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General Discussion / Re: Crafting in the DaleLands
Last post by Tudenom - Jan 18, 2025, 02:32 AM
Right on, thanks all!
Ask the Staff Anything / Re: A Question Regarding Sehan...
Last post by Arya - Jan 18, 2025, 01:03 AM
Sorry, I had to sit on this a moment. And I may need to follow up at some point because bed is also something.

I cannot speak as a staff at the moment because I am still on my long-ass break from such, but I can speak as a veteran player and who tried to set the tone for our elf lore here.

I would say honestly it depends on the commune and group in which they are a part in all of this. If they are divine spellcasters, there might be a little more leeway on what they can get away with in the context of the ritual and scene only.  It is very much a matter of debate the ability for half-elves to reverie from an in-character stand point, but authors have suggested it is possible - even if they cannot commune. Only those whose subtype is base race elf (including ECL elves besides drow) can commune.

One order of Sehanine have not so much blatant anti half-elf discrimination, but lean heavily into the elements that might otherwise isolate them. This is in terms of progression of religious rank in the order of interest, which take their sweet time elevating anyone in the ranks, so half-elves do not get the consideration their lifespan is significantly shorter. With that in mind, I can easily see elves in such groups making the activity isolate the half-elf in more insular circles and keeping it strictly the commune.

However, when we did roleplay through the last Lunar Hallowing (at least one I was involved on), the leading priestess made it something that everyone invited to it could play a part, assuming that the deity for the purpose of the ritual allowed it. So I would say it really depends on the roleplay that a DM gives a thumbs up to happening, even if the DM is not there for the event as a proper event.

Does this help answer your question any?


Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 16, 2025, 06:57 PM
CD4 Hak Update v4.04a8
- (Eldritch Blast) Can now target doors/placeables

- Removed bugged female human head #175 and #167
- Removed bugged female halfling head #36
- Removed bugged female half-orc head #27
- Removed bugged male human head #76
- Removed bugged male elf head #74
- Removed too ugly to exist male elf head #48
- Removed bugged male gnome head #24
- Removed duplicate halfling male head #32
- Added 39 new female heads from Dafena. 2 for elves, 37 for humans
- Added 45 new male human heads from Dafena
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 16, 2025, 06:57 PM
CD Module v4.12a9
- Tweaked Eye of the Storm dungeon (Lady)
- Albatross dungeon update (Lady)
- New undersea T4 dungeon updated (Alice)
- Sunmantle Guildhall TP key typo fixed
- Fixed a corrupted value in the Tailoring models that was causing errors
- Updated player home (LadyAsh)

- Chest armor #209 can now be used by female characters
- Refactored the AI scripts. Builders: do not use the ai_b_default* and ai_ch_ac* line of scripts going forward
- Refactored the head chooser script for Alter-Self and the OOC Mindflayer. This allows access to previously hidden heads. Please use restraint in not using nonsensical heads like the skeleton or cyclops ones unless they somehow apply to your character
- Removed 111 obsolete scripts
- Removed one obsolete conversation
- Removed two obsolete Tailoring NPCs from the Immersea Tailoring Shop
- The NPC AI has had a lobotomy and now doesn't mind staying in damaging AoEs. The AI shouldn't run back and forth over damaging clouds anymore and will now focus on what it does best: attacking its enemies
- Fixed a few errors with the Teleport scripts
- Warlocks with the appropriate Pact can now learn their Patron's language
- Half-Orcs and Dwarves with a nature class (Druid/Ranger/GK) are not prevented from learning Sylvan anymore
- Updated the Area Import script to support the latest NWN version
- Tailoring NUI (/customize) will now be smaller on screens with a low resolution
- Added /teleportlist
- Fixed a few issues with Teleport
General Discussion / Re: Crafting in the DaleLands
Last post by probot - Jan 16, 2025, 04:14 AM
You can scribe scrolls for any spell your character knows though the higher level ones require ink that's found in dungeons, and certain ones require additional ingredients also found in dungeons. Wands can take spells up to innate caster level 6, amd potions go up to 5. Generally they're all quite useful though wands perhaps most of all between storing 50 charges and the very low exp cost. And yes, you can find the basic ingredients for all three sold in bulk in various shops.
Player Announcements / Re: Temporary Absence
Last post by Arya - Jan 16, 2025, 01:19 AM
Thanks for the heads up! Look forward to seeing you again.

General Discussion / Re: Crafting in the DaleLands
Last post by Terallis - Jan 16, 2025, 01:19 AM
Quote from: ladyphoenix on Jan 15, 2025, 11:21 PMBottles, wands, scroll parchment are actually easy to get in batches of 100. Scrolls at higher levels (7+) require special ink that isn't as common.

There is even station to craft magic items but I hven't yet figured out where to get recipe to be able to use it (I found enchanting table hidden away).

That table is a relic of a system that's been disabled for a few years now. Old item crafting system was very flawed and has been since disabled, as of a few years ago now. The enchanting tables still exist, but do nothing at all at present.

It's still uncertain when/if we'll be getting a new item crafting system, as well.
General Discussion / Re: Crafting in the DaleLands
Last post by ladyphoenix - Jan 15, 2025, 11:21 PM
Bottles, wands, scroll parchment are actually easy to get in batches of 100. Scrolls at higher levels (7+) require special ink that isn't as common.

There is even station to craft magic items but I hven't yet figured out where to get recipe to be able to use it (I found enchanting table hidden away).
General Discussion / Crafting in the DaleLands
Last post by Tudenom - Jan 15, 2025, 09:55 PM
Hello all

I'm a new player here on the server and am part of a small gaming group all starting fresh.

I'm thinking about taking potion making or scroll making to help the group along but I'm not sure how well supported crafting is on the server.

Are basic crafting components like bottles easy to find out in the wild?  Or should I reconsider  and put crafting on hold until my character is further along in his career?

Thanks for the tips!
Admin Announcements / Re: Transparency - Player Bans
Last post by Fire Wraith - Jan 15, 2025, 02:52 AM
Note that we banned the EmberEffigy as the latest alias of Moxxie/Kabran/Jawesome. See Nok's post above for full details of the original reason for this ban (which they were attempting to avoid/circumvent).