's not in good standing with the elves. Part of it is IC reasons, and part of it is OOC convenience given what I need the dynamic of the group at large to be like. Also, due to some environmental effects, dragon-blooded PCs (Half Dragons, Dragon Disciples, Spellscales, etc) will not be able to participate.

I'll take a few parties, and will even have a bit of help. This Necropolis is pretty big - we've already got about 40 new areas built for it, and will need another 20-30 more to call the project fully complete! It's had spurts of activity in development over the years, though what we're really waiting for is Evereska to be done, as the outcome of that plot will heavily impact the start of this one!

Faction involvement will also be taken into consideration. Some factions will be quite interested - and some may be less so, and that's totally ok! I have heard some rumblings of a lot of other projects on the horizon beyond just my own. :)

The plan is to finish up the area building after Evereska is done, and to give the server a few months of cooldown before doing something elf-related again. The best guess I can give is that this plot will start sometime at the beginning of 2025!

I've done a ton of research for it, and have some great ideas and a lot of awesome builder help - and I will put out a call for even more!

It's not quite the server plot I'd hoped to run, but I think that this will still be a memorable experience for those that are able to participate. More information will come in the future!

Thanks again to everyone who has been patient and kind to me. I look forward to doing what I can to keep DMing and providing fun for everyone!

- Blackheart
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Aug 12, 2024, 09:39 AM
CD Module v4.11f5
- Updated T3-T4 Drow Treehouse dungeon (AliceOfTheVoid)
- Fixed bugged respawn in the T4 pirate dungeon
- T6 Croaking Swamp dungeon updated and linked to the module (Lady)
- T6 Eye of the Storm cultists dungeon added for testing (Lady)
- NEW: The Unicorn and Crescent Inn is open in Evereska Southeast (Thanks Pretzel!)
- Gave the Pit Fiend Gate summon the right AI scripts
- Noxis Lance T4 spear typo fix
- Green Knight added to use limitation of the Hornblade scimitar sold in Mielikki's shrine
- Fixed certain monsters having the wrong version of Hellball and/or Greater Ruin. Expect them to now pierce higher level of SR.
- Nexalan language is now automatically granted to characters selecting a Maztican origin.
- Both tiers of the Ruby Greatsword of Hellfire now do some hellfire damage
- The Zhent in the Cloven Shield is no longer in her underwear after many complaints.  Tavern profits are now down 50%.

- Reworked the feat cooldown system to make it more robust: it shouldn't be possible to provoke multiple cooldown timers from one use of a feat anymore
- Fixed bugged damage value in the Breath of Fire script
- Fixed bugged damage value in the Mordenkainen's Force Missile script
- Fixed Ray of Frost being wrongly set as Conjuration
- Storm of Vengeance damage redistributed to 3d6 acid / 3d6 electrical
- Added blackguard and assassin to item use limitations on crafted wands that use spells on their class list
- Tweaks to the monster spell damage scaling function
- Added "Default" to the quest chat color selection menu
- Cantrips cast at a higher level through metamagic aren't infinite anymore
- 9 new VFX player accessories added
- Heartwarder's Fey Transormation now provides the correct spell immunities
- Kurtulmak's favored weapon is now correctly set as Spear (either long or short)
- Added a way for DMs to give Epic Reputation Feat to PCs, check the hak changelog for details
- Sticky Bombs are now an official Boss Ability available for DMs/Builders to use.

Emotes and OOC color formatting
Dialogue will now automatically be formatted to distinguish emotes and OOC talk from character speech. By default, text in between asterisks *like this* will be considered an emote, and text following a double slash // or double parentheses (()) will be considered OOC.

- This can be toggled OFF in /settings
- An alternate way to emote can be found in /settings: "Speaks like this" and emotes like this
- I repeat: this can be toggled off in /settings if you dislike it!