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General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by daedalian - Feb 02, 2025, 05:29 PM
Falkir Greydawn, Ranger 23 is looking for a place to hang his cloak and rest his feet from time to time, if they'll have him.
His deity is Shaundakul, so his role has always been in the service of tracking, hunting and guiding travellers and adventurers through the wilds, while preserving nature and observing the proper protocols of hunting.

Player Announcements / Sweet Water and Light Laughter
Last post by Blackheart - Feb 02, 2025, 04:01 PM
Hey everyone,

This post hasn't been easy to write. I've tried to sort my thoughts and feelings out over these last few days.

I'm doing this because I want to properly communicate, to the best extent that I can, how much this server and the people in it mean to me - and why I felt it best to leave regardless of that. I've not always been the most open person, but now feels like the right time to be transparent.

I've spoilered sections so you can more easily skip over parts you feel are boring or irrelevant.

Please know that I do genuinely love CD and the many friends I've made here over the years. It might just be a game, but it's a game that's impacted me profoundly. The fond memories will stay with me always - and if you ever want to reach out, I'm just a few clicks of the keyboard away.

Sweet water and light laughter,


Are you only leaving as a DM? Do you intend to play here again?

�My intention is that you'll never see "Blackheart has joined" ever again - either as a DM or as a player.

Why are you leaving?

This answer is difficult.

The simple answer is that I felt the irritations, stress, and other negative emotions that are a part of any online community outweighted the joy that I received and provided.

The nuanced answer is that CD no longer felt like the server I fell in love with. CD has changed a lot over the years in both good and bad ways. That's caused a shift in focus and priorities that I don't agree with.

I won't mention specifics, as I understand that some people disagree with my opinion: and for the record, that's completely fine. The server isn't mine alone. It's something shared.

Also, just because I've been asked about it a few time: there was no singlular incident that led me to this decision. It wasn't a decision made in the heat of the moment. It's something that I'd considered for qutie a while now. I felt like the time had come to exit stage left.

How do you feel about that choice?

It's complicated. It doesn't feel great. But it feels necessary.

Ever since I became a DM in the first place, my main priority has been providing others with plots to enjoy.

When I first joined 6ish years ago, the server was much smaller, but tthere were still quite a few players and not a lot of plots. There were 2 DMs who were running anything with consistency, and the plots that were being run were locked rosters and not open sign ups.

�By the time my application to DM was accepted, I wanted to run plots. Lots of plots. Plots with lots of people. Plots that were always different and were always getting better.

I wanted that because I wanted to make fun for people.

Even until my last day as a DM, I never stopped wanting that. It was one of the things that weighed most on the side of staying.

I hate disappointing people. I know leaving caused me to cancel my plans prematurely and break promises I made, and I'm sorry for that.

At the same time, staying felt like a burden: a burden for me, and a burden on other people I cared about.

My Time on CD

CD was not my first NWN experience, but it was my first and only NWN home.

Briefly I played and DM'd on a place called N:AOM. I spent about 6 months there before leaving.

Fun fact: on that server you couldn't play and DM at the same time. Celeb was my one and only character, and so I had her killed in a plot before becoming a DM.

I stopped playing NWN for a while after that. But, a group that I knew from N:AOM told me about a better place to play: CD. They convinced me to play here, and to recreate Celeb so that I could play her again. I'd admittedly missed playing her, and I'd missed hanging out with them. I said I'd do it.

But... Celeb required an app. And at the time, due to some things going on, the app took a little while than normal... And by the time it was approved, all but one of my friends had left.

I told myself I'd stick around and play for a bit, but I wasn't in any plots and with my friends leaving, it felt like I was going to leave.

�However, Celeb had made a promise to another character to help them with a discreet matter. I asked the character to meet and inform them that Celeb was going to return home.

That character ended up making a suggestion that changed everything.

They recommended Celeb stay and help since the time would be coming soon for that event with the return of an old DM. When Celeb tried to push back and say it was for the best, they advised that Celeb go and meet someone. "There's another character I think you'd like a lot - her name is Melody. Go talk to her."

So Celeb did - and that's how I ended up meeting someone who very quickly became my best friend.

I joined the DM team soon after, though wasn't so sure about doing so. I wanted there to be more plots, but my time on N:AOM didn't exactly go so well. I was nervous and needed help. Melody offered to help too, but they applied a bit after me.

I very distinctly recall the first moment where I really like CD's DM team was where I belonged.

I'd been an aDM for about 2 weeks. Another aDM that just joined with me said something insulting about a player and character.

You see, if this was N:AOM, then everyone would have laughed, bullied the player, and gotten them to leave.

But that didn't happen here. Instead, one of the admins told that aDM to knock that shit off because we don't do that here.

I thought that was so awesome. I felt more motivated and comfortable. Thinking back on it, I wish it was still that way.

That fed into how I played Celeb, too. I learned so much from plotting people and interacting with them. I learned how to write better, understand character concepts, plan out stories, execute twists, balance encounters... and more. So much more.

Celeb was the product of all the interactions she's had over the years. My love for her has grown not because of my own talent, but because of all the experiences people shared with her. You all helped make her special - and I'm so thankful for that.

It's what helped me push through stress and run plots. There was a period where I was averaging one plot every three days. Even though that time was during COVID, I didn't slow down much over the years that followed. I never wanted to stop plotting people. I never wanted to scale things back. I only ever wanted to provide more.

There was a time where I never thought I'd leave CD. I imagined my last day on the server would be running a farewell plot right before the server shut down for good because NWN 3 was out or something.

Having that change felt bad. I waited a while to see if my thoughts on the matter would change, but over time, the feeling of leaving only grew. Not even running good plots got it out of me. It started to feel like a matter of time.

The big pushing point for me was that near the end, I felt like a burden on the people I cared about most. I felt like there were people close to me that felt similarly to how I did about the state of some things, but felt obligated to stay because of me. As problems persisted, that guilt only grew.

Even when they said they were willing to stay during our last discussion, I made it clear that I was fine with leaving. After taking some time to think it over, the decision was made to part ways. It wasn't something done quickly or in the heat of the moment. It simply felt like the time had finally come.

How CD Impacted Me

It's helped me in so many ways as a writer. It provided me a place to practice in real time and also an environment to plan things out and see what worked and didn't work. I won't pretend that every idea I ever had was a good one, but hey, failure is a good way to learn too.

It's also weird to think that if not for CD I may not have gotten my Masters Degree.

I've always wanted to be an author, but never felt like I had the talent. But CD gave me the confidence and support I needed to realize that it's something I could achieve... even if I needed a little more professional refinement in that regard. But without that push, I'd have never tried.

�I've been close a few times now... and when it finally happens, a big part of that success will have been CD.

I also met many amazing people. Some of you I consider good friends - friends I hope to keep in the years to come.

And, of course, this is where I met my best friend - who will forever be exalted in my heart.

How I Impacted CD

The Server Plot structure as you know it is my design. There were server plots before, but they were much smaller scaled. I remember when I proposed KKS and I was asked how many people I intended to take, my answer of "as many people that sign up" wasn't one that thrilled the admins at the time. But they trusted me, let me run it... and I like to think it turned out pretty well.

This isn't an impact that's really been explored yet, but I also got Dark Elves (actualy Dark Elves, not Drow) technically approved for CD about 5 years ago - it's just that there hasn't been a drow yet that's met the conditions to unlock that as a path.

The item system, in a way, is an impact of mine. Not because I designed the tier system, but because some players thought that Celeb was only OP because of the items she had (I had one DM weapon at the time and I thumped said character in an OOC duel in the AFK Arena). That launched a whole escapade to properly balance items since staff started to realize that we had no rhyme or reason for making items a certain way. Joke was on them though - she was OP because of Epic Dodge.

The proliferation of items was an impact of mine. Before, items weren't given as freely, even for 3+ quest chains. I, however, felt that every quest series deserved to be immortalized with awesome items for characters because 1) it helps them remember the plot 2) it makes them feel special 3) cool items are badass.

Current PVP rules are also kind of my doing - again, not beacuse I made the rules, but because I was involved in an incident that prompted those rules. But in my defense, that drow alu-fiend had it coming.

Mass Combat was also my doing. It was actually something I first did on N:AOM but I did it for my first server plot on CD and featured it in many plots after. It's now one of the most utilized plot types since it's able to catch so many players and give a mechanical challenge that dungeons simply can't.

My Regrets

I've got two:

The first is that I hate cancelling things and feeling like I let people down. Even at the very end, when I really felt like I solidified the choice ot leave in my heart, I didn't want to leave projects unfinished. Providing plots, items, and more for people over the years has been wonderful and made me so happy. It was worth all the work that came with it.

The second is the feeling that I'll be leaving behind all of the wonderful characters that Celeb has gotten to know and love over the years. All the tea times and visits that were promised but will never be fulfilled... It hurts to think about. As I said before, Celeb is the product of all the interactions and conversations she's had over the years. She's grown so much as a character and it's because of everyone else. I loved playing her and I'm thankful that so many people took the time, whether a lot or a little, to interact with her.

Fond Moments

I'd like to leave on a high note, so without further ado:

Every moment Celeb spent with Melody.

All of the Elf Christmas celebrations. I loved seeing how thoughtful those gifts were.

The reactions of the Into the Mista group at being able to convince a lich to revert his lichdom.

All of the wonderful tea time and conversations at Lake Eredruie with friends.

The amazing characters who helped Celeb in good times and bad.

The people who would come to visit Celeb in Evereska when she couldn't leave.

�The Elf Time Travel group when they realized what altering the timeline would mean.

The group that discovered the Darklight elves.

All of the plays held in the Silver Melody theater.

The engagement announcement.

The life-or-death sprint that was Act III of Evereska. That was the most badass shit ever and so stressful and crazy to run but honestly I loved it so much and seeing people get so into the discord and IC and forum roleplay was fucking insane. Seriously.

Anyone who would hit me up outside of scheduled plots to talk to NPCs - I loved impromptu stuff like that so much.

The first trip to Musicorum.

The Muse plots.

The Storyteller series - though the first iteration of that will still be my favorite since it was all server plot themed. (Also, to those of you who theorized that the Storyteller was the Patriarch of Song - you were right)

Beach Episode shenanigans. (I was going to have a cooking competition at the next one with Vezzil as the head chef going "come and let us season together")

Everyone who went out of their way to get to know and save the leaders of the Dalelands who were in trouble.

Those who got to know Kaelynora and understand how and why the Darklight elves were the way they were.

Anyone who ever debated about the morals of plots rather than just go "oh well the plot says we go here so we have to go here and not deviate." I loved making things open for people to go one way or another, and after a few years of plotting this server pop has really leaned into using their player agency and it made me so proud to see. It wasn't always like that, but I'm glad it is now.

Getting to know the players behind the characters.

Meeting so many awesome, kind, talented people - all of you are going to be remembered.
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Lycanthrope Upgrades
Last post by Terallis - Feb 02, 2025, 03:40 PM
Just bumping this up again as it's been quite a while without any real comments or anything around it. Been a long time issue with Lycanthrope being severely underpowered for an ECL+2 and really does need the changes.

But especially more of the restoration of power to animal form that was stripped a few years ago, without proper reason. Also even just options for the shapes themselves, based on what type you are.
you know Vernon is down with this
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Module Changelog v2
Last post by SpacePope - Feb 01, 2025, 11:39 AM
CD Module v4.12b2
- Updated T4 aboleth dungeon (Alice)
- Fixed ancient handaxe weapon being +5 instead of +6
- Updated weapon shop in "In the Beginning..." area (Alice)
- Fixed Cormanthor Drow boss using Baleful Polymorph
- Shield of War item is now useable by Green Knights
- Fixed an infinite trap in Wyvernspur dungeon (Alice)
- Added PH_TAILORING_STATION waypoint, which enables the NUI tailoring menu when nearby without having to spawn a tailoring model
- Added three new accessories to /accessories : Inquisitor hat #1, Inquisitor hat #2, and a feather. Thanks to Mibs for the models!
- The world continues to change to reflect the conclusion of the ATAE plot. (Ray)
- Updated the Eveningstar - Eastern Outskirts / The High Road - East of Eveningstar transition to hopefully stop breaking. (Ray)
- Added player home (Aceheart)
- Added player area (SnorriHT)
- Updated player home (Pretzel)
- Updated several player homes (Koffie)
- Updated Rooks Castle (Koffie)
- Updated Cups of Joy (Koffie)
- (Alice) Dispelled the magic making trees and plants float above the ground in:
    Semberdale - The Flowing Crossroads
    Deepingdale - Peaceful Forest Path
    Deepingdale - A Quiet Clearing
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - South
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - Central
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - Peaks
    The Stormhorns - Gnoll Pass - East

- Fixed Sakkors' dungeon level check on entrance
- Fixed tailoring menu not being useable away from tailoring models for DMs
- Added the "HIDE_TYPE" int variable for DMs and Builders to hide a creature type from the above system
- Added /usefeat Taunt (it's not a feat, but that's just simpler this way)
- Recall portals outside of Arabel have been repaired
- Optimized Flame Barrage boss ability script
- Tailoring model script update to prevent a few errors
- Added NO_EDGETILES variable for builders.  It will disable the repeating edge tiles of an area.  Documentation will be updated (Ray)
- Examining a non-player creature will now display its type below its challenge rating if you have enough of the correct Knowledge:
    Know Nature : Animal, Beast, Fey, Giants, Humanoids, Plants, Vermin, Ooze
    Know Arcana: Constructs, Magical Beasts, Dragons
    Know Planar: Outsiders, Elementals, Aberrations
    Know Religion: Undead

NOTE: This is just a small Quality of Life tweak. This doesn't change any rule regarding what creature is covered (or not) by these skills, nor govern how they should be used in quests.

Spells, Feats & Class Abilities
- (Warlock - Darkness) Fixed it rolling against spell resistance by mistake
- (Windwalker - Airwalk) Fixed having to reapply it twice if it was dispelled
- (Power Attack) Now scales from -1 AB/+1 DMG to -5 AB/+5 DMG. The scaling is tied to a character's base attack bonus, at a rate of -1/+1 per 4 base attack bonus, with a minimum of -1/+1.
- (Improved Power Attack) Now doubles the damage scaling of Power Attack
- (Mass Penguin) Made the faction check for targets more reliable
- (Divine Might) Now dispelled by /dispelme
- (Divine Shield) Now dispelled by /dispelme
- (Deepwood Ambusher) New prestige class! Credits to IronGauntlets for the theorycrafting, and to the balance team for finetuning. Details are available here!
- (Half-Dragon) Now gains +6 strength instead of +8, and +3 AC instead of +4. This change is retroactive and will be automatically applied to existing Half-Dragons on login. For those who may now have feats they do not qualify for (ex: Devastating Strike), a relevel will be required:
Updates and Roadmap / Re: CD Hak Changelog
Last post by SpacePope - Feb 01, 2025, 11:33 AM
CD4 Hak Update v4.04b2
Hak Compilation update
- (Shadow Daze) Now has 3 uses per day
- (Cleric Domain: Air) Fixed bolt of Glory being set instead of Chain Lightning
- (Cleric Domain: Air) Now grants Great Thunderclap at lvl 7
- (Earth Elemental appearance) Fixed model distance values being set too high
- (Weapon: Sap) Item is now considered Tiny for dual wielding purposes
- (Tempest) Fixed Harper Agent incorrectly qualifying for Tempest
- (Static Orb) Can now be empowered/maximized
- Added Deepwood Ambusher 2da entries

- Cleaned up more duplicated and conflicting files
- Split the heads and placeables haks into two new haks to help with filesize issues and NWSync
- Resized female human heads #281 and #288, and removed tattoos from #288 (Mibs)
- Added a tattoo-less copy of female human head #289, numbered #301 (Mibs)
- Added new female elf head #239 (Mibs)
- Added Deepwood Ambusher class and ability icons (IronGauntlets)
- Added 6 new banner placeables (Nibbles)
- Added three new accessories (Mibs)

- Updated Bond of Fatal Touch description
- Updated Power Attack feat description
- Updated Improved Power Attack feat description
- Updated Chain Lightning description
- Updated Great Thunderclap description
- Updated Air domain description
- Added Deepwood Ambusher tlk entries
I've got a couple of rangers, one of whom may be more interested in it than the other. Sam would likely like to get to know other rangers! He's a hunter of Selune.
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by Kalter - Jan 29, 2025, 04:35 AM
Sehlaelis would be quite interested!
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by aliirielle - Jan 28, 2025, 09:46 PM
Alright, wanted to give it a couple days for visibility!

Here's my plan so far, if any of this changes interest of anyone, no hard feelings <3

The Guildhall will be located within a Lodge located in Thunderstone (yet to be built, likely once the town itself is rebuilt). Access to the Lodge itself is public. The entrance to the Hunter's Guild will be within the Lodge, but only accessible by the rangers of the Guildhall.

-All rangers are welcome unless they commit crimes against nature, including but not limited to; overhunting, acts against conservation, actively destroying or poisoning the wilderness. Proof of doing so will get you removed from the guild and the local druids advised and authorities informed.
-While religious discourse of a civil nature is allowed so long as all parties involved are desiring to do so, arguments thereof are not allowed within the Guildhall. Take it outside and hash it out elsewhere.
-It is acceptable to show off and discuss trophies of previous hunts. HOWEVER, sentient trophies of any kind are NOT to be shown off within the guild. This does include monstrous races such as goblins and orcs, but also unicorns, fey, etc.
General Discussion / Re: Ranger Guildhall (Checking...
Last post by razgril - Jan 27, 2025, 04:16 PM
My alt-char, Ome-Ocelome Devonsmith, would love this. She's currently Ranger 9. She's a malarite.