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Recent Ban

Started by , Dec 29, 2014, 12:48 AM

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For clarification:

Within the core of the server's values is a respect for one's fellow players and the staff who volunteer their time to bring the setting to life.  Since Tenor's return, he has displayed a continued lack of concern and respect for others.  As witnessed in the public forums, he repeatedly argues with fellow players and admins.  However, it is the OOC harassment of players and DMs that altered the situation beyond normal intervention and resolution measures.  These behaviors are toxic to any community, online or not. When approached about these behaviors, Tenor was unwilling to abide by the admins' ruling.

It is never acceptable to harass members of our community as players or staff.

Fire Wraith

So it's thankfully been a while since we've had to ban anyone. For those that aren't aware, or haven't had this discussion with us, we don't like banning people, and we don't do so lightly. We also don't ban anyone because they broke rule XYZ or anything per se. Rather, we ban people when we generally feel like they're a serious problem, and we can't do anything to work with them on that.

For instance, it's perfectly fine to have opinions about how the game should be. All of us, even me, have things that we'd like to see changed (and no, I don't always get my way either). You're welcome to say and argue your piece, but CD is a consensus, and at the end of the day, we all have to be able to politely accept that. A good example of what not to do is something like what happened in the responses to the multiclassing thread. And even then, we're not going to ban people over just one thread like that. It takes a consistent pattern, to the point where you've managed to burn all of your bridges with all of us.

Moreover, doing things like OOCly harrassing your fellow players is something we frown on, especially when it verges on OOC-stalker-ish behaviour.

Think of it like a gaming group at someone's house. It's a big group, and lots of people are invited, and there's room for everyone - but at some point, if you're obnoxious enough that people just don't want you around, you're going to get asked to not return. Usually there's a lot of warning signs prior to things getting to that point though, so 99% of people don't have to worry, ever.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."