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since the last module update (January 24th) players cannot see the challenge rating of other players anymore.
From the perspective of a player who likes to explore and adventure about: Please bring that feature back. Of course it is meta, but I daresay it is just as meta as seeing the challenge rating of any npc or beast (and much less meta and comfortable than using /listpcs, which gives away more meta information and details than that harmless challenge rating info).

It is just so much more fun to travel, explore and adventure in a group of roughly similar might (level), than to hobble along as a level 3 with a group of level 23's or vice versa.

Other than that: Cheers to the creators, scripters and nice community of the beautiful Cormyr and Dalelands!
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by Ceyella - Jan 26, 2025, 11:26 AM
Both my PCs would be interested in different aspects.
General Discussion / Ranger Guildhall (Checking for...
Last post by aliirielle - Jan 25, 2025, 10:03 PM
In 'Magic of Faerun' page 48 details Ranger Guilds, I have been holding an interest in getting one started for ages now and finally want to check for interest in it. It wouldn't be a player faction, but more a player group. A place for rangers of various levels to exchange news, tips, advice, companionship. In addition, in starting the Ranger Guildhall I'd also want to try and orchestrate 'The Hunt' on a yearly basis. It's a yearly gathering of rangers where they gather together for practice, camaraderie, and competition. It's nothing deity specific but both the ranger guildhall and the 'Hunt' are specific to rangers as a class. I wouldn't limit it to people with a majority class levels in ranger, but at least a dip and overall the thematic feeling of the character to very much be 'ranger'.

I'm going to leave the parts from 'Magic of Faerun' here and if you're interested in something like this please let me know by posting here and telling me about your ranger! <3

Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 24, 2025, 11:07 AM
CD4 Hak Update v4.04b1
Hak Compilation update
Huge thanks to Terallis for cleaning up and adding all of theses to the haks:
492 new placeables
- 293 from Project Q
- 54 from Hamlet tileset/placeables
- 89 from CCC packs
- 50 from Elven Interior stuff
- 6 custom Library shelves from existing placeables (filled shelves)
120 new appearance models
- 9 animals imported from NWN2
- 24 from Project Q
- 87 from CCC packs
5 new wing models
- 3 from Project Q
- 2 from CCC packs
34 new creature portraits for new appearance models
8 new soundsets to accompany NWN2 animals
1 new doortype for new Elven City tileset
12 new loadscreens
- 3 for new Elven City tileset
- 9 for new Wild Woods tileset
4 new tilesets
- Wild Woods
- Wild Lands
- Wild Lands, Winter
- Elven City

- Removed Improved Critical - Whip incorrectly added to Paladin's bonus feat list
- Wildshape - Elder Fire/Water/Air elementals models now fit the ones from Summon Creature IX
- Wildshape - Wolf (the non-dire version) now uses the NWN 2 model and soundset
- Wildshape - Badger (the non-dire version) now uses the NWN 2 model and soundset
- Wildshape - Umber Hulk now uses the NWN 2 model

- Removed 366 duplicate files from the haks
- Added male human head #256 from Dafena, with help from Nibbles

- Fixed a typo in a loading screen hint
- Updated Warlock Blast description
- Updated Clairaudience/Clairvoyance description
- Updated Power Word: Stun description
- Updated Power Word: Kill description
- Updated Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and Epic Spell Focus: Divination description
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Jan 24, 2025, 11:07 AM
CD Module v4.12b1
- Added a Teleport Key to five areas that were supposed to have one
- Fixed a few chests that were incorrectly set to be destructible in the Yulash goblin dungeon
- As the damage is repaired, Evereska returns to how it was before the siege
- Sea T4 dungeon update (Alice)
- Updated Nalfeshnee's creature models
- Fixed the gnome shopkeeper with a broken head in Immersea Imports
- An elven ranger near Berryrbiar grew back his missing head

- SPAWN_VFX variable fixed (Raysiel)
- Examine window will now hide the challenge rating of other players. NPCs' challenge rating will still be displayed, as is the character level when using /listpcs
- Fixed the previous fix for female torso model #209 (which is actually torso #210)
- Fixed some bugs in the tailoring NUI window
- Fixed more bugs with Teleport
- Fixed the radial menu bug that made it leave a permanent white trail until client restart. This required disabling the NUI menu on right clicking chairs.
- The tailoring NUI is now useable anywhere for DMs

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Bombardment) Fixed the spell hurting friendlies despite its description saying it only hurt enemies
- (Silversteil Veil) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Crusade) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Bless) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Prayer) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Recitation) Fixed a few bugs in how higher CL versions of the buff were detected
- (Warlock) Eldritch Blast damage dice now increases to d8 at Caster Level 21+
- (Dragonsong Lyricist) Epic version of the DSL songs will now be enabled if the bard has 21 or more levels of Bard + DSL and has 5 levels of DSL
- (Shifter) Removed the fire VFX from Epic Minotaur's axe
- (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance) Duration is now Turn/level
- (Power Word: Stun) Now a large AoE. Now stuns targets with more than 150 HP on a failed fortitude save
- (Power Word: Kill) Now kills all targets in the area under 100 HP, without any saving throws. Targets above 100 HP must make a fortitude save. If this saving throw fails, they must make a Will save or die. Those who succeed their will save still take 10d6 points of magical damage and are stunned for 2 rounds.
- (Spell Focus: Divination) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, See Invisibility, and True Seeing spells are automatically extended when cast
- (Greater Spell Focus: Divination) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Find Traps, and True Seeing all provide an extra +10 skill bonus to their respective spot/listen/search bonus
- (Epic Spell Focus: Divination) Premonition damage reduction is increased to 40/+7
Player Announcements / Re: Internet
Last post by platinum01 - Jan 23, 2025, 07:40 PM
Internet is down... again. They are working on the issue.
Ask the Staff Anything / Re: Question Regarding Alter S...
Last post by Spruce - Jan 22, 2025, 12:05 PM
How awesome! Thank you for the reply/clarification!
You understand correct, you can use the spell in the way you have in mind.
Ask the Staff Anything / Question Regarding Alter Self
Last post by Spruce - Jan 22, 2025, 10:23 AM
Hello! I had a quick question regarding the custom spell Alter Self. I may be overthinking/over-complicating it in my head, but my question really boils down to this:

If I am playing a Wood Elf, can Alter Self give my Wood Elf the appearance of an ethnically Illuskan human? So like I go from appearing as "Spruce the Wood Elf Sorceress" to (and this is just an example mind you) "Hilda the Haggard from Luskan?"

I understand that the wiki reads as follows:

QuoteThe rule about needing to change your race/body entirely still applies. When you cast the spell, you must become the average member of another race. You can't simply change your character's face around, or change their skin tone to disguise. They can, however, change into a different variant of that race. For example: A pale Chondathan can alter self to become a swarthy Mulani, or an elf might take up a Drow's average appearance, but not merely change their skin and nothing else. This CAN NOT be seen through with True Seeing. Only illusions can be seen through with True Seeing. This can be dispelled, and is lost on character death/severe incapacitation.

So I think my confusion and hangup are on the part where it mentions that "You must become the average member of another race." I am seeking clarification on using the spell in conjunction with the bluff and disguise skills to virtually create an alter ego (or egos) to use at various points - clearly this would require a lot of work on my part in regards to outfits, character appearances, and how they interact in RP on the server, so before I start barking up that tree, I want to make sure that it is actually something that the spell allows for.  ;)  Thank you in advance!

General Discussion / Re: Crafting in the DaleLands
Last post by Tudenom - Jan 18, 2025, 02:32 AM
Right on, thanks all!