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General Discussion / Re: Thank you for Positive DM ...
Last post by Diestormlie - Mar 13, 2025, 06:53 PM
I'd like to thank Edge for the event they just ran- especially how readily and aptly they handled/enabled the utter BULLSHIT my Wizard was pulling off.
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Mar 13, 2025, 12:45 PM
CD Module v4.12b7
The sun's light grows warmer as Spring settles on the land, melting the piles of snow and ever-watchful Snowmen.  Bright and fragrant flowers bloom and butterflies flutter in the air.  With the threat of the mysterious doors no longer looming over the realm, people look to start anew with hopes of peace of prosperity.

- Word spreads of a shipwreck in the Sea of Fallen Swords and the treasure that sank with it.  Rumor is there's a ship captain in Suzail willing to take the brave and adventurous out to explore it.  (New T4 Dungeon by Lady!)
- Sailors begin to spread rumors of a den of dangerous creatures not of this world, supposedly located on the Dragonmere island (New T4 Dungeon by Alice!)
- Yulash City North and South have been updated to reflect server events (Mibs)
- Added Yulash - North - Curiosity Archives (Mibs)
- Added Yulash - South - Almshouse of the Broken (Mibs)
- Updated Fountainheart of Shimmering Gold and removed the last of the mysterious doors. (FireWraith)
- Various Arabel Shops have received facelifts (Ianira!)
- Updated player home (Ozzy)
- Updated player home (Pretzel)
- Added player home (Ianira)
- Added player home (Mibs)
- Added player home (Emily Opossum)
- Smuggler Ringleader in the sewers now has the correct racial type
- T4 Aboleth dungeon (lvl 16-20) updated and linked to the module (Alice)
- Moved a spawn further back in stoneland goblin dungeons to prevent dying right as someone enters the area
- (Underdark - Aqueduct Exterior) Fixed the resting spot not working
- Removed four obsolete areas
- Removed eleven obsolete creatures
- Removed eight obsolete creature items
- Removed an obsolete dialogue
- Updated area list, creature palette, and item palette
- Added a variable to Josephine

- Fixed an error in the loot code
- Added `cdb_trg_safearea` script for dungeon builders. Setting this script on a trigger's OnEnter and OnExit will protect people from persistent area damage without allowing rest in the trigger area.
- Added `sp_triggerdmg_hb` script for dungeon builders. Setting this script on a trigger's OnHeartbeat will enable persistent damage every X round, configurable just as the Area persistent damage is with variables such as `TRIGGER_HB_DAMAGE_TYPE`, `TRIGGER_HB_DAMAGE_EVERY_NTH_ROUND`, `TRIGGER_HB_DAMAGE_AMOUNT`
- (Duelist) Fixed duelist damage bonus being removed by buffing
- The Spell Widget NUI (/spellwidget) will now clear up queued attacks when casting, just like casting from the radial menu
- Fixed an error when selecting a spellcasting class in the Spellwidget NUI
- (Arcane Warrior) Channel Spell is now an active feat, instead of requiring players to directly cast the spell on their weapon. To channel a spell, toggle the feat on then cast the spell anywhere. The feat icon will now display how many uses of channel spell you have remaining
- (Implosion) Fixed the spell resistance check being tied to Necromancy school
- (Implosion) As in PnP, the spell doesn't affect incorporeal (i.e. Gaseous Form) creatures anymore
- Removed 37 obsolete scripts

- Channel Spell icon update

- Added 10 new icons for Channel Spell

- Updated Channel Spell description
- Updated Implosion description
Off Topic / Re: CD the Movie - Casting Cal...
Last post by Vortex - Mar 11, 2025, 04:05 PM
Mykal Veskar

Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Blackheart - Mar 07, 2025, 08:47 PM
Quote from: LichKnight on Mar 04, 2025, 01:28 PMSad to see you go though I wish you all the best!

It's been a blast to be part of your events and will always love what you did for the Zhents during DoM

The siege of melvaunt will always be a find memory. That was fucking badass- and but every day I get to run something for an evil group!

While I may not miss Kron leaving dead elves on celeb's doorstep, I'll miss all the fun events I got to run for you. Kron was a treat, as were you!

Take care, and God bless!
Suggestions & Ideas / Animal Companion Skins
Last post by Terallis - Mar 05, 2025, 04:20 PM
So, I brought this up briefly in the Discord for update requests, but I wanted to lay out some specific suggestions for new "skins" to use for animal companions, depending on what's chosen. No mechanical changes, but keeping in line with what they actually are or similar things that would make sense for their size and skillsets. I know, presently, we have some very limited options for use with Wolf and Bear, but through a lot of content updates, even recently, there are not only more options for those two, but plenty that can work with other animal companions as well, to vary it up.

Here I'll lay out some specific ones from the toolset, in terms of ideas. Some might not work as well, while others obviously are even just different skins of the same animal.


- Animal: Squirrel - Brown
- Baba: Lizard 1
- Baba: Lizard 2
- CCC: Cat, lynx
- PQ: Cat: Lynx
- PQ: Ostrich (lulz, dunno where to put this one)
- Skunk
- NWN2: Badger, Common
- NWN2: Wolverine, Common


- Animal: Dog - Shepherd
- Animal: Wolf - Grey (think this is already there)
- Animal: Wolf - Winter
- CCC: Wolf
- CCC: Wolf, grey
- CCC: Wolf, red
- CCC: Wolf, winter
- PQ: Dog: Wolf 1
- PQ: Dog: Wolf, Winter
- PQ: Fox (think we have this)
- NWN2: Wolf, Common

Brown Bear:

- Animal: Bear - Black
- Animal: Bear - Brown
- CCC: Bear, black
- CCC: Bear, brown
- CCC: Bear, kodiak
- CCC: Bear, panda
- CCC: Bear, polar
- CCC: Gorilla, Silverback
- PQ: Gorilla: Black
- PQ: Gorilla: Brown
- NWN2: Bear, Brown


- Animal: Boar - Wild
- CCC: Boar 02
- CCC: Boar 03
- CCC: Boar 05
- CCC: Deep Rothe
- NWN2: Boar, Common


- Avian: Eagle, Imperial
- Avian: Eagle, reddish
- Avian: Owl, brown
- Avian: Owl, white
- Avian: Vulture
- Bat: Fruit
- Eagle
- Parrot
- Raven
- Seagull, flying


- Animal: Cat - Cougar
- Animal: Cat - Crag
- Animal: Cat - Jaguar
- Animal: Cat - Lion
- Animal: Cat - Lioness
- Animal: Cat - Panther
- Animal: Cat - Snow Leopard
- Cat, Cougar
- Cat, Crag Cat
- Cat, Jaguar
- Cat, Leopard
- CCC: Cat, cheetah
- CCC: Cat, crag
- CCC: Cat, jaguar
- CCC: Cat, leopard
- CCC: Cat, lion female
- CCC: Cat, lion male
- CCC: Cat, lion male white
- CCC: Cat, tiger white
- PQ: Alligator (might work for Dire Wolf)
- PQ: Cat: Tiger
- PQ: Crocodile (same as Alligator)

Giant Spider:

- Baba: Spider 1
- Baba: Spider 2
- Baba: Spider 3
- Spider_Redback

Dire Wolf:

- CCC: Fenhound
- CCC: Wolf, dire
- Dinosour: Raptor TigerGreen (probably not, but hey)
- PQ: Dog: Wolf, Dire

Dire Rat:

- Animal: Monkey
- CCC: Ape, Mandril, Male
- NWN2: Weasel
Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by LichKnight - Mar 04, 2025, 01:28 PM
Sad to see you go though I wish you all the best!

It's been a blast to be part of your events and will always love what you did for the Zhents during DoM
Off Topic / Re: CD the Movie - Casting Cal...
Last post by Terallis - Mar 03, 2025, 02:16 PM
Bringing up the two new ones!

Hallbjorn: Kristofer Hivju

Brynjar: Devin Chandler Long

Player Announcements / Re: Sweet Water and Light Laug...
Last post by Blackheart - Mar 01, 2025, 11:50 AM
Quote from: fluffyduck on Feb 26, 2025, 09:27 AMI am bite late for this, but I appreciate all the plots you ran.

I thoroughly enjoyed them and I wish you good luck in the future!

And I'm a bit late in replying!

Thank you for the well wishes. I still think of the early days of our RP quite fondly. Castellos was a joy to have in plots and to interact with on Celeb. I loved how interested he was in history and all the interesting/tough questions he asked. It was awesome to watch him grow as a character.

Ilvalas was also great, but when I think of you I always think of Castellos and all the awesome times with him.

I wish you well in the future as well. God bless!
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Mar 01, 2025, 10:27 AM
CD Module v4.12b6
- Updated the server and NWNX to version 37-14
- Fixed a resting area not working in Underdark - Aqueduct Exterior
- Fixed a transition in Underdark - Aqueduct Exterior
- Increased chance of ~mystery stuff~

- Fixed the cause of most of our crashes (for real this time!)

- Fixed a typo in accessories.2da
Player Announcements / Re: Saccharine Going Away
Last post by Pink_ - Feb 27, 2025, 08:25 PM
Though the interactions we had IC were brief, I have always enjoyed Saccharine's presence, and I will be a bit sad to see such a unique and fun character go. While I am unfamiliar with what you have gone through personally as a player, I hope that things can get better for you.