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Quick Connect for the server

Started by drakaden, Dec 09, 2015, 08:36 AM

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These bat files allows for quick connecting to the servers, if you have doubt in the coding, you can open them if you change their extensions to a txt file.

I have added a readme inside the file to help on how to install and change the IP/port if nessecary.


Another thing that help with fast connecting is skipping the gamespy identification process, to do this you have to open your Hosts file:

If you follow this link's steps carefully, you can edit your Hosts file and add these 3 code lines:


If you have done both of those suggestions, it will barely take you no more than between 5 to 10 seconds to connect to the game.


I've been using NWNCX for some time now. It's an additional executable file and when you run NWN through it, it restores the Server List, so you skip waiting time too. You need to run it as an administrator though and your Antivir might not like it.

Neverwinter Vault Link


Yup. I do what cherrycoke there does, and I've never had a problem connecting in more than a few seconds using the CX plugins. It 'should' automatically list CD's listing even if the IP changes too, unless I'm mistaken.



I've had trouble finding it on the server list.


Using NWNCX This server and the event server will appear under PW story, regardless the ip.


.... Right.  Makes sense.  I was looking under Roleplay.  >.>


cherrycoke2l Avatar
I've been using NWNCX for some time now. It's an additional executable file and when you run NWN through it, it restores the Server List, so you skip waiting time too. You need to run it as an administrator though and your Antivir might not like it.

Neverwinter Vault Link
Your link doesn't work, it just bring back to the forum page.


NWNCX, and it's toolset version, NWNTX should be standard-install for anyone using NWN on a windows machine these days.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


I've went and took that program and installed it, it does not skip the intro and when it loads the chat and server lists it doesn't actually load them, am i missing something there? I've patched the whole thing like told in the readme.


Skipping the intro is an .ini setting.  It's supposed to cut the delay when you select "join Internet game", which you shouldn't do anyway. Join LAN and direct connect via the IP.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


The link in my previous post corrected :)


Vincent07 Avatar
Skipping the intro is an .ini setting.  It's supposed to cut the delay when you select "join Internet game", which you shouldn't do anyway. Join LAN and direct connect via the IP.
Ah well thanks, i find the bat files to be even shorter than this so i'll keep using those.