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Active player factions

Started by satellitemind, Apr 08, 2015, 10:41 PM

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Darvins Avatar
donkeyotay Avatar
Since this is was brought up, would there happen to be any rogue guilds around or active?
I don't know if a thieves guild exists but I have recently been considering making a quest request that might help establish one, since the big problem I would imagine with such a guild would be well, folks getting together to form it icly.

For those interested in establishing a thieves guild, please -do- make a quest request or PM myself or another staff member to let us know your interest. I will endeavor to oversee as many of these as I can. It would help, though, if you include the names of all those interested in assisting with such. I would ask that any quest request for establishing a faction have at least 5 interested parties willing to contribute to the founding of such.


Was pondering starting something with Bela, but still rolling around a whole lot of different things in my head about that particular front. There really aren't too many rogue-ish types around compared to other choices. If you need an extra head for it, Darvins, lemmie know. (Though Bela dislikes thieves intently, even so!)



I also have a character not adverse to underhandedness if you still want to do something Darvins.  Actually, I have two :)


Edge Avatar
Depends what you mean by "rogue guild".

I wasn't specifically narrowing it down to a class guild. I guess it was badly worded. I was asking about morally-shady, criminally minded factions.

Edge Avatar
A thieves' guild would really require a DM or two to be fairly attentive and open and available for people to contact, possibly with some kind of Godfather-like NPC who would send his/her minions to recruit promising PCs with the right mindsets and array of skills. The trick, of course, is finding the DMs to do so.

This was my concern in asking. This type of guild isn't something that is easy to assemble, plus if someone just starts a guild in the middle of someone's turf, it usually doesn't end well. So I was just checking.

Darvins Avatar
I don't know if a thieves guild exists but I have recently been considering making a quest request that might help establish one, since the big problem I would imagine with such a guild would be well, folks getting together to form it icly.

This is true, its hard to assemble shady types. Ultimately, I was just looking for a place where my character could get some training in techniques etc.


I think a big question on such a thing, through I will make the quest request if there is interest either way, just affects if my own char would join said guild, is do people want a CN-CG Guild or a CN-CE guild, because the two are very different. A CG-CN guild is smuggling, theft yes but skill thefts more often, while a CE-CN Guild would be more about the fear and protection moneys and the such I think. ((My Char would be more a CG-CN type person)) but the request itself would be for some sort of big heist where folks where recruited by an outside element, someone like Brad works well as the fixer, then afterwards those interested could happily form a guild based on feeling they have similar views.


My character is actually NE, but honestly would be fine with the smuggling, in fact awhile back I was trying to establish something along those lines with another DM but i never followed up and I don't think they are around anymore.  We may just have to gather interested players together oocly and have a discussion about where our interests lay.


You could also have LE characters in a theives guild.  Lawful doesn't mean "following the law of the land", but simply adhering to structure and order, things that can apply to a theives guild with very clear rules on how they conduct business.

Most real-world mobsters would be LE.


There's always the possibility of an allied collective of shady types that focus on different things like a smuggling ring, burglary etc. Easy to work together when necessary, but not obligated to agree 100% with everyone's motives. Often there's that bully in the guild that people thing take it too far, as an example


That can work yes, and may be the better idea, an NPC who acts as a Fixer for shady types, matching up people with jobs or needs. It worked well for a while when a DM did the samething for the evil types, it was likely the most fun I had with Evil Valar, you had several smaller Evil groups who had the same ally who may have had radically different plans but the NPC smoothed it over.

The same could work for a 'Thieves' Guild, a Fixer who matches folks up to jobs, so for example 'Erliza doesn't kill on her jobs, so this B+E is a really bad match for her, better not let her know about that job, but this other job, matches her talents.' Meanwhile the less... picky Rogue type gets called up for the B+E it just means a lot of work for a few DM's and such things can collapse without it.