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It's Time to Face the Facts! >:( ... The Fun Facts <:)

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Mar 24, 2014, 09:08 AM

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Ogre Time Yay

Had this random idea just now, and it could either be a fun idea for everyone to participate in, or it could be another retarded idea from me me me myself, and me. I'm all for opportunities for players to provide back story and content to their role play characters, and so there's this, the fun facts! :D

Here's how it works, post something in this thread that others may or may not know about one of your characters, and/or might find interesting. It could be anything from an IC thing, to an OOC decision you made or changes that popped up for your character(s).


Hydaro makes some very delicious pies, but he doesn't know why he makes them. He doesn't eat pies, so he often makes stacks, not knowing what to do with them. When the deed is done, he might spend an hour in deep thought wondering what the meaning of pies are. This often leads to the use of several narcotics and going into meditation. By the end of the day he still has a bunch of pies.



Daeatria, despite being a social rogue, enjoys practising song and dance immensely.  Sometimes, this makes people mistake her as a bard - and rightfully so.  While she most certainly cannot invoke spells with her songs, she has emotion in them.  Both her songs and dance include her acting skills that are essential for much of the work she does. And it has been one way for her to release emotions she sometimes disassociates from in her work (or unconsciously).
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow

Neisha does stuff, you know that.  What stuff, she won't ever tell anyone.  However, it is known that her children hide socks about their home, where ever they happen to be. 

Sophia has a reverie disorder, and rarely, plays out these memories as if they're real when she's wide awake.  And sometimes, has trouble distinguishing reality from the memory.  She tries to sit down, or avoid contact if this occurs, but other times, she's prone to ranting until it stops.  She also loves Deer, Kelemvor, and has a second half.  Adrianna.  The other half of her soul that was returned to her.  Adrianna is all the things Sophia is not, except for brutal killing.  They share that in common.  Lots of PC's on CD have communicated with Adrianna without realizing it.

Sorn used to be a brutal man, slaying any and all, his life was chaotic like this for 400 years, until the last century when his magic was stolen from him, and he continues to regain it with every spell.  He also has many illegitimate kids strewn about Faerun.  If he tells a story, it's always true.

The Red Mage

Keven reads and writes all the trashy, low brow, insistently everything-works-out-perfectly fiction he likes, because it makes him reflect on his young, seemingly perfect life in Myth Drannor. It makes him constantly live in denial and keep imagining that it never happened.


Let see what might others not know ..

Jaylithel is an excellent dancer. He was taught as a boy by his adoptive mother, Moona.

Jay of the Dark Hand is not a Faerunian hin, but rather an Afflicted Kender from Krynn. He also has a softspot for kids and "underdogs".

Dominique, for all her bluster about fighting and being a practical farm girl is a "girlie girl" at heart and enjoys an excuse to dress up.

Simkin, despite his young age and apparent innocence, has a wisdom despite his years and a very vengeful side.

Cecilia aka Badhbh is very sentimental in regards to affairs of love, and is likely to act outside her usual nature to protect or promote it. This stems from having lost the one man who she actually truly loved, Baqir.

Bastion, despite his usual calm and methodical approach to battle, goes absolutely batshit crazy when fighting known Banites.

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


Taly'siana is a half-celestial, but actually opposes the Blood Wars.  Not because she has love for fiends, but because so many worlds and planes (including where she was from) was destroyed from it all.  Mentioning any note of the Blood Wars going on in Abeir-Toril will guarantee her direct involvement in the matter.
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Galdern:- Semi-Retired Bladesinger, can face any threat down but one... his own mother, and can be seen running for the hills from the mere hint she's around.

Valar:- Loves secretly all the endearing names those she is close too call her, but hates admitting it.

Caine:- Reallly loves his wife, what Caine really doesn't have any hidden sides, he pretty much is what you see. He misses his Twin Sister through, a lot.

Garage Trashcan

Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich


Marbles Barbaloot's real name is Tomte Barbaerlun. His nickname came about when he was on a river barge headed for Waterdeep. The crew was outnumbered by some sort of nasties. Tomte scattered a bagful of marbles across the deck and the nasties went for a swim. The Barbaloot moniker came from a dwarven companion getting his name wrong.

OOC'ly, you can thank Dr. Seuss for Barbaloot.


Rashan cooks. At great length and with great enthusiasm. The most expensive room in the home he and Priya share, is the kitchen. He cooks, he bakes, he fries, he roasts, he barbaques. He has a food budget. He teleports abroad for the freshest ingredients. He has been known to teleport across half of Faerun to visit a favored restaurant on date night. His recipe book is thicker and heavier than the Shield's ledger.

His cooking has made a dragon go "squeee!"

That is a normal Tuesday morning for him.


Tindra: Does not wear bells. Ever. She jingles because of something she wears UNDER her clothing as opposed to attached to them.

She has a hearing problem, which is why she often says things incorrectly.

She feels deeply, but is also easily frightened... she hides this behind a need for "family" and a smile for others.

Currently, she is very lonely. Her bonded partner is dead, and many of those she had called family have moved on. She still tries to smile, though.

Beryl: Is not her parents' child. She only recently discovered (with Dar's help) that she had been kidnapped as a young girl.

She is often known as the Pink Ranger. Almost always in pink, she can track and hunt the best sales for fine clothing and designer boots!

Priya: That is her mother's name. She doesn't give out her true name often, or the truth of her past. Both are something people are gifted with when she feels trust has been earned. If you get either, its meant as an honor as she knows you can keep it to yourself. 

She's still wary of touch, especially by men, outside of her chosen partner.

Order, order, order! Everything in its place. She's rather obsessive about that, but she knows it. So does Rashan... who messes with her by moving things.

She has a weakness for soft things and is on a mission to find a lamb she can pet.

She truly is a peace-loving person with no thoughts of ruling anything. Ever. Past or future. When she finds herself "accidentally" in charge, she makes sure those working under her know it is them with the power.

She has 3 different laughs people will hear: a breath, a trill, or a burble. The more comfortable she is, the more likely you'll at least hear the trill.

You can also tell how comfortable she is by the way she sits: back straight, ankles crossed, hands in lap - she's not comfortable. Feet to the side or tucked underneath - she feels safe.

She sometimes borrows Rashan's socks and runs across the Shield, sliding... not that she'd let anyone see her being that silly though!

Lena: Hates that her parents call her Nia. Hated her super curly wild hair... until Hydaro loved it.

Her faith is something so settled in her she doesn't feel a need to defend it or try to act like a "typical" priestess... she isn't sure she could ram a stick that far up her ass anyways.

She grew up with parents that lived to fight Zhents and undead. It meant she lived in places few would inhabit and had rugged neighbors, including a few dwarfs (which explains some of her personality).

She likes to help people find their way (much like Sehanine would) by showing them what can be, but letting them take the step to grab it. She's also willing to accept anyone as they are without feeling a need to change them. She loves diversity! ...and apparently addictions. She gambles, drinks, and smokes.

Nikki: A Lantanese human. She and her father washed up on those shores from a wreck when she was a child. Her step-mother is a gnome.

She is very proud of her flying machine (even though it crashes...often).

She has a cat named Cat. She created a CAT-apult that flings fish bits across the room for the cat to chase... the bits usually land in whatever project her husband Jonan is working on.

Roan: Seriously, I'm not sure why she isn't dead yet. I don't even really like her she's such a piece of work. XD

"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere

Fire Wraith

Eve, for all her confidence and attitude, is highly insecure, and has a number of issues that go back to her troubled origin and upbringing.

Lilith is no better, even if hers are of a slightly different, if related, flavor than her twin sister's, due to the difference in their early days.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Until Rashan hit 20th level, he couldn't fly, outside the usual, standard Fly spell everyone has access to. Instead, he actually walked on air. Though this was no big secret, he went to great lengths to make clear that it was still a very worthy way to travel. By skydiving. Into the square.

Theavos often drops Rashan from ridiculous heights whenever he is sent by portal, unless there is an urgent matter at hand, or Rashan has his adopted daughter (either of them) with him.

Yeah, he has two adopted daughters. You'd think he'd have a daughter of his own, but nope. Life hasn't been that ironic to the scoundrel.


Valimar Dragonbane

Unusual factoids, eh? *summons vault full of peoples*

Ameng's purple hair isn't natural, but the result of a magical experiment decades ago when she was first learning magic.  It's stayed ever since.

Azaelyn is the twin sister to Vilith, but often longed to stab her eyes out when she became aware of her.  Point of fact, she did cause the loss of her sister's left hand.

Kalissa does own a single dress!  But wears boots with it.  She never did quite figure out the whole "walk in heels" thing.

Kyle Slade is an Arabellan, born and bred.  For the longest time he was "a farmer's son."  He has military training.

Sumest prefers to eat his meals cooked, despite being a sea elf.  He really likes pan-seared bass.  He also hates sharks and loves dolphins.

Siris would fall under the american psychology association's text book example of multiple personality disorder, had he not watched them kill each other in his mind.  He still identifies both personalities as separate physical beings and siblings.  Of all his varied possessions, the badge made for him by Priya is the one thing he would refuse to give up.  In some regards, that is his identity.

Alia'trisa is Siris' younger sister.  She's a young elf and prone to picking up strange phrases from those around her or to coin new ones.  She "Actions" all day, as an example.  She also has a talking dragon sword.  She was also murdered over a year ago, but reflects upon this as "temporary rigor mortis."  Given Arabel's adventuring population's tendency to not stay dead, this is probably an accurate description of death.

Vilith was my first character here and my standard "bitchy rogue elf" concept.  She's adopted several other adventurers as family and actually despises the one blood relative that lives in Arabel (Azaelyn).  As mentioned above, her left hand was severed by her sister's machinations and was replaced by a silvered hand with gemstone fingernails.  It's fully functional but still stiffens up on her from time to time.
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen
