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Another of these "Reduced Playtime" Threads

Started by whangdoodle, Aug 28, 2016, 06:10 AM

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Just posting to say that I too, like a lot of others, will have reduced time due to the full time work/school thing. My schedule for the most part is I won't be on tuesday/thursday and won't be on until 8ish all other nights. (Not counting weekends)

On top of that I had a roommate tell me two weeks ago at the last moment that he was moving out and that I'd need to begin to spot all the bills on the house which I am renting. Which had me going though a giant scare of "Well how am I paying for this" mixed in with a "How am I getting a new roomate in less then 2 weeks time". Mixed with that stress I've also been sick for the past two weeks and have been unable to hold down any food which I had eaten. So for the past two weeks as some people probably noticed when trying to RP with me that I've had constant bouts of suddenly jumping to AFK without a word or slow response times. (For running to the bathroom and getting sick) And the times I did actually RP, my characters weren't the happiest campers alive. (RL problems reflect in the personality of characters I'm trying to RP, who knew?)

Good news on that bit is I have found roommates, and at this point my illness has gone away so I can eat. Oddly enough just after finding the two roommates. (So stress induced illness, really awesome!) So the big bouts of stress are gone so I should be less rough around the edges and back to my normal happy go lucky self. Sorry to those I usually RP with who'd notice that I've been not into playing or came across more snappy or on edge.

So Yatta! We did it, stress over!